I have my headphones on, listening to one of my favourite rock songs by Nickelback on my iPod while leaning back on the comfortable inclined chair on the plane. My eyes were closed while I waved my hand around, enjoying the music. I soon felt someone grab my headphones and pull them away from my ears. I look up and growl when I see Zoey. Likewise, I reach out for them, but she lifts them up further.
“Come on, Zoey, this isn’t funny,” I said. “Give them back.”
“Are we almost there?” Zoey asked.
I groaned. It’s only been an hour since we took off, and Zoey is already getting impatient. This is supposed to be an exciting trip for all of us. And it’s the only time to rest because of how busy we were this past week.
“No, we aren’t there yet,” I said. “We might take thirteen hours or so.”
“Thirteen hours! That’s not good. Hey, I hear if we go to Korea, we will enter the next day. Is it true?”
“Don’t tell me you forgot all about time zones, Zoey.” I almost laughed out loud. “Of course we will.”
“Oh, I thought Lee and Collins were lying when they said that.” Zoey looked ridiculous as she scratched her head.
“We learned that in geography back in high school, remember?”
“Being famous must have made me forget.” Zoey rolled her eyes and laughed.
“I can see that,” I said sarcastically.
“So, what the heck are we going to do in thirteen hours? I’m so bored.”
“This is the company’s private jet; there are so many things you can do. You can watch a film if you want. All you’ve done so far is talk about your plans with Lee and Christine.”
“Wait, were you listening?” Zoey looked surprised.
“Partly, especially on the part where you plan to dye your hair pink and also date one of the BIGBANG members.”
Zoey fell silent, and I could tell that she didn’t want me to find out about it. I gave the “I know your plan” look, and Zoey blushed.
“And do you know who she’s planning on dating?” Mike’s voice came from behind.
“Oh, great,” muttered Zoey. “Was everyone really listening? I thought you were all busy doing your own stuff.”
“I heard too,” said Daniel, who sat next to Mike. The two have been busy playing video games with headphones on. But just like me, they somehow managed to eavesdrop on Zoey’s series of tales.
“Man, you can’t have privacy around here, can you?” Zoey asked.
“Well, we’re all in one cabin, so...” said Lee, who took a sip of orange juice. “You get the idea.”
“Daniel, please tell me who Zoey plans on dating,” I asked.
“Don’t tell her anything!” Zoey threatened as she pointed a finger at him.
“Or what? You’re going to feed me to the sharks?” Daniel asked.
“Once we’re flying over the ocean, I will.”
“Just tell me!” I insisted.
“Don’t you dare!” Zoey continued to threaten.
“Christine, you tell me.” I turn to look at Christine, who sat behind Lee.
“Hey, don’t look at me,” said Christine, with her hands raised. “I don’t want to be shark food.”
“And the person is...” teased Mike. Zoey almost blew a fuse.
“Not another word!” warned Zoey.
“Come on, what’s the harm anyway?” Christine asked. “It’s...”
“Ssh!” Zoey warned Christine, putting her finger on her lips to indicate that she should be quiet.
“G-Dragon,” I said.
There came an awkward silence as Zoey looked shell-shocked. She stared at me, and I gave her a smile.
“I thought you said you didn’t hear the whole thing,” said Zoey.
“I didn’t. I just guessed,” I said as I raised my eyebrows at her with a smirk.
“Okay, fine, you’re right as always,” said Zoey, looking defeated.
“I know he is just your type.” I winked at her.
“You know me so well,” Zoey said with a smile as she dropped into the seat opposite mine. “And what about you? Which member are you planning on dating?”
For a moment, everyone fell silent, waiting for my reply. I huffed and took my headphones from Zoey’s hands.
“Unlike you, I’m not planning on dating any one of them,” I answered.
“Wait, you’re serious?”
“Ya, I am!” I snapped.
