I could see the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAxF8PEnKR2n
restlessness in Zoey's eyes when she stepped out of her room. It looked 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4t7Yaarb0N
like she hadn't slept at all. And she wasn't the only one who looked 904Please respect copyright.PENANAFNIeEcd8nC
that way. Christine, who was sitting right next to me yawned so loud and904Please respect copyright.PENANAK5nseumSBt
her eyes looked like they could close any minute now. I looked at 904Please respect copyright.PENANAzBefYdsqA2
Christine then at Zoey who joined us at the table and sat next to Lee. 904Please respect copyright.PENANAuSlwMYL0hG
She also ended up yawning.904Please respect copyright.PENANASVTiZXGmnR
Looking at what happened904Please respect copyright.PENANABBIhqcSurE
yesterday when I left YG for the hotel with Daesung, Zoey had gone to 904Please respect copyright.PENANAKTOwiQweNx
meet Derrick's brother to give him the teddy bear. And the funny thing 904Please respect copyright.PENANA3Z3nfd8Bu1
is, the others had also gone with her. Could she have told them what was904Please respect copyright.PENANAtuIgPBg58Y
going on? It looks like it or else Seungri, TOP and Christine wouldn't 904Please respect copyright.PENANAI4fHyqPvdg
have said they were going out on a drive around the city with her. If 904Please respect copyright.PENANAGRTe7Xxhfz
they knew what was going on, Mike and Daniel must know about all this 904Please respect copyright.PENANADBmxbi1hw6
too.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZF8FN963g
I turned to look at my 904Please respect copyright.PENANAQeWzMI54A3
two brothers who sat across the table. They looked normal and perfectly 904Please respect copyright.PENANAgu3ooIx90f
fine. They didn't seem to look as tired as Christine and Zoey were. 904Please respect copyright.PENANAJtzeOkXnqD
Maybe it's because I knew what the girls were up to.904Please respect copyright.PENANAQlpKGGWA28
Last night, I was 904Please respect copyright.PENANAed2bhlLfGw
watching TV waiting for the others to come back. I was all alone. Lee 904Please respect copyright.PENANAEsT5LLzZ9X
and Collins were still at YG. The other Toxins soon arrived a few 904Please respect copyright.PENANAX91s1YnQQG
minutes before supper and when I asked them how their drive went their 904Please respect copyright.PENANAMejTbXx8Yq
response wasn't what I expected. They tried to sound okay saying the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAHgRXAZHZ22
drive went fine but they looked like something had just gone wrong and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAxYghyv8jy9
they looked scared, especially Zoey. She looked troubled.904Please respect copyright.PENANAGcvhOVx5jj
I didn't ask any further904Please respect copyright.PENANAdCulOLD1ms
but instead, ordered for our supper to be brought up to our floor. 904Please respect copyright.PENANAd5sqzbixA0
Everyone was willing to eat their supper, except Zoey who said she had 904Please respect copyright.PENANAGK1CKql4UX
something to do in her room. She asked Christine to help her out and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAY4BF8mJB23
Christine who was tired from dance practise and probably hungry, said 904Please respect copyright.PENANABERAKD3xq7
she would help though she looked like she wasn't up for it.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8DrSfc3kZp
What would those two be 904Please respect copyright.PENANAhozFOiHl2c
up to? I didn't have to bother myself with that question. I already 904Please respect copyright.PENANAeKpW4Lh7ea
knew. Derrick's brother must have realised that the teddy had no 904Please respect copyright.PENANA1cbNtFvEtE
diamonds and that it had been switched for another. My brothers who 904Please respect copyright.PENANAr46dEvmGbV
always told me everything never said a word regarding Christine and 904Please respect copyright.PENANARVHONIwR68
Zoey's behaviour or said anything about the teddy bear.904Please respect copyright.PENANAcdsAmg0ruW
I had supper with my 904Please respect copyright.PENANADtjI6BiFVi
brothers while Zoey and Christine seemed to be busy in Zoey's room. When904Please respect copyright.PENANAFGGDbNjVcb
I went to check on them to tell them that their supper was getting 904Please respect copyright.PENANA0HsZlYEKbv
cold, Zoey's room was in a mess. Her clothes were everywhere and there 904Please respect copyright.PENANAnOsw6X9Lzi
were her things lying around on the floor. When I asked them what they 904Please respect copyright.PENANAkARwEPNc0D
were looking for, they said they had lost something and they needed it 904Please respect copyright.PENANA3QnNowsvTT
urgently. I asked no more and left them to their business.904Please respect copyright.PENANABz3twk8X3O
They even ransacked 904Please respect copyright.PENANA7Zv914BKs8
Christine and Lee's room. Lee was furious when she got back and found 904Please respect copyright.PENANAn2TagJ4yt1
her room in a mess. She asked what the two were up to. They didn't give 904Please respect copyright.PENANAH1QwjB2jUW
her a straight answer. They told her the same thing they told me. Lee 904Please respect copyright.PENANAAnUaDMzjK4
was irritated and Collins laughed when he went to see what was going on.904Please respect copyright.PENANAw6BB22sQlm
Christine and Zoey asked904Please respect copyright.PENANAjG7EvA8Uzs
me if they could search my room. I told them I had no problem with it. 904Please respect copyright.PENANA1SJY4HFXmP
If they thought they were going to find the teddy in my room, they were 904Please respect copyright.PENANACCtBNXPe3m
sadly mistaken.904Please respect copyright.PENANAkNbVZPuQEV
When they found nothing 904Please respect copyright.PENANAwl69tuHcFE
in my room, they checked the boys' room as well and also found nothing. 904Please respect copyright.PENANArEdUjtLQfl
They had slept really late last night and adding onto their fatigue from904Please respect copyright.PENANAwv2fZzwfvQ
dance practise, they were awfully tired.904Please respect copyright.PENANAzG1D6ngpxP
"Did you two find what you were looking for?" Collins asked Christine and Zoey as he brought the cup of coffee to his lips.904Please respect copyright.PENANAWbzowBYFBC
"No," said Zoey. She sounded really tired.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9tHOJSxtxM
"Well, you two look exhausted. I wonder what you could have been looking for that you had to stay up all night."904Please respect copyright.PENANAw6UHrZlBlG
"It's just something I lost, Collins. I need it urgently."904Please respect copyright.PENANA8T5WdNACv0
"I could see that," said Collins with a smirk. "You shouldn't be so careless, Zoey."904Please respect copyright.PENANAeDeGHIS6gH
"I'm not careless. I have no idea where it is."904Please respect copyright.PENANA4A74hi7AAZ
"Zoey isn't the only one who has lost something around here," said Lee.904Please respect copyright.PENANA7LzZnVcC3u
"What did you lose?" Collins asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANA3Xc7QqwmS9
"Remember that small teddy bear that was sent to The Toxins? It's missing too."904Please respect copyright.PENANAd2Bh33SSYo
"It's missing?" Daniel asked, with a surprised look on his face. I looked at my brother with an eyebrow raised.904Please respect copyright.PENANA4vn1bAX2yd
"Well, ya. It was under my pillow the day I went to the mall with Sam. When I checked on it in the evening, it wasn't there."904Please respect copyright.PENANAhEVfFyGRfr
"Maybe someone took it," I said taking a bite out of my toast.904Please respect copyright.PENANAqgdHe8JoDO
I looked at Mike and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAv4sORAmkF2
Daniel who quickly looked down at their plates. I could see Mike look at904Please respect copyright.PENANAavZENIeJlX
Zoey through the corner of his eye. Zoey was staring else where and I 904Please respect copyright.PENANA60QnjKhHe9
could feel Christine fidget a little next to me.904Please respect copyright.PENANAV0WANcN7F1
"Seriously? You're 904Please respect copyright.PENANAV7QkfuuDVF
worried about a teddy?" Collins asked not believing what he was hearing.904Please respect copyright.PENANAE04kcyQPVv
"It must have dropped under the bed or something."904Please respect copyright.PENANAuSvm2RApXX
"It's Mr Teddy, Collins," I said, looking at him. "We all care about its whereabouts."904Please respect copyright.PENANA9YYlcHwv1g
"Do I? A teddy is lost and Zoey also lost who knows what. But they will all turn up eventually."904Please respect copyright.PENANAxwbcte5jR2
"Hopefully," said Daniel, giving Collins a nervous smile.904Please respect copyright.PENANAKCVx4hItCG
I hid my smirk with my cup of coffee raised to my lips. If only they knew where the teddy bear was.904Please respect copyright.PENANAtZcwL5wWy6
The day I went to the 904Please respect copyright.PENANABshEEmyS4J
mall and came back with Collins to the hotel, I had called Derrick and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAHyKz93YmWF
told him about his brother and Zoey. Since Zoey hadn't given away the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAD7LCgrP7qL
teddy yet, I had an idea of switching it with another so that I could 904Please respect copyright.PENANADpSVhgLSRz
know what the teddy had inside.904Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2aoEZPw8S
So, with Lee's help and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAFxQyErYyvQ
without Christine's knowledge, we ordered for a small teddy bear after 904Please respect copyright.PENANAfMfFWmmNuX
looking through some toy sites to see which store sold the exact type of904Please respect copyright.PENANA76JW0XxYr3
teddy bear Derrick's brother sent us. After finding it, Lee bought it. 904Please respect copyright.PENANAfPMUdjLQLR
As soon as it was delivered, Collins was the one who took the package 904Please respect copyright.PENANAWPpeQbJfCQ
