(Sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my mother tongue.)
Although I was born in Basel, Switzerland and one of my parents is Swiss. I grew up eight years in south of Sweden in a small town called Helsingborg facing the coast of Kopenhagen, Denmark. Surrounded by nature that has given me today the respects and love for nature and partially also for the cool weather. But it did not only change me mentally to what I am today, also in my appearance and health. I barely have any sickness and my body is robust built, well rather chubby. The behavior of the Sweds gave me self-confidence and courage to try out new things with a respectable and curious eye.My development in language. I attended to International School of Helsingborg what opened a door to speak, read and write English. In the neighbourhood I learned a bit Swedish while at home I spoke Swiss-German dialect and had once in a week German class outside of school. What made out today my German grammar troubles and had to catch up fast French (now that I am back in Switzerland).
I have no regretts and am thankful that my parents took me to Sweden instead of remaining eight years in Switzerland. Because I have a broad open mind and the flexibility; my wisdom grew as I returned (not saying that I am wise, have still a lot to learn in life). Noticing a differance not only in culture but a person's philosophy in life. A swede cares more on survial of the vast nature and a person's character while a Swiss cares what is in your money pocket and your appearance fitting as that of a role model (exagerated actually but it goes in that direction).
It made my life harder when I returned out of educational reasons but it is the sort of hardness that is worth to face. That made me smart and strong this far for now.