Here we go again. Back to the topic I’ve always hated: dating. I’ve never dated in my entire life, even after I became famous. It looks like I’ve always been the reserved one. It’s normal for me to have a crush, but dating felt way out of my league. Zoey and Christine always made fun of me for it. They even wondered if I was a lesbian or just not human. I am human, alright, but one who hasn’t found the right person to date yet. And I’m not lesbian.
“Don’t tell me you wouldn’t love to date any one of them,” said Christine. “They are all super cute!”
“I think Taeyang will suit her fine,” said Lee. “He seems like a sweet, romantic guy.”
“No way,” said Christine. “I already have dibs on Tae.”
“But isn’t Taeyang already dating?” Zoey asked as she turned to look at Lee and Christine. I roll my eyes at them.
“Wait, she can date T.O.P.” said Christine. “I think they would make a cute couple.”
“Nah, I think Daesung or Seungri will do her good,” said Zoey. “She needs someone to make her laugh all the time.”
“Can you stop talking gibberish?” Mike came to my rescue. “I think Samantha can do whatever she wants with her life and can decide who she wants to date.”
“We’re just looking out for her,” said Zoey. “You don’t want her to grow old and alone, do you?”
“Well, most guys out there are jerks,” said Daniel. “The right one will come along, but for now, I think she’s better off on her own.”
I couldn’t help but smile at my brothers. I am grateful for having such wonderful guys like them, although they can be a pain sometimes.
“Well, they do have a point,” said Lee. “I also agree. Sam will find someone eventually, so I suggest we drop the topic before Collins hears all this.”
“Too late; I heard every damn thing,” said Collins.
We all turn towards the door that leads to the pilot’s cockpit. Collins had gone in minutes ago to have a word with the pilots. He stood there, staring at us. The funny thing is, we never noticed that he had been there the whole time.
“Collins, hey,” said Zoey, trying to act as if nothing was wrong.
Don’t you ever get tired of pestering Sam with this whole dating thing? Collins asked.
I smirked at Zoey, whose eyes were fixed on Collins’ angry face. The best person I could ever have to defend me from her is him.
“We weren’t bullying her,” said Zoey. “We were just wondering if she would be interested in dating one of the BIGBANG members.”
“You already know Sam doesn’t want to date right now, so let her be. Oh, and another thing... dating any K-pop celebrity is off limits.”
“What! Off limits!” Zoey and Christine exclaimed at the same time.
“Yeah, you heard me. Strictly off limits.”
“Wow, who made up that rule?” Mike asked, sounding sarcastic.
“I did,” Collins answered. “We’re just going to Korea for a month or so, and we’re collaborating with them, not getting intimate.”
“Oh, come on, Collins,” said Zoey. “It’s not a dating thing. It’s a ‘getting to know each other’ thing.”
“You, Zoey, I don’t trust,” said Collins. “But I’ll get Sam to keep an eye on you.”
“Really? Why me?” I asked as I pointed at myself.
“You’re the leader, and you’ve got to keep an eye out for your team. You already know that,” said Collins. “And look out for Christine too.”
I growled in frustration as I leaned back further in my seat. I know being a leader takes a lot of responsibility, but for once, I’m not up to the task of looking out for Zoey and Christine in case they ever get too intimate with BIGBANG. Furthermore, I am not in control of their hormones; they were.
“So, who’s up for some board games? We have a long trip ahead of us, and it’s best we try to pass time,” suggested Collins.
“I’m in,” Lee and I said at the same time.
“Us too,” said Mike and Daniel.
“Yeah, count me in as well,” said Christine.
Everyone turned to look at Zoey, who hadn’t said a word. When she noticed that all eyes were on her, she let out a sigh. Board games weren’t fun without her, and she knew it herself.
“Alright,” said Zoey. “I’m in. What should we play first?”
We had flown for thirteen hours straight from the time the plane took off. We finally landed at Seoul International Airport in South Korea. Collins and I were wide awake when we landed. Everyone else was fast asleep, and I had to wake them up. We had so much fun playing board games and watching movies in the past nine hours that the rest of the trip was prone to silence as we all fell asleep.
