New routine
It was hard at first but with the help of Jay and the mates being there for the first two weeks really helped. Tristan is the quieter one unlike Attie; she’s up screaming 4 times a night which wakes up Emma nice right. I still need to tell my mum and sister, I just didn’t want to take the Ann’s out to soon I would have taking them on the day they we’re born October 20, 2012 at 8:36pm. But I thought about it and I wouldn’t what to take them on a plane. So I’m going to send them two tickets to come here.
My cell started ringing
I grabbed it as fast as possible so it did wake the babies.
“Mum” I whispered
“Why are you whispering” Mum
I covered my mouth and said oh shit then I want in to the bathroom
“Sorry mates were sleeping” I said
“Ok why are they sleeping at 7pm for are the sick or drunk” Mum
When a crash came from the kitchen
Which woke Attie up and she started crying, Attie loud when she cries I squished my eyes closed waiting for my mum to ask me why was there a baby crying and she did.
“Nathan James Sykes why am I hearing a baby” Mum
“Mmm” Nathan
“Nathan do not make me say it again” Mum
“Well it’s… (Emma woke up and started crying two) hard to explain” I said
“Well explain the fact that I can hear to babies screaming pleaz do son pleaz” Mum
“Ok about 10 months ago I got drunk and well slept with Jay and Max” I said
“Ya your gay that doesn’t explain the babies” Mum
“its hard to explain I don’t know how to tell you something like this over the phone that’s why I sent you to plane tickets to come down her” I said panicked
“Nathan just tell me I’m your mum and I love you” Mum
“They’re mine well mine and Jays” I said in one breath
“How” Mum
“Well I gauss some men can my doc said they don’t know how it happens but it does” I said
“So you sent us plane tickets? what about your dad have you told him yet?” mum
“No I haven’t told him yet I wanted to tell every one in person but… can you please not tell Jess I want to surprise her” I said
“Ya we’re coming now, I’m packing my bags as we speak so baby I have to go tell your sister to pack too” Mum
“Wait” I said forgetting about Tristan
“Ya baby” Mum
“We have three babies here” I said not think great now she thinks I had three babies
“How many did you have?” Mum
“Sorry no I only had Emma and Attie, Tristan is Tom’s” I said thinking again wow I need to word my word right
“No Tom got a girl pregnant and she dropped Tristan of at the front door sorry” I said
“Emma and Attie two girls, I have granddaughter” Mum sniffed