since he planned on going out. By coincidence, he met the delivery man 904Please respect copyright.PENANAjmtSfBG8Pm
on his way to the elevator. Then he bought the package to me in my room.904Please respect copyright.PENANAJk45EPXPtH
Yesterday in the 904Please respect copyright.PENANALo9Ot7Soyj
morning, when Zoey went to the bathroom, I snuck in her room and looked 904Please respect copyright.PENANAqTw82MdnRL
around for her purse. She had left it on the lamp stand. I took out the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAkU8umdUOpC
teddy and swapped it with the one I bought. At that point, Zoey had had 904Please respect copyright.PENANATQ7sAXvYUi
the wrong teddy the whole time.904Please respect copyright.PENANAA7duXPGxsi
Last night when the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAwfHJxWm72p
others had gone on their so called drive and Daesung had dropped me off 904Please respect copyright.PENANAq89cY3Kdst
at the hotel, I waited for Derrick to show up since I texted him soon 904Please respect copyright.PENANAagI2zRufWk
after practise to meet me at the hotel to get the teddy bear. I gave it 904Please respect copyright.PENANA3FrhJSlgwU
to him as soon as he showed up. He told me he would find out what's in 904Please respect copyright.PENANAB6jMn3Oivh
the teddy and tell me in the morning.904Please respect copyright.PENANAC71AiNu0WD
As I ate my breakfast, I904Please respect copyright.PENANA5WaGqyldKH
felt a little anxious. I really wanted to know what was in that teddy 904Please respect copyright.PENANAYThR5c57J6
bear. I know doing all of this was risky, especially when I know that 904Please respect copyright.PENANAbIXnXTbogE
the person Zoey is dealing with is dangerous. Luckily, nothing happened 904Please respect copyright.PENANA2R7mktQUEg
to her or to the others.904Please respect copyright.PENANAtFrY66Kk4M
Lee and Derrick didn't 904Please respect copyright.PENANAq5NcBGRoDF
like the idea of switching the teddies because they were scared of what 904Please respect copyright.PENANAM1SgxXs5Q9
Derrick's brother would do. But I had no choice. If I didn't know what 904Please respect copyright.PENANA03gu6QBJ0c
was going on without bringing Derrick's brother to justice, I felt I was904Please respect copyright.PENANAxMvBkZr5Bq
letting him get away with everything. So, I had to play my cards right 904Please respect copyright.PENANAw77DtFx4dT
and take the risk. If anything ever did happen to Zoey last night, I was904Please respect copyright.PENANAwjydGaZtbN
going to blame myself entirely.904Please respect copyright.PENANAfRi9xBDseL
But just as I had 904Please respect copyright.PENANA7t5GU4q9qH
expected, nothing bad happened. Derrick's brother did what I thought he 904Please respect copyright.PENANAk55JFXNokq
would do. Give Zoey time to find the actual teddy bear with the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAQvd6emeLyr
diamonds. Now, it was my turn to be in control. I had an idea of what to904Please respect copyright.PENANAwT0YCPf0ex
do next. But I couldn't do anything till Derrick tells me what his 904Please respect copyright.PENANAyXHCTBUmzN
brother has been up to with that teddy.904Please respect copyright.PENANAxmxvZk1n1f
As soon as I had 904Please respect copyright.PENANAuzqUIoBNl9
finished my breakfast, I got up from the table and excused myself. I 904Please respect copyright.PENANADPWu8h1lQ7
left the dining table and went to my room. I got my phone that was lying904Please respect copyright.PENANAv7FlC9N19c
on my bed and immediately I did, Derrick called. I stared at the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAF1bh7ACz13
ceiling with relief. Finally!904Please respect copyright.PENANAImRqyJ5P74
"Morning," I said as I answered the call.904Please respect copyright.PENANAbHK3glZYzj
"How is the lovely morning?" Derrick asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4ocJ3lvG4
"Fine. I'm anxious though," I said as I sat down on my bed. "What did you find out?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAtl1jA0X35A
"Well, you won't believe what was in the teddy."904Please respect copyright.PENANAj84RqGwSjQ
"What is it?" My heart started to beat so fast.904Please respect copyright.PENANAvNWiURSq6L
"There were diamonds, Sam."904Please respect copyright.PENANA1G5V4y6tAr
"Wow. Seriously?" My eyes bulged out in surprise.904Please respect copyright.PENANACNRzSeA42L
"Yes. Looks like he's involved in diamond smuggling."904Please respect copyright.PENANAtlhC8tTXS4
"That's a surprise."904Please respect copyright.PENANA0a9lRoKVqY
"Not to me. I have always known that my brother has been up to no good."904Please respect copyright.PENANAlhtVo9afm6
"Well, at least you know that your brother isn't good at all."904Please respect copyright.PENANAzxn2Nb5ivX
"So, what are you going to do? Have any ideas?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAsOQGlbyegb
"I thought you would 904Please respect copyright.PENANAFAREbb8rFz
come up with one since you didn't seem to like my idea yesterday. Which 904Please respect copyright.PENANAHMVszSRkA9
worked out pretty well, by the way."904Please respect copyright.PENANAzwv4cvayH9
"I know. I was thinking you would have a better idea since yours went smoothly."904Please respect copyright.PENANATh07u1kSxd
"Good. I think I have a plan, but that will mean involving some of my friends too."904Please respect copyright.PENANA4gxIiW4uUh
"Do you think it will work out? It's dangerous."904Please respect copyright.PENANAVn1QxGK7Xb
"I know. But if they 904Please respect copyright.PENANAhir1U5TL4E
find out that I'm involved in something dangerous that they were unaware904Please respect copyright.PENANAOzwglcnrLO
of, they would help out no matter what."904Please respect copyright.PENANAXkoZ4keK4s
"Okay then. If you say so." I could hear that Derrick sounded a bit worried.904Please respect copyright.PENANA2ss5Rqvr8C
"Do me a favour. Bring the teddy to Caribbean Bay."904Please respect copyright.PENANAC6BktvhGcx
"Why Caribbean Bay?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3aExLiz51
"We will be shooting some parts of the music video there. I'll tell you what time to do so."904Please respect copyright.PENANAf0EDOBAry9
"Okay. I hope whatever you're planning will work out."904Please respect copyright.PENANAY0Z1JcshPH
"Hopefully. All I need is your brother's phone number."904Please respect copyright.PENANA7PnCNBTiyV
"You want Jehan's phone number?" Derrick sounded surprised. "But why?"904Please respect copyright.PENANANffoPBX2xo
"Your brother's name is Jehan?" It was my turn to get surprised. "Wow. Now that's a true French name."904Please respect copyright.PENANAninR0tU9zL
"Don't change the subject, Sam. Why do you need Jehan's phone number?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAKxcWLSPVxS
"Because, if I want my plan to work, I'll need to call him at some point."904Please respect copyright.PENANALEP2mJAiZy
"What are you getting at Sam? Are you trying to blackmail him since you have the teddy?"904Please respect copyright.PENANA0CP7gz7yy7
"Not really. I need to end this once and for all. And right now, I can't tell you what I'm up to."904Please respect copyright.PENANAhx9HkQDb4M
"You're very mysterious." Derrick sounded amused. "I like it."904Please respect copyright.PENANAetKuxKNBmW
"Thanks." I blushed as I smiled. "Some people find it annoying."904Please respect copyright.PENANAveVJPTOlik
"I find it very amusing. So how are you going to get his phone number? I don't have his contacts here in Korea."904Please respect copyright.PENANAdeoMkHX7HR
"Zoey's phone, of course."904Please respect copyright.PENANAO5tHmHIVvh
"And how are you going to do that without her knowing what you're up to?"904Please respect copyright.PENANARQYrdvYTum
"Leave that to me. You just bring the teddy and I'll tell you what else I would need."904Please respect copyright.PENANA9SliYkMIUC
"Whatever you wish, your Highness."904Please respect copyright.PENANADp21pw1fBa
"Hey, stop mocking me," I laughed. "I'm not a queen, you know?"904Please respect copyright.PENANA01W1klEETH
"Says the person who is acting like she is in control and also wore a crown the other day."904Please respect copyright.PENANACOpU91dm2D
"Oh." I remembered the crown Seungri had made for me and that we had posted pictures of me with the crown on my head.904Please respect copyright.PENANAHyhde17jjy
"Okay, I'll see you at Caribbean Bay."904Please respect copyright.PENANA1s2F0aeCVb
"Thanks, Derrick."904Please respect copyright.PENANAAeRL4oSmaW
I could picture Derrick smiling. "It's nothing, Sam. I'm here to help."904Please respect copyright.PENANAib0imqfxKE
I smiled and cut the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAqrJE56ijn5
call. I got myself ready when Collins called down the hall telling some 904Please respect copyright.PENANAaprgraZG9m
of us in our rooms that it was time to go.904Please respect copyright.PENANA2kka2a4vRr
I took my white leather 904Please respect copyright.PENANANlKcfcvIq2
jacket that was lying on my bed and put it on over my white t-shirt with904Please respect copyright.PENANAdAbhWqRah0
B.K initials on the lower end of my t-shirt in gold. I wore blue faded 904Please respect copyright.PENANAVQddewLwQC
tight fitting jeans and white pumps.904Please respect copyright.PENANAzVdRY4doct
I had my phone in my 904Please respect copyright.PENANAwGlMfGoJDW
pocket and I walked out of the room. As I stepped in the hall, I heard 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4oOXLmmXP8
whispering behind me and I could see Christine and Zoey talking silently904Please respect copyright.PENANAtwA7Y2NyD8
to themselves. When they saw me, they stopped what they were doing and 904Please respect copyright.PENANA01quDRXjlO
just looked at me. I looked back at them.904Please respect copyright.PENANANJDhrXwkx1