I woke up my brothers and Lee first. When Daniel looked out of the window, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and opened them wide, as though he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Wait, we are really here?” he asked.
“Yeah, we are,” I answered.
Mike quickly sat up and also looked out the window.
“We are really in Korea?” Mike also couldn’t believe it.
“We’ve finally arrived,” said Lee as she yawned and stretched her arms.
“What time is it?” Daniel asked.
“By the way it looks outside, it’s probably in the afternoon,” I said.
“So it’s in the afternoon, but on a Saturday?” Mike asked.
“Yep,” I replied.
“Mmm... it looks like we really did pass through time zones. “It feels like we just time travelled to the next day,” said Daniel.
“Where’s Collins?” Lee asked.
“He’s gone to the cockpit to use the phone and inform YG we are here,” I answered. “We aren’t getting out of this plane until security gets here and escorts us.”
I go ahead to wake Zoey and Christine. Christine easily woke up, but Zoey is a tough cookie. She faced the other way as she refused to wake up.
“Come on, Zoey, get up,” I insisted as I shook her.
“No, I’m so tired,” she muttered.
“Well, you better get up because we’re already here.”
“What do you mean?” Zoey pushed aside the shawl covering her face to look at me with her eyes half closed.
“We’re in Korea,” I said.
“You’re lying!” Zoey covered her face to ignore me.
“I’m telling the truth.”
“Um, Zoey.” Christine shook Zoey as she looked out the window. “We’re really here. Look outside the window.”
Zoey quickly sat up, throwing the shawl aside. She placed her face on the glass window as she looked outside.
“Guys, is this for real?” Zoey asked in amazement.
“Ya, it’s totally real,” answered Mike as he came to stand beside me on the aisle.
Zoey is silent. The next thing I know, she jumps out of her seat and squeals in delight. She hugs me and jumps up and down.
“YAY, WE’RE HERE!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe my eyes. Can somebody pinch me? I must be dreaming!”
“You aren’t dreaming. We’re really here,” I said with a smile.
“So, what are we waiting for?” Let’s go! Oh, wait, I can’t go out looking like this. I need to have my make-up done.”
Zoey quickly got her make-up kit, which was surprisingly next to the seat she had been sleeping on, and rushed towards the plane’s bathroom.
“Well, there goes our drama queen,” said Daniel. “Thank goodness there are two bathrooms on this plane.”
“We better start getting ready too,” I said. “Security will be here any minute.”
Immediately after I said those words, Collins came out of the pilot’s cockpit.
“Good, you’re all awake,” said Collins. “We better get ready to disembark in ten minutes. Security is on the way. And the fans have already surrounded the airport. “It looks like they already know we’re here.”
“Why am I not surprised?” I asked.
As we get ourselves ready to leave, Zoey walks out of the bathroom just in time, looking all fresh and glamorous.
“How do I look? I bet the fans will be dying to see me,” said Zoey.
“You look like a strawberry,” said Mike. “You shouldn’t have put on all that blush.”
“How dare you!” Zoey exclaimed, looking offended as she put her hand on her chest, like her heart couldn’t take in hurtful words.
“Don’t mind him,” said Christine. “You look great.”
“Ya, I want to look good for G-Dragon.” Zoey flipped her hair aside as she said this. I rolled my eyes with a smile.
The airport security soon arrived, and we immediately disembarked the plane. When we got to the airport building and passed through security, we could hear loud noises from the fans waiting for us outside.
“Guys, I’m nervous,” said Daniel. “It feels like the first time we had to perform on stage.”
“I know. I feel it too,” I said. I could feel my heart beat faster with each passing minute.
“We’re in Korea and not in the U.S.,” said Mike. “Maybe that’s why.”
“You’re probably right.”
As we continued our way towards the exit, we could see the wide glass doors that separated us from the rest of the fans. When they saw us, the noise grew even louder. It’s surprising that we even have Korean fans. They had banners mostly with pictures of us, The Toxins.
“Wow, they really love us,” said Zoey.
“I know,” I said, astonished like the others.
“Ah, The Toxins,” came a voice behind us. “We meet at last.”
The five of us turn around and find a man dressed in casual black attire with a black cap on his head standing with Lee and Collins.
“Everyone, I would like you to meet the owner of YG Entertainment, Yang Hyun-suk,” said Collins.
“It’s a pleasure meeting you,” I said as I held my hand up for Yang Hyun-suk’s hand. He shook my hand firmly and smiled.
“The pleasure is all mine,” he replied. “You’ve done us a big favour by coming here.”
“No, you did us a favour,” I said. “We’re so excited to be here.”
Yang Hyun-suk gave me a friendly smile and looked at the rest of us. “Well, we better start heading out before the fans break the glass and come tear you apart. But before that, I would like to introduce you to some people.”
“To whom?” Zoey asked.
Yang Hyun-suk had his eyes fixed behind us, and we all turned around again. My heart almost drops when I see who is standing right in front of us. I wondered why the fans had gone wild a few seconds ago. Now I do.
BIGBANG is here!
The five BIGBANG members stood right there in front of us: Taeyang, T.O.P., Daesung, Seungri, and G-Dragon. I felt the ground beneath my feet start to spin. Zoey and Christine give out an ear-splitting scream, making Mike, Daniel, and me cover our ears.
“Oh, my, it’s really you!” Zoey exclaimed. She quickly ran towards them and hugged G-Dragon first.
“Hey, Zoey,” said G-Dragon, with a surprised look on his face but managing to smile nonetheless. I am so nervous and just stand still like an idiot.
The rest of the BIGBANG members came towards us, and the other Toxins approached them. I looked on as Collins and Lee also joined them. I stood all alone. Until...
“Hi. Samantha, right? The leader of the group?”
It’s Taeyang, and I couldn’t help but freeze as he approached. He looked at me with those dreamy eyes of his. I tried to say something, but I couldn’t. I am the leader, for crying out loud! I couldn’t help but stare at Taeyang because of how handsome he looked. Damn, if there’s one thing about Korean men that I hate, it’s how handsome they look. Not to mention that some even look prettier than me.
“I...um...yeah...that’s me,” I managed to say, though my voice sounded a little shaky.
“It’s a pleasure meeting you,” said Taeyang as he held up his hand. I nervously shake it, and I feel an electroshock as our hands touch. I’ve always hated that feeling but liked it at the same time.
“Ooh,” said Seungri. “It looks like we’ve got a nervous one here.”
Oh my, not Seungri. I’ve read that he is the most mischievous of the BIGBANG members. He is the maknae (youngest in the group), after all. I don’t know how much of a nuisance he is, but I don’t like what’s happening now. He’s making me even more nervous.
“Play nice, Seungri,” said Taeyang. “Don’t forget, she’s our guest.”
Seungri came over and gave me a smile. It’s the kind that’s friendly but, then again, mischievous.
“Hi,” Seungri said, coming over and hugging me tightly. Again, I felt a shock when our bodies touched. Gosh, it’s driving me crazy!
“Nice to finally meet you, Seungri,” I managed to say, and we broke away from each other.
“We’re going to have so much fun together. Just wait and see.”
“Fun with you? I doubt it,” said Daesung. “You’ll only land her in trouble.”
“I can look out for myself, thanks,” I said.
“I know you can,” said Daesung as he smiled at me. This time, I felt a weird chill down my spine. Darn it!
“Nice to meet you, Daesung,” I said.
Daesung took my hand and kissed the back of my palm. I felt my hand blaze up in what felt like hot flames from where his lips touched, and I felt my cheeks blush.
“It’s a pleasure meeting such a wonderful lady like yourself,” Daesung said softly as his eyes stared right into mine.
I felt my heart skyrocket when he said those words.
“Um, th-thank you,” I stammered.
“Move aside, Daesung,” said T.O.P. “You’re not the only one who can sweet-talk a lady.”
Oh my goