Yesterday, I was bagging on my lack of naming skills. Today, it's the Summary for the back cover. Here's one I came up with for The Face:
I've got some new summaries made up. Here's one:
|You're name is Alex Andrews and you found these weird wrinkles on your tummy...|
That's a bit too short, though. Here's another:
|Your name is Alex Andrews, and when you were ten years old, wrinkles started appearing on you stomach. You tried applying skin cream to it, but nothing worked.
At first, having a face on the side of your stomach wasn't so bad, it was almost like having a pet. A pet that never left your side. Ever. You couldn't tell your friends about her, though, especially when the test results came up 'inconclusive'.
But now? This Thing has taken everything from your life! You can't talk to Anyone without her screaming! Your parents don't even look you in the fucking eye anymore! Did that black dog curse you all those years ago!?
Curse or not, you're going to end this one way or another.|
I know that the point is to draw the reader into the story with the summary, so it would be great if people could comment on which one of these they like most.