"Is something wrong?" I asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAeZ1J8QGlSB
"Uh...., nothing, Sam," said Christine. "We were just talking about something."904Please respect copyright.PENANArUwhFT5i0C
I nodded my head and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAcrkHR5KzMk
turned towards the elevator. Mike and Daniel were waiting for the doors 904Please respect copyright.PENANAem5JMbt1Kp
to open with Collins and Lee. I went to join them. Christine and Zoey 904Please respect copyright.PENANAxskYphVtJ3
followed.904Please respect copyright.PENANAPF0uI9UIEN
We were all seated in 904Please respect copyright.PENANARjznAb3yWy
the car a few seconds later and were driving to YG. Collins said we 904Please respect copyright.PENANAzHdhEvdyll
would first stop by there and check out on somethings. We were to meet 904Please respect copyright.PENANAVINs3W9AJf
the others there and go to Caribbean Bay. The make up and the video crew904Please respect copyright.PENANAwhdjd9xYyP
were also going to be there to prepare the set.904Please respect copyright.PENANAkEWca3brEG
When we came to YG, 904Please respect copyright.PENANA7d2nx9lrGA
there was a hustle and bustle around the place. The make up artists and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAkdwCAyPoCt
those dealing with the wardrobe were up and about, getting things ready 904Please respect copyright.PENANAZvPExx0QGa
and packing things in the delivery trucks outside.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9LRbya9Wu6
While people were busy 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4xIMYyUxNA
packing, we went upstairs and this time we went up to Yang Hyun-suk's 904Please respect copyright.PENANAHlSvUUXydJ
office where we found the BigBang members with their manager.904Please respect copyright.PENANAZdWAbVS5xw
"You're here," said Yang Hyun-suk who was sitting behind his desk.904Please respect copyright.PENANAFvkSbNmytl
"Yes, we are," said Collins.904Please respect copyright.PENANABCKy0kDFqF
"Are you all ready for the video shoot?" Yang Hyun-suk asked as he turned to look at us.904Please respect copyright.PENANANZHRax1oWj
"Ya, we're," I replied, enthusiastically.904Please respect copyright.PENANAI6UOLIN09Q
"This is going to be so much fun," said Seungri as he came to stand close to me and put his arm over my shoulders.904Please respect copyright.PENANAtQAhUJTFrJ
"I know." I gave Seungri a smile.904Please respect copyright.PENANA03xVsxpBIG
"I'm excited too," said Mike.904Please respect copyright.PENANADpHjUjLHdt
"We all are," said Yang Hyun-suk as he stood up from his chair. "Speaking of which, you guys better start heading there."904Please respect copyright.PENANA7PrnRiNdyF
"I was thinking we should all go together," said Taeyang. "The Toxins and BigBang, I mean."904Please respect copyright.PENANARvdsAKD8m0
"Awesome idea," said 904Please respect copyright.PENANAIuGeKgGc3m
Collins. "Yang Hyun-suk and I already thought of that. That's why you 904Please respect copyright.PENANAnh5EVpMk68
will all be going in a luxury tour bus."904Please respect copyright.PENANAiz3SBX4QCS
There was a sudden mix 904Please respect copyright.PENANAFl6HejUHTj
of emotions in the room as some of us turned to look at Collins, then at904Please respect copyright.PENANAHc24wUxJIw
Yang Hyun-suk, while others did vice versa.904Please respect copyright.PENANA0wTbaU3rs7
I on one hand, was very 904Please respect copyright.PENANAnPYaefVuAf
surprised. Not in a good kind of way. I looked at Collins, then at Yang 904Please respect copyright.PENANAPT4OsfQIv9
Hyun-suk. One thing I wasn't looking forward to was riding in the sane 904Please respect copyright.PENANAfongB5mgTL
vehicle with both G-Dragon and Zoey. Riding along with Zoey in the same 904Please respect copyright.PENANAvpjghT3N8V
car as we came here to YG was more than enough on my part.904Please respect copyright.PENANA14B410GBcW
I could see Zoey also 904Please respect copyright.PENANA9rc48GEp07
looked surprised and not the good kind either. She probably didn't want 904Please respect copyright.PENANALKDKYvO2A2
to be close to G-Dragon or me either.904Please respect copyright.PENANAL4yoIHAsP1
As for G-Dragon, he 904Please respect copyright.PENANAzA8u7D0J1z
didn't seem so moved by the whole thing. He looked really cool about it.904Please respect copyright.PENANATc6OgKXtOU
I wish I had that demeanour of his right now.904Please respect copyright.PENANAdXKhhIhF02
"This is going to be so much fun, indeed," said Christine, who sounded really excited.904Please respect copyright.PENANAd6T4iQNT6l
"I call dibs on sitting next to Sam!" Seungri said so loudly.904Please respect copyright.PENANADIlxztMwkC
"What's your problem?" Daesung asked irritably.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8Z76DDOoIr
"He wants to be close to Sam, that's what," said TOP.904Please respect copyright.PENANALaOxn5lRZR
"Anyway," said Yang 904Please respect copyright.PENANAV3tETYVi3V
Hyun-suk, completely ignoring Seungri's outburst, "there will also be a 904Please respect copyright.PENANAj3t04sqHLc
camera crew with you all day today when making the music video."904Please respect copyright.PENANAGfmx7Qx2r6
"Wait. You want to film the making of the music video?" I asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANA6bSkiRYDxj
"Yes," Yang Hyun-suk and Collins replied at the same time.904Please respect copyright.PENANA2T9YstwUYH
As far as I know, making904Please respect copyright.PENANAGuQTA8hbCw
a film about how the music video came to be was quite common in the 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4Tev2kpTnH
k-music industry. A lot of artists mostly groups do that almost all the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAWWrmpVzKHj
time. I see most of those videos on YouTube. We never really did that in904Please respect copyright.PENANA5Q2CwnSbXF
the U.S, only if you wanted to. Mostly those videos weren't released 904Please respect copyright.PENANAgf32chPuiV
anyway.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8MxVcfhcQQ
It was quiet clear that 904Please respect copyright.PENANAHSk8a2fknK
the Korean music industry was different from ours. They even made video 904Please respect copyright.PENANAy1GSGIabb7
or picture teasers of music videos that are to be released. Kind of like904Please respect copyright.PENANAZzrpANy3bO
those movie trailers for upcoming movies. I bet that was a technique to904Please respect copyright.PENANALtCeDOb3Fg
make the fans anticipate of what was bound to come in the music video.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9veFca93yr
"That sounds awesome," said Taeyang. "I bet the fans would like to know what goes on with you, Toxins."904Please respect copyright.PENANAzueG77fe8E
"We're crazy, that's what," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANAeQ3jDAF78q
"Ya, very true," said Collins, as he rolled his eyes. "And very annoying."904Please respect copyright.PENANA6YyL63dWP9
"Here we go again," Zoey muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.904Please respect copyright.PENANAeXIQ4dT08t
I smiled at Zoey's response. Looked like despite all the bad things that were going on, she still had the habit of talking back.904Please respect copyright.PENANA1NoWwXB79C
"Looks like your bus is here," said Lee, whom I hadn't heard say a word in a while. She was looking out the window.904Please respect copyright.PENANAmQwpikenhM
"Wow, seriously?" Daniel asked as he joined Lee by the window.904Please respect copyright.PENANAVyhANlf4Y7
"Looks like it's time to go," said Daesung.904Please respect copyright.PENANABvdnj0xZgf
"Okay, guys, you can go ahead," said Yang Hyun-suk. "We will see you downstairs before you leave."904Please respect copyright.PENANAYmPeqaQUQW
The two groups all 904Please respect copyright.PENANAVYaLslqbTR
walked out of the office, leaving behind the two managers and Lee. We 904Please respect copyright.PENANA9ZGQETFYiZ
were heading towards the elevator. As for me, Seungri still had his arm 904Please respect copyright.PENANAUMpHfjPuhB
wrapped around my shoulder.904Please respect copyright.PENANA2NRAXtetaM
As we walked down the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAILc1phGyPD
hall, I turned around to look behind me and I could see that G-Dragon at904Please respect copyright.PENANAI6320kNZvA
the corner of my eye walking side by side with TOP, behind Taeyang and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAJs9pYFMXsa
Christine. For a moment, I thought that he was staring at me. He was 904Please respect copyright.PENANAvO9q3xAxXA
looking the other way when I looked at him. I shook my head as I turned 904Please respect copyright.PENANABxvVnjoZL8
to look forward. Maybe I was just imagining it. It didn't matter anyway.904Please respect copyright.PENANAq6JJf22E4s
When we reached the elevator, we got inside and something really funny happened.904Please respect copyright.PENANAhEw6sBjSFj
I was at the back of the904Please respect copyright.PENANA3irZUsxFzu
elevator with Seungri and Taeyang when Mike accidently stepped on my 904Please respect copyright.PENANAhQzSm9byC6
foot because he had been pushed by Zoey as she was getting into the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAyutvuRXM1S
elevator.904Please respect copyright.PENANAd3QYBQ5bxL
"Ouch!" I exclaimed as I tried to hop on one foot but there was no enough room. I held on to Seungri's shoulder for support.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8OOvsnOCb6
"Sorry, Sam," said Mike as he tried to turn and look at me. "But could you please stop moving around? You're pushing me."904Please respect copyright.PENANATYJk6JMSBl
"Sorry," I said, as I tried to put my foot down.904Please respect copyright.PENANAwXBkZo5Jgn
I soon realised that we were all in the elevator. The ten of us. We were all squeezed up and the doors were closed.904Please respect copyright.PENANA14FCNTYlYf
"Okay, this is ridiculous," said G-Dragon who was standing close to the elevator buttons. "Why are we all in here?"904Please respect copyright.PENANABBdSi1Op4u
Daniel who stood in the middle of the elevator tried to move around but doing so with difficulty.904Please respect copyright.PENANABYoTT10edu
"Guys, have we ever been like this in the elevator before?" Daniel asked. "Like, the ten of us?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAJnL5FDlXPO
"I don't think so," said Zoey, who stood in front of Mike, next to G-Dragon, close to the wall on the right.904Please respect copyright.PENANAtRQIUn12uX
"There is no space to move around," said Taeyang who stood next to Seungri.904Please respect copyright.PENANANKuIyhVvUX
"Gosh, this is when I've904Please respect copyright.PENANAjN5Awg5ga9
realised that this elevator is too small!" Christine squealed as she 904Please respect copyright.PENANAzoZDXysH5L
was squeezed onto the elevator walls to the left with Daesung next to 904Please respect copyright.PENANA7POsL9OnAE
her.904Please respect copyright.PENANAoq5UlGL1x4
"Only eight people could904Please respect copyright.PENANAnZEC5QU0eS
fit in an elevator," I said, my foot still throbbing in pain. "But 904Please respect copyright.PENANA8yVa7XzJNj
sometimes, all that depends on the size of it."904Please respect copyright.PENANARbGskiiXir
"Sam! Can you please stop hopping around?" Mike asked. "You're pushing me."904Please respect copyright.PENANABSNgrP6KsL
"And pushing me," said Zoey as she twisted her head to look angrily at me.904Please respect copyright.PENANAGCCmqnq8Q7
"Sorry, guys," I said, still holding on to Seungri. "It's not my fault that Mike's got a huge foot the size of a boulder."904Please respect copyright.PENANAkcodGr5xQf
"Hey!" Mike sounded annoyed.904Please respect copyright.PENANA72n4HaYoJj
"Are we close to the ground floor yet?" Daesung asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANATCc89dZBln
We all looked at the 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4gDd5qwJXT
elevator monitor and realised that we hadn't moved at all. We then 904Please respect copyright.PENANAUSuIxhCiuU
turned to look at G-Dragon who was standing by the elevator buttons.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9BrHfW8qXr
"Oh, ah..." G-Dragon scratched the back of his head. "I didn't press the button to the ground floor."904Please respect copyright.PENANAJMLNHHLmtr
"JI-YONG!" We all exclaimed at him in the small space of the elevator. Then we all started muttering angrily at him.904Please respect copyright.PENANAMbjSoAzzMr
"Sorry," said G-Dragon as he winced.904Please respect copyright.PENANAM8uN8eDF9A
"Great," said TOP. "We have been here for a minute and you still haven't pressed the button to the ground floor."904Please respect copyright.PENANA9csQKs9PZH
"Not a minute. I feel we have been here for hours!" Christine exclaimed.904Please respect copyright.PENANAQsD4xhDoex
"Before we all run out of air, do us a favour and just press the button already," said Daesung.904Please respect copyright.PENANAAI5hEnXCna
"Okay, eish. I said I was sorry," said G-Dragon as he turned to the buttons and pressed the button to the ground floor.904Please respect copyright.PENANAhzIyew457H
"Finally," said Daniel in relief as we all felt the elevator start to move.904Please respect copyright.PENANAo3D62Dahtd
"I feel it's moving too slow," said Zoey. "What if the elevator can't stand our weight and we all crush to the ground?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5BrueJfvK
Everyone turned to look at Zoey with horrified looks on our faces. Mike suddenly kicked the back of Zoey's leg.904Please respect copyright.PENANApMVIA56WWC
"Ouch!" Zoey exclaimed.904Please respect copyright.PENANAjAwWY6nBbW
"You don't joke about plummeting to our deaths like that!" Mike warned her.904Please respect copyright.PENANAOP91U7Hv0N
"Mike's right," said Taeyang. "Don't give us a heart attack even when we know we aren't going to die today."904Please respect copyright.PENANAw817dXRn37
"If I were close to you, I would have pulled your ears," said Christine.904Please respect copyright.PENANAhixUXClNxa
"Ya, well you aren't my 904Please respect copyright.PENANA6rFhZRN0ag
mother so I don't see why you have to do so," said Zoey. Then she winced904Please respect copyright.PENANAcadjIe6IU4
in pain. "You really hit me real hard, Mike. Sam's right. You do have a904Please respect copyright.PENANAH1fhQUu3GY
boulder for a foot."904Please respect copyright.PENANABt1PNB35hd
"It's not my fault we boys have big feet," said Mike.904Please respect copyright.PENANAihtbPxCFoa
"Ya, you tell her, Mike," encouraged TOP with a smile on his face.904Please respect copyright.PENANAYxgNuUM2U9
"At least that proves that guys have big feet," said Zoey.904Please respect copyright.PENANATfaMfOAIYU
"Not all guys," said Daesung corrected.904Please respect copyright.PENANA5iCHVFmHyU
"Are we there yet?" Christine asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAd8h1sVgzRD
"Almost," said TOP as he was standing in front of the doors and looking up at the level monitor above him.904Please respect copyright.PENANAoPsvdJ5Auk
"Zoey, can you please stop moving around," said Mike. "You're pushing me backwards."904Please respect copyright.PENANAfj1eAjGeO7
"It's not my fault my leg hurts!" Zoey snapped.904Please respect copyright.PENANAYOyXtULhVO
"Here we go again," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANAefss2ilFvI
"Careful, guys," said Seungri. "If you push around too much, you might just hurt Sam again."904Please respect copyright.PENANAw99MjRAtsv
"Zoey is the one pushing. Not me," said Mike.904Please respect copyright.PENANAHqeDksHHP2
"If you really care about Sam too much, why don't you just lift her in your arms instead?" Zoey asked Seungri.904Please respect copyright.PENANAB48tJQuXrT
"But that would finish up all the little space in here," said Daesung.904Please respect copyright.PENANAiiHIqdWumv
"My point exactly."904Please respect copyright.PENANAM2ZX04vq3o
"When is this elevator 904Please respect copyright.PENANA42Vpcr4Xqn
drama going to end?" Taeyang asked looking up at the roof of the 904Please respect copyright.PENANA9XvlWDpxJE
elevator as though in prayer and hoping for something to happen.904Please respect copyright.PENANADpIFGutFxG
The elevator suddenly 904Please respect copyright.PENANAinweEff2SX
stopped moving and a "ding" sound was heard. The doors flew open and 904Please respect copyright.PENANA9JA5iFh4sz
those in front of me almost stumbled their way out except G-Dragon, 904Please respect copyright.PENANAyoJvlLciY4
Christine, Seungri, Taeyang and I.904Please respect copyright.PENANACHvdajKv85
"Phew! Now that's a relief," said TOP.904Please respect copyright.PENANADLSCPxz9nF
"I thought I was going to die in there," said Zoey, waving her hand close to her face, fanning for air. "I couldn't breathe."904Please respect copyright.PENANAvIBslqPcJn
"Are you guys okay?" asked the receptionist as soon as we all got out of the elevator.904Please respect copyright.PENANATjP2viAROa
"We're fine," I said as I turned to look at her.904Please respect copyright.PENANAsSVWDR8hbs
"Let's not do that again," said Daniel, who was breathing in deeply.904Please respect copyright.PENANApUi595rhNn
"Noted," G-Dragon and I said at the same time. We looked at each other for a brief moment and then looked away.904Please respect copyright.PENANAUaIRfDmJAK
"How's your foot?" Daesung asked as he looked at me.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9jtmc5MF01
"It's okay. Nothing to worry about," I answered.904Please respect copyright.PENANAlTq8XrCaJc
"Isn't anyone going to ask how my leg is?" Zoey asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANADtm9aKvKBy
"How's your leg, Zoey?" Christine asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANACcUVEfpaig
"For goodness sake, not you," said Zoey, looking rather annoyed and irritated.904Please respect copyright.PENANARgEu9lAopg
Everyone stared at Zoey and she in turn, stared back at each one of us.904Please respect copyright.PENANAGpsM7qOhyU
"What?" Zoey asked as she shrugged her shoulders.904Please respect copyright.PENANAC33sT21Xlt
TOP laughed. "What's the matter with you, today?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAsv34VpC3BJ
"She wants attention," said Christine rolling her eyes.904Please respect copyright.PENANAk6YYNpMuGq
"No, I don't," said Zoey folding her arms.904Please respect copyright.PENANAKkdXORfEuO
"Then you wouldn't have minded when Christine asked how your leg was," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANADBH8GvWngk
"You guys just don't get it." Zoey shook her head.904Please respect copyright.PENANAvPDUhVa3QC
"Ya, we do," Christine and Mike said at the same time. The two started to snicker.904Please respect copyright.PENANA2OPg7GzL7q
"So not funny," said Zoey, frowning.904Please respect copyright.PENANAsKSNquNT20
"Ummm, guys," G-Dragon called out to us.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8RquWlXfzn
He captured our full attention. We all looked at G-Dragon, and then we turned to what he was looking at.904Please respect copyright.PENANApMRZVRPmR6
The camera crew.904Please respect copyright.PENANAFtBCRA3NzE
And the camera was pointing directly at all of us.904Please respect copyright.PENANAVBqKVD60GQ
At that moment, we all just froze.904Please respect copyright.PENANAh5syzsv3Xl
"Are they filming this right now?" I asked Seungri, my eyes not leaving the camera lens.904Please respect copyright.PENANAIl0A3VQb50
"It looks like it," Seungri answered.904Please respect copyright.PENANAz6D6nBCmgG
"This is going to be fun," said the receptionist as she took out her phone and took pictures behind her desk.904Please respect copyright.PENANAZAba9F9Cy6
"Wait, are we rolling right now?" Zoey asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAnxzK2oDotQ
The man behind the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAAkJFcL35Nb
camera gave a thumbs up. We were filming and it looks like they might 904Please respect copyright.PENANA675x4uFhka
have captured all that had happened from the time we stepped out of the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAsJwNVQVm22
elevator.904Please respect copyright.PENANAGBq2rcVryg
"Well, the fans are going to love the first part of this film," said Taeyang.904Please respect copyright.PENANALIrncaMywv
"Tell me about it," said Mike.904Please respect copyright.PENANAoL4iBA16s0
"Doesn't matter," said Zoey as she flipped her hair and smiled at the camera. "What matters is entertaining the fans."904Please respect copyright.PENANAk9OeOsPQy4
"Wow," said Daesung as he smiled at Zoey. "What a change of character."904Please respect copyright.PENANAzHjOcMaXXy
"We don't call her the drama queen for nothing," I muttered.904Please respect copyright.PENANAQZeISYha8X
"I see that now," said G-Dragon.904Please respect copyright.PENANAZ23mLvPNXb
"Let's go to the tour bus outside," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANArrdcgWwwld
We all went out of the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAaYV1XQ9SLY
lobby and found a big black tour bus waiting for us in the parking lot. 904Please respect copyright.PENANA2VpSGxVEPS
The camera crew followed behind us the whole time.904Please respect copyright.PENANAvCm4CdTVOU
"This is awesome," said Daniel in awe as we approached the bus.904Please respect copyright.PENANAXxxRznbZnp
"Totally," said Zoey.904Please respect copyright.PENANADGWJ5m7xEc
"Shall we go in?" Christine asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAAIozoyr5YL
"Wait!" came Lee's voice behind us.904Please respect copyright.PENANAj1HmVGTVli
We all turned and we saw904Please respect copyright.PENANAO533pPkRMz
Lee coming towards us with a wide flat purple paper box in her hand. 904Please respect copyright.PENANAPozRKno5FA
For a moment, I thought there might just be one huge giant pizza in 904Please respect copyright.PENANAhFft9i4ojX
there. Or even a cake.904Please respect copyright.PENANAVyoaHNvrdd
"What's this?" G-Dragon asked, when Lee reached us.904Please respect copyright.PENANA3JoDfMg1RX
Lee opened the lid of the box and in it were delicious coloured looking rice cakes. Lots of it.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8bUvuunRRY
"Yum," I said as I looked in the box. "These are rice cakes, right?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAZsTvgi68du
"They sure are," said Lee.904Please respect copyright.PENANANrK855wAjq
"I've always wanted to eat these," said Christine.904Please respect copyright.PENANA7XM9bsH2EF
"It looks like a rainbow in there," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANAUmbccHRvFH
"Lovely," said Mike.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8Zyxysv1Aj
"Who sent these?" TOP asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANApI1OYmkbdb
"Your darling managers of course," said Lee.904Please respect copyright.PENANAMCCKjLAbSn
"They are not poisonous right?" Zoey asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANANkfLkATrzA
"Come on, Zoey. Why are you even asking that?" Lee asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAqEcooY9QM1
"Collins knows that my 904Please respect copyright.PENANApAUG1FJaBf
favourite colour is pink and that I would obviously pick the pink 904Please respect copyright.PENANAmw1CJ5aBwc
coloured rice cakes. So maybe he put something in them."904Please respect copyright.PENANAchFxxToB9t
"This is what we call paranoia," said Seungri, staring at the camera and pointing at Zoey.904Please respect copyright.PENANAtz2eKeYh09
"I hope you weren't saying that to the fans, Seungri," said Zoey, looking at Seungri.904Please respect copyright.PENANAUmBXNpQEAs
"No, I wasn't." Seungri smiled.904Please respect copyright.PENANANtBycla5SZ
"You guys better get going," said Lee.904Please respect copyright.PENANAKpqbWsyCnA
"Aren't you coming with us?" Taeyang asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8z0y9COwoM
"Oh, no. I'll be with your managers."904Please respect copyright.PENANAorwRLR9Ncs
"Okay, I will take these rice cakes," I said taking the box from Lee and putting the lid back on to the box.904Please respect copyright.PENANA2YxQleRwJ3
"Alright, you guys have 904Please respect copyright.PENANAzVlmSgswRa
fun now. The managers will come down and have a word with you before you904Please respect copyright.PENANAmv0fKUuWuv
leave," said Lee as she turned around and headed back into the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAUOU1tPH2Ay
building.904Please respect copyright.PENANACg68hqZWz6
"Let's go," I said, heading towards the door of the bus and the driver inside had the door automatically opened for us to enter.904Please respect copyright.PENANAZydcs13I2u
I got into the bus first904Please respect copyright.PENANA8zj6PnJ6xP
and the interior design of the luxury tour bus made my mouth drop that I904Please respect copyright.PENANAaflejBXgKR
stopped on my tracks and had blocked the way into the bus.904Please respect copyright.PENANAEnSBGu0Uxt
The bus had luxury white904Please respect copyright.PENANAvlkV6VIkLL
leather seats that lined up on both sides of the bus and even at the 904Please respect copyright.PENANADoonnL3B62
back of the bus. Above the seats at the back was a flat screen TV. An 904Please respect copyright.PENANAKcKwoO6S5f
the roof of the bus was covered in bright tiny blue lights with a 904Please respect copyright.PENANAsVbKeeMIQl
nightly blue background embedded, in the roof illuminating the whole 904Please respect copyright.PENANASsiyiAQ9SC
place in different shades of blue like they do in the club. The floor 904Please respect copyright.PENANApF3AaTWuCw
was carpeted with a white fluffy carpet with black wavy lines on it.904Please respect copyright.PENANAXcAcRbASXt
"Sam, what's wrong?" Taeyang asked as he came into the bus right after me.904Please respect copyright.PENANAujq09Mes3k
"Wow." Taeyang was also caught looking in awe just like I was.904Please respect copyright.PENANAjJmP4jRXWL
"Ummm, guys, can you please move, we also want to see," said Christine.904Please respect copyright.PENANAiDNCda7cRX
"Oh, sorry," I said as I moved in further into the bus with Taeyang behind me.904Please respect copyright.PENANAhvf4DeW3iP
"OMG! This is awesome," said Zoey as she followed behind Christine into the bus.904Please respect copyright.PENANAPp5K4K49HY
"These guys are just spoiling us," said Christine, as she looked up at the night sky roof.904Please respect copyright.PENANAnE52j7uOUa
"Nah. I've been in better luxury buses," said Zoey.904Please respect copyright.PENANAeRYS6axOz9
"Now that's a lie," said Mike as he enters the bus. "Wow, it's looks like a club in here."904Please respect copyright.PENANAUGuQQlNdvG
Zoey and Christine sat 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4HreSaRCty
on the left side of the bus on the fancy leather seats and Mike 904Please respect copyright.PENANAWXNaVqFHTN
followed. Taeyang sat on the right while I stood by the little bar that 904Please respect copyright.PENANAzMwuKxzuo6
had a small shelves filled with wine glasses. There was a cabinet 904Please respect copyright.PENANA9EdnoPbJkT
underneath where drinks of all kinds were kept. I put the box of rice 904Please respect copyright.PENANAmmAKdWbjQq
cakes on the small polished wooden counter near the bar.904Please respect copyright.PENANANZXnJjoQns
"Wow, we are going to party today," said Seungri as he came in the bus.904Please respect copyright.PENANAKEqUTCJt5o
"We're going to party alright," said TOP as he followed Seungri with Daniel behind him.904Please respect copyright.PENANASK8MW8uYDT
"I don't know," I said 904Please respect copyright.PENANA36GFlFbZOX
as I looked up at the nightly lit blue roof. "It looks like we are 904Please respect copyright.PENANA03rj4733Ja
looking up at the sky at night, full of stars." 904Please respect copyright.PENANAvXzImFMq6s
"I feel that way too," came G-Dragon's voice.904Please respect copyright.PENANAw6BAZ0wjOa
I turned to look beside me and G-Dragon was looking up at the ceiling and then he turned to look at me.904Please respect copyright.PENANAHfQmA1rpRX
It felt weird looking at904Please respect copyright.PENANAc5fSiZrhT8
him under the luminous blue lights around the place. For a second, 904Please respect copyright.PENANAfgy9Tv4bpk
there I felt caught in a moment staring at G-Dragon. It felt like I was 904Please respect copyright.PENANAiYNLZSr1m0
staring at him under the midnight sky.904Please respect copyright.PENANA4q3oLgYllD
I couldn't stop staring 904Please respect copyright.PENANAxCPeashXuZ
at him and he couldn't stop doing so with me. Just as I was about to say904Please respect copyright.PENANAPMqz9qG0hl
something, the lights above turned off and replaced by normal lighting 904Please respect copyright.PENANAJig8TSEIU6
from the bulbs.904Please respect copyright.PENANADG40LGsgss
"Found the switch," said Daniel who was kneeling over the seats and had flipped the switch on the wall.904Please respect copyright.PENANA7DHtsYKzJN
I looked away, feeling myself blush. G-Dragon went away and went to join the others on the leather seats to the right.904Please respect copyright.PENANAIOsfknhmHF
"Looks so much better," said Christine. "It's like we are in some luxury living room. Now for those rice cakes."904Please respect copyright.PENANA6lWTTgba96
Christine eagerly stood 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4OwRhBLPui
up and came to me by the counter where the rice cakes were. She opened 904Please respect copyright.PENANAPs9si1chXe
the box, took one and bit into it.904Please respect copyright.PENANAB3HUOCGd96
"Mmmmm, Zoey, you should come and try this," said Christine, as she smiled. "They are delicious."904Please respect copyright.PENANAemkQZlcLjo
"Let me try one," came Daesung behind me and reached for a rice cake in the box.904Please respect copyright.PENANAWu02FCrrAY
I felt a little awkward 904Please respect copyright.PENANAlqbveFQIjm
when I felt his arm brush against mine when he was reaching for the rice904Please respect copyright.PENANAiPN5b1YO67
cake. I could feel Daesung so close to me and that made my heart beat a904Please respect copyright.PENANAmYo3hZ32sc
little faster. When he took a rice cake from the box, I thought he 904Please respect copyright.PENANAgb1oHzeCH6
would take it into his mouth. But instead he did the opposite.904Please respect copyright.PENANAgcXp3nqG3x
He brought the rice cake904Please respect copyright.PENANA5PDnxIRPdV
close to my mouth. For a moment, I was a little confused. I raised an 904Please respect copyright.PENANAfkEbfcrAdG
eyebrow as I looked at the rice cake in front of me.904Please respect copyright.PENANATg7VBbQlOS
"What the 904Please respect copyright.PENANA3QXKXJsM8v
heck.....Daesung....," I wanted to turn my head and look at him but that904Please respect copyright.PENANAcntmuD1oiG
was a no go zone. If I did, I was afraid I might end up kissing him 904Please respect copyright.PENANAQK3plylPyq
since he was so close.904Please respect copyright.PENANAeObIe0ZQ4x
"Eat it," said Daesung as I saw him smile through the corner of my eye. "Or you don't like it that I'm the one feeding you?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAwRviCzuY86
I opened my mouth to say904Please respect copyright.PENANAIjXKUJI3Ne
something but quickly closed it again when I figured that I had nothing904Please respect copyright.PENANArcrbHYHq2P
to say. I blushed. I didn't expect this, not from Daesung. I continued 904Please respect copyright.PENANAknKlRtzfkd
to look at the rice cake.904Please respect copyright.PENANAgucdwhQUsK
"Come on, Sam, eat it," 904Please respect copyright.PENANAoEth2cfnN1
said Christine. She giggled. She obviously noticed that I was blushing. 904Please respect copyright.PENANA6q91ZJ3vRi
"That's if you think they are poisonous just like Zoey."904Please respect copyright.PENANAH4JodC8N4X
I would have given 904Please respect copyright.PENANAAc5p0a370T
Christine a frown, but I was blushing too much to do so. I took a deep 904Please respect copyright.PENANAnxF1czXNx9
breath as I bit into the rice cake, Daesung was holding up in front of 904Please respect copyright.PENANADwvygdUNN1
me. I had my eyes closed as I chewed on the cake. I chewed on it slowly.904Please respect copyright.PENANAzcfy0Fphxv
"Yum," I muttered to myself as I savoured the flavour. "This is so good."904Please respect copyright.PENANAUYbD4kNjZ3
"Told you," said Christine, finishing her rice cake.904Please respect copyright.PENANAa4jT6EuT1D
I turned to look at Daesung. Luckily, he gave me a little space. I smiled at him.904Please respect copyright.PENANA3qb8bjsC6K
"Delicious isn't it?" Daesung asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANArjwWk06mce
"Ya, so tasty. For a moment, I felt different," I said. "Like I was some place else."904Please respect copyright.PENANAzqiyCrsBTO
"Here you go," said 904Please respect copyright.PENANALUddSzYLg0
Daesung as he lifted the rice cake he had been holding and he lifted to 904Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5VTCN9P9y
my mouth. I took the whole rice cake into my mouth.904Please respect copyright.PENANAdWQwkPccMG
I could see G-Dragon 904Please respect copyright.PENANAz1KDCmCOBv
through the corner of his eye staring at me. I even heard him clear his 904Please respect copyright.PENANAPIillL62hz
throat. He took a rice cake from Christine and looked away.904Please respect copyright.PENANAmgW4dHMCdj
"Let me taste them," said Mike as he also came to get one.904Please respect copyright.PENANAoUFVQoBrTv
"Wow," said Mike immediately he took a bite out of the rice cake.904Please respect copyright.PENANAlTbjXjPM3w
"Pass them out to everyone, will you?" I asked as I looked at Christine.904Please respect copyright.PENANASwn9haRCoL
"Okay," said Christine as she took the box in her hands.904Please respect copyright.PENANAQXH0cdV2tZ
Before Christine could carry the box away, I took one rice cake and held it up for Daesung to eat it.904Please respect copyright.PENANAmK63yzlKR5
"Your turn," I said as I brought the cake closer to his mouth.904Please respect copyright.PENANAhirgQ0Hgmi
Daesung smiled at me and said, "okay." Then he took a bite out of the rice cake.904Please respect copyright.PENANApm8AHBfod5
"I should learn how to make these," I said.904Please respect copyright.PENANALoMsXDzAVF
"I can help you with that if you want," said Taeyang as he got a rice cake from Christine.904Please respect copyright.PENANAYwg7f6vkSs
"That will be awesome. You can also teach me how to cook some other Korean cuisines too."904Please respect copyright.PENANAK6i0NvD3jS
"I also want to be part 904Please respect copyright.PENANAP5CROAMx7n
of that cooking class," said Christine as she turned to look at Zoey to 904Please respect copyright.PENANAZJITqmthfN
give her a rice cake. "What do you think, Zoey?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAp5zGwY7TFy
"You know I hate cooking," said Zoey rolling her eyes. "You and Sam are better off without me."904Please respect copyright.PENANAyiIgM1gDtw
"I'm not surprised," said Mike.904Please respect copyright.PENANANk28pXGnDG
"I see that you're all enjoying the rice cakes and planning on making a buffet," came Collins' voice.904Please respect copyright.PENANABR0oIkQ46j
I turned around and 904Please respect copyright.PENANAwpKxkA8YBB
coming into the bus was Collins and Yang Hyun-suk. The camera men had 904Please respect copyright.PENANAu7vI8UWlHV
been around the whole time and I completely forgot that they were even 904Please respect copyright.PENANARTpVMLpmyZ
there.904Please respect copyright.PENANAwX6PnQegY7
"I see The Toxins are 904Please respect copyright.PENANA71jemBrW8K
enjoying the rice cakes," said Yang Hyun-suk, looking at Zoey who 904Please respect copyright.PENANApFAPiJ422X
already had another rice cake in her hand.904Please respect copyright.PENANAbl2R3rM64B
"I've just realised that you guys are the best managers ever," said Zoey her mouth full of cake.904Please respect copyright.PENANAVIs8hLKlhl
"I thought you didn't want to eat those," said TOP. "Said they were poisonous."904Please respect copyright.PENANAffikFyYoCM
"I had a change of heart." Zoey took in the whole rice cake into her mouth.904Please respect copyright.PENANANl2aaIgm0e
"So, you guys have fun," said Collins. "We might come later on. We will meet you at Caribbean Bay."904Please respect copyright.PENANAep1sgxbMD0
"Having fun is our priority," said Seungri.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8B3z2QLRin
"Ya, no doubt about that," said Yang Hyun-suk, giving Seungri a grim look.904Please respect copyright.PENANAl3NNrNVUOb
That almost made me 904Please respect copyright.PENANAACbB9vXLOg
laugh and so did the others. Just as the managers were about to leave 904Please respect copyright.PENANAAporbhYmWn
the bus, Collins stopped and turned around.904Please respect copyright.PENANAXAzmJrQces
"Oh, Sam," said Collins. I turned to look at him. "There is something in the bus you have to find."904Please respect copyright.PENANAgeH2EvzI1U
"Like what?" I asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAqGxTTH0sZs
"You'll figure it out 904Please respect copyright.PENANAvHHoFyfUd9
when you find it," said Collins with a smile. He turned around and left 904Please respect copyright.PENANAnV6w83aYtJ
the bus. The door closed behind him.904Please respect copyright.PENANA3FLQbnb4h3
"What do you think he meant by that?" Daesung asked as he looked at me.904Please respect copyright.PENANASJzDghuUef
"I don't know," I said as I looked at Daesung, then around the bus.904Please respect copyright.PENANAuE08Qd9v5o
"Maybe it's some kind of present?" TOP asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAGLJlBUN9Ww
"We'll have to look for 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4vY0WkYaJ9
it to find out," I said as I walked further heading to the back. "If I 904Please respect copyright.PENANAhpIepnEET1
remember well, Collins once hid something from me that one time we went 904Please respect copyright.PENANAGTdepZVy6S
on tour in the bus." I looked at the seats at the back of the bus. "And 904Please respect copyright.PENANA91EebBGn6K
he hid it under a compartment right under the back seat."904Please respect copyright.PENANAbEpN5qiRIn
"Wasn't it that time he hid your notebook when we went on tour in New York?" Zoey asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAw4LWITGcJG
While I was facing the 904Please respect copyright.PENANA96aXaElHa3
seat, I smiled to myself. Zoey remembered. I was a little surprised that904Please respect copyright.PENANAcyciAkjVHN
she had remembered the day I thought I had lost my notebook and went 904Please respect copyright.PENANALJm9cURfXX
crazy, just looking for it. It really meant a lot to me that she 904Please respect copyright.PENANAPqVELy27tp
remembered. She was one person who never remembered moments when it 904Please respect copyright.PENANAd2FwxH3pfk
really mattered.904Please respect copyright.PENANACD4tGSbfPu
"Ya, it was," I said.904Please respect copyright.PENANAnKUaJq8LWx
"I remember that day," 904Please respect copyright.PENANAN6KTmgI4xy
said Mike. I looked at him and he was staring up at the ceiling, 904Please respect copyright.PENANAXwcVhLx8vC
obviously remembering. "That day was so funny yet a little tragic."904Please respect copyright.PENANAf09QpSpPlc
"Why do you say that?" G-Dragon asked. I was surprised that he had asked that question.904Please respect copyright.PENANAqsBbXitcsl
"You should have seen 904Please respect copyright.PENANAcnhRI8FfyH
the look on her face when her notebook went missing," said Daniel. "She 904Please respect copyright.PENANAAwaeZexV4S
was terrified and kept on telling herself that she could never have lost904Please respect copyright.PENANA1MkU9RqpCL
her book because she was always so careful with where she puts it."904Please respect copyright.PENANAhlcA4CHKxF
"Ya, I remember she went904Please respect copyright.PENANAJJfMrt9rR4
back and forth in the dressing room looking for it," said Christine. 904Please respect copyright.PENANA1L9geDpPue
"She almost tore the whole room apart."904Please respect copyright.PENANAsoQGe4l3Fu
"I had never seen her so agitated and upset all at the same time," said Zoey. "It was scary."904Please respect copyright.PENANAF8S7DFlZg0
"I'm trying to imagine it but I just can't," said Taeyang as he looked at me.904Please respect copyright.PENANAfJGiuiYr15
"Don't even try," I said as I looked at Taeyang. "Zoey's right. I'm not a pretty sight to see when I'm angry."904Please respect copyright.PENANALLCM1xpQfc
"But do you think Collins has something hidden in the compartment?" Seungri asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAowLV8euSq0
"I'm pretty sure," I said. "Could there be any place around here to hide anything?"904Please respect copyright.PENANA0i3oJPP3az
The others all looked at each other and murmured that I was right.904Please respect copyright.PENANArYy2UUdMFk
So, I knelt down on the 904Please respect copyright.PENANACtBuVlXKWc
soft fluffy carpet and reached for the wide compartment drawer under the904Please respect copyright.PENANAL0Y3PbjJu9
seats. It opened like a regular drawer and when I rolled it open, in it904Please respect copyright.PENANA115syWlhCs
was a guitar.904Please respect copyright.PENANAkapRX0G6YJ
"A guitar?" I was puzzled when I took it out and pushed the compartment drawer back in place. I stood up and looked at it.904Please respect copyright.PENANAaBfHShpNUC
"Why a guitar?" Daesung asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANAGGctCosY3j
"I don't know," I said as I sat down on the seats at the back and settled the guitar on my lap.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9Ag8u6nIVo
Daesung came to sit next to me and surprisingly, Seungri also came and dropped himself on my other side.904Please respect copyright.PENANAQGeuhmWTcl
"You weren't kidding, were you?" I asked when I turned to look at Seungri.904Please respect copyright.PENANAxIdieFsXts
"I did say I was going to sit close to you," said Seungri, looking at me.904Please respect copyright.PENANAIT7g6bSMJ0
"That's Seungri," said TOP. I could see the irritation on his face.904Please respect copyright.PENANAMYAF0bYIqy
"I think we can start 904Please respect copyright.PENANAjkkraXQzqg
off now," said G-Dragon, calling out to the driver at the driver's seat 904Please respect copyright.PENANAzJZElWkzWK
of the bus since we had all settled down.904Please respect copyright.PENANATL2J80aeTO
The engine's bus roared to life and I could feel the bus start to move.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9fkwHbMCvk
"This is going to be an 904Please respect copyright.PENANA4KbadN3APQ
exciting trip to Caribbean Bay," said Christine as she positioned 904Please respect copyright.PENANAWRkDYWkJ0f
herself on the seat to look outside the window.904Please respect copyright.PENANAYaZyJURX1k
"Well, at least it's not the first time we will be going there," said G-Dragon.904Please respect copyright.PENANADe5Xjo97aU
"Last time we didn't really go there together," said Mike. "We just met there."904Please respect copyright.PENANAjmvF7m7S9Q
"But now we can," said Zoey who had the box of rice cakes close to her. "And this time, we are really going to have fun."904Please respect copyright.PENANAha8KobhGBY
"Ya. Last time we had to play cops and robbers," I said as I slowly started to pull the strings of the guitar.904Please respect copyright.PENANAUWkGSIUn8o
"Oh, ya," said Mike 904Please respect copyright.PENANABHSknMoYy1
getting another rice cake from the box. "Zoey, G-Dragon, Daniel, 904Please respect copyright.PENANAwE3PwZKixb
Christine and I were the robbers having a good time."904Please respect copyright.PENANAnnygnErfep
"While some of us had to play cop and bring you back to YG," said Daesung.904Please respect copyright.PENANAp2NjnD7oe4
"We should do that again," said TOP. "Despite chasing you guys around, it was kind of fun."904Please respect copyright.PENANAVFS4raqiYQ
"This time we will switch," said Seungri. "We will be the robbers and Zoey with the rest will be the cops."904Please respect copyright.PENANATz6D6UtNZa
"Mmmmm, that sounds like a great idea playing that game all over again," I said as I turned to look at Seungri. "So smart."904Please respect copyright.PENANAfWktRRBtii
"Thanks."904Please respect copyright.PENANA7djXTiFefc
"No way," said Zoey with904Please respect copyright.PENANA6nWcyQSX0R
her mouth full of rice cake and shaking her index finger in the air. "I904Please respect copyright.PENANAP6D5Nuq7Av
still want to play the bad guy. I'm good at it, you know?"904Please respect copyright.PENANALIiJNtcb79
"No doubt about it," said Daniel. "You're the drama queen after all."904Please respect copyright.PENANATToSgsdEeO
Zoey took a little bow. "Thank you."904Please respect copyright.PENANAeMwDKLJUnK
"Well, I'm done playing bad," said Christine. "I think I'll join the good guys."904Please respect copyright.PENANAgSCVX2lsuZ
"I'll still remain on the bad side," said G-Dragon.904Please respect copyright.PENANAyVmByd9Imm
"Yes!" Zoey punched the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAmFTgSQwmak
air. She looked quite happy. "Oh." She realised that everyone was 904Please respect copyright.PENANAY2Boi3q1SZ
looking at her and she felt embarrassed as she looked away putting a 904Please respect copyright.PENANAJoWB12bwcS
rice cake in her mouth.904Please respect copyright.PENANAuUlLhmoWNE
"Then I'll join the robbers," said Seungri.904Please respect copyright.PENANAajIgKs2j5N
"I'll play cop," said Daniel. "You wants to switch?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAestDGPFCUx
"I'll switch," said TOP.904Please respect copyright.PENANAV3VrUTOOH2
"Anyone else?" Taeyang asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANA96jjoYS15N
"I think I'll play robber, thanks," said Mike.904Please respect copyright.PENANAJVZC3Z6SX1
"I don't think I want to switch either," I said as I slowly started to pull the strings and the tune became louder this time. "I think I'll remain one of the good guys," I said in a sing song voice.904Please respect copyright.PENANAHFoCZ4QHpq
"And we will still be one of the bad," sang Zoey, following my tune.904Please respect copyright.PENANAziDKgrudDm
"Oh, no, guys," said Daniel shaking his head at me and Zoey. "Not now, not again."904Please respect copyright.PENANAlYUR6oiK24
"What's wrong, Daniel?" Daesung asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANA1wagc8uiLc
"They are doing it 904Please respect copyright.PENANAfXN28Wf7Rx
again," said Mike. "Sometimes, these two like to talk but as though they904Please respect copyright.PENANA6NS37eOGV5
are singing a song. At the end if it, it will end up like a real song 904Please respect copyright.PENANAZsYPdRyVaq
for sure."904Please respect copyright.PENANAnruyE8ogqp
Christine: I see nothing, nothing, nothing wrong with that.904Please respect copyright.PENANAsVRajiOASW
"See what I'm talking about?" Mike pointed out but also in a sing song voice. He covered his mouth immediately.904Please respect copyright.PENANAfDL5yx6mYf
TOP laughed. "I see nothing wrong with that. It sounds kind of fun."904Please respect copyright.PENANAYOz9q3O2bR
"Ya, but at the end of it all, we might all end up singing out our conversations," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8aZjgGcBmj
"I don't see the problem, we haven't done this in a while," I sang. "You know you can't beat us so join us."904Please respect copyright.PENANAAtY5BtxzBg
"You know you can't beat us, just join us," Zoey and Christine sung, this time their voices slightly going high.904Please respect copyright.PENANA7X92kH4UCj
Daesung: I see no harm, this is kind of fun.904Please respect copyright.PENANA6dd88IakkV
Taeyang: I'm loving this, let's do it for a while.904Please respect copyright.PENANAz6OY0nU5Nh
"Not you too," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANAFiaSdCLxgl
Seungri: You know you can't beat us, just join us.904Please respect copyright.PENANAHVuMxgyCEz
"You know you can't beat us, just join us!" Daesung and Taeyang sung.904Please respect copyright.PENANAd3e0GYolF1
"Gosh, am I the only normal one here?" Daniel asked blocking his ears.904Please respect copyright.PENANA7Hm4bhCnmi
Me: C'mon bro, I know you want to sing along!904Please respect copyright.PENANAlOaFGGwXJW
"Oh, no I won't," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANA41cRHuDh6y
Christine and Zoey: Oh, yes you do!904Please respect copyright.PENANAtudK3YyQrb
TOP: I know it's crazy but this is kind of cool.904Please respect copyright.PENANACkBA4XPkbW
G-Dragon: This is weird and doesn't make sense, but I'm doing it too.904Please respect copyright.PENANADpCyagaAKp
Mike: Oh my gosh, not you GD.904Please respect copyright.PENANA8rs15zPlrH
G-Dragon: I couldn't help it but I had to try.904Please respect copyright.PENANA4QjU0t96MJ
Me: Don't mind about it you are quiet good.904Please respect copyright.PENANAU2WrICkwJI
Daesung: We should be doing this more often.904Please respect copyright.PENANAra0oY0E3SK
Daniel: Not when I'm arounnnd! Dang it!904Please respect copyright.PENANAOYhqkQBph9
Zoey: Well, it's about time. I'm glad you sang.904Please respect copyright.PENANAYBIqf21TS0
Daniel: I'm not going to forgive you. This is far from done.904Please respect copyright.PENANA9oEPdFD8FY
Zoey: Ya, I know.904Please respect copyright.PENANA5JIWuPmuT9
Christine: Damn, Zoey you're finishing up all the rice cakes.904Please respect copyright.PENANAKehPaLhhj7
Zoey: It's not my fault they are too freaking good.904Please respect copyright.PENANA5KeeGdLfiC
Seungri: Let her have it all. It will do her some good.904Please respect copyright.PENANA1XzlcCslhu
Zoey: What do you mean?904Please respect copyright.PENANAu86yGmlwLE
Seungri: You know what I mean.904Please respect copyright.PENANAUuxYLEIYQj
G-Dragon: It's starting to get hot in here.904Please respect copyright.PENANA1MO8ycJ5oH
Mike: I see what you mean. Zoey likes to eat too much.904Please respect copyright.PENANAW0lmKB7lPW
Zoey: That's not true.904Please respect copyright.PENANAYGC8yz2Mej
TOP: Look who is talking.904Please respect copyright.PENANAampUTAgdfJ
Mike: This is going to be fun.904Please respect copyright.PENANA6y3PYTuYtZ
Seungri: And the best is yet to come.904Please respect copyright.PENANAk5z8RMKTuH
Taeyang: It's going to be fantastic.904Please respect copyright.PENANAbbyiMhQ7mE
Daesung: Too fantastic.904Please respect copyright.PENANANfQ9O3TK5S
Daniel: Wow, fantastic baby!904Please respect copyright.PENANADWbcQOhv5w
At the end of it all we started to sing "Fantastic Baby". From there we sang "Sober" and other k-pop songs.904Please respect copyright.PENANA2TODuv47Ff
The funny thing about 904Please respect copyright.PENANAQu6CHee8Rk
singing those songs, is that we The Toxins would sing out some of the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAqC6tPhOW0h
words wrong but it didn't matter because we were having so much fun.904Please respect copyright.PENANAIGMyIZK01F
After singing "With You" by BigBang, I was laughing so hard more than anyone in the bus.904Please respect copyright.PENANAy1XWReMDn0
"What's wrong with you, Sam?" Daesung asked.904Please respect copyright.PENANA3DLDdqRbGr
I wiped the tears from 904Please respect copyright.PENANAByahXwIdxT
my eyes and said, "while we were singing the song, I couldn't help 904Please respect copyright.PENANASgTbpICabX
myself but laugh. I remember the music video and seeing you guys now is 904Please respect copyright.PENANAgQkln6Xc5u
funny."904Please respect copyright.PENANASElOshwF1J
"That was a long time ago," said TOP.904Please respect copyright.PENANAfPYp7JKHNZ
"I remember that video," said Mike. "You guys have really come a long way."904Please respect copyright.PENANA3RpVStUf1W
"Ya, we have," said G-Dragon with a smile on his face.904Please respect copyright.PENANAsKY93ZrS2w
"Guys," Christine called out to us as she looked outside the window. "It looks like we are here."904Please respect copyright.PENANAF7Rryvro8m
"What! No way!" Zoey positioned herself on the seats to look out of the window. "We're really here?"904Please respect copyright.PENANArCpwwJcNuV
Mike and Daniel were 904Please respect copyright.PENANAwvu2usiKBz
also looking out of the window and I stood up from my seat laying the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAbOdYuPWvAl
guitar down. I went to join them kneeling on the seats and looking out 904Please respect copyright.PENANAF3QNI8F3U6
the window.904Please respect copyright.PENANAXZO8seKkfI
We were at Caribbean Bay, alright. And the bus was already in the parking lot.904Please respect copyright.PENANAj1FYJTxVED
"Well this journey felt a little short," said Daniel.904Please respect copyright.PENANAPmDScwGCYC
"Tell me about it," said G-Dragon who stood right behind me.904Please respect copyright.PENANAuSs5jf8MYD
"We are still going to have so much fun," said Daesung. "So, I'm not worried."904Please respect copyright.PENANAm5KrsiFzBO
"Ya, we are," said Zoey, joyfully.904Please respect copyright.PENANAZkFAfATUKs
When the bus had parked 904Please respect copyright.PENANAGTUH8hWH0H
and the engine had died down, we all got ourselves ready to leave the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAZxEqkGlPGj
bus. Everyone seemed to be really excited that they started to leave the904Please respect copyright.PENANAFgmGkukpXY
bus immediately. I went to the back seat of the bus to get the guitar 904Please respect copyright.PENANAlQoDRnlHTM
and when I turned around, everyone had already left.904Please respect copyright.PENANAcmE5FaNePq
Just as I was about to 904Please respect copyright.PENANAFdyRD9xTqA
leave, I noticed something from the corner of my eye. On one of the 904Please respect copyright.PENANAXOHkVGiLmM
leather seats where Zoey and the other Toxins had been seated, was a 904Please respect copyright.PENANA79KhMhPmR0
phone. I went over to the seat and picked it up. It was Zoey's phone.904Please respect copyright.PENANANMXpaZH7aP
Now was the time to get 904Please respect copyright.PENANAjD34QvAC1F
Jehan's number. I quickly laid the guitar on the seats and took out my 904Please respect copyright.PENANACkM8vzlesA
phone from my pocket. I turned the screen on Zoey's phone and unlocked 904Please respect copyright.PENANAqTRtAxpos0
her phone. She put up a screen pattern as her screen lock. Seeing her 904Please respect copyright.PENANAnl30As4UeG
with her phone many times, I made the Z pattern on her phone. It was so 904Please respect copyright.PENANAIh3UqjJ56z
easy.904Please respect copyright.PENANAPiD6zIk8wN
As soon as I accessed 904Please respect copyright.PENANA1fqWao2FRY
her phone, I went straight to her call log. I felt going to her contact 904Please respect copyright.PENANA5GccSJsqBG
list was going to take a lot of time. Immediately I went to the call 904Please respect copyright.PENANAFGEphEh6EB
log, I saw the number I was looking for. Jehan's name came right up on 904Please respect copyright.PENANAhtNLj5YqN8
the screen.904Please respect copyright.PENANAIeGWQOEj5D
When I unlocked my phone904Please respect copyright.PENANA4bbp9RJqcC
and took down the number in my phone, I quickly tucked my phone away 904Please respect copyright.PENANAAtlHnbgIZs
and I carried the guitar in my other hand. Just as I turned around to 904Please respect copyright.PENANAhA15Z93DDe
leave, a few feet away blocking the way out of the bus, stood Zoey.904Please respect copyright.PENANACqFl7Mdlnl
I paused when I looked 904Please respect copyright.PENANAmIbzQ6dwMo
at her. She was looking back at me. I couldn't read the expression on 904Please respect copyright.PENANAOhqt7mOQWj
her face and I was scared that she might have seen me go through her 904Please respect copyright.PENANAHO2RhVzhBR
phone.904Please respect copyright.PENANAcXRttW5BYX
"I came to get my phone," said Zoey eyeing the phone in my hand.904Please respect copyright.PENANATDTggeTqoE
"I was just about to bring it to you," I said as I walked up to Zoey and gave it to her.904Please respect copyright.PENANAeugDLBHOuy
"Thanks," said Zoey as she looked down at her phone.904Please respect copyright.PENANApobuGn9Zlz
"I had fun today," I said as I looked at her. "With all the singing."904Please respect copyright.PENANAwaFsrxMsWY
"Ya, I had fun too." Zoey looked up at me and even though she was doing her best not to smile, her eyes gave her away.904Please respect copyright.PENANAVewMaz6jqR
"We better get going," I said. "The others must be waiting."904Please respect copyright.PENANAPN2rQbBJ3u
For a moment, Zoey 904Please respect copyright.PENANAouEjEl7PvT
didn't move or say anything. She continued to look at me and I could 904Please respect copyright.PENANArgRyqJa1QT
tell that she wanted to say something. Could it be that she was trying 904Please respect copyright.PENANA0tiYz3E7Ej
to tell me all about her and Jehan?904Please respect copyright.PENANAvz4GKMX2GL
"Ya, we better get going," said Zoey as she quickly turned around and walked out of the bus.904Please respect copyright.PENANAX05WYrC8Tv
I stood there motionless904Please respect copyright.PENANAeX2fDFkYzL
as I watched her leave. I didn't like to see that she was going through904Please respect copyright.PENANAXRU2NGZw4q
all this and she couldn't tell me. I am such a bad friend. I have known904Please respect copyright.PENANAbk2Tx23QUK
all along what's been going on and I'm silent about it. I didn't like 904Please respect copyright.PENANAQyPXTr6Tje
seeing Zoey like this. I had to put an end to do this somehow now that I904Please respect copyright.PENANAwvMAsLKuPN
had the upper hand.904Please respect copyright.PENANA0b0LvKhLF2
As I was walking out of 904Please respect copyright.PENANAreAeTi7FYx
the bus, I pulled out my phone and texted Derrick to bring the teddy 904Please respect copyright.PENANA6reKuT2tyE
bear. When I sent the message, I was standing at the door of the bus and904Please respect copyright.PENANACK1KyRweND
just as I put my phone away, I looked up and TOP stood there in front 904Please respect copyright.PENANAt1ks78TkYf
of me.904Please respect copyright.PENANASziaKJwBDn
"What's taking you so long?" TOP asked. "I saw Zoey come out of the bus. Did you two argue?"904Please respect copyright.PENANA831v2FpXOQ
"No, I didn't," I said. I thought for a while before I asked, "can you help me out with something?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAeDSJINbgg9
"Anything. What do you need?"904Please respect copyright.PENANAogccmNFdTX
"Let's go, I'll tell you along the way."904Please respect copyright.PENANAxOmZ65jZVo
I jumped down from the 904Please respect copyright.PENANA950zB2QgfO
bus and walked alongside TOP towards the front gates of the water park. 904Please respect copyright.PENANAkb15CL7n0e
There weren't a lot of people around in the parking lot and there were a904Please respect copyright.PENANAkoMi2ZsMdL
few cars too. The others had already gone in the water park.904Please respect copyright.PENANATXWiOzb7fQ
I had to find a way to 904Please respect copyright.PENANAMylMCeqNby
help Zoey out of the mess she was in and bring Jehan down. But to do 904Please respect copyright.PENANAbLx5wcRqFC
that, I would need all the help I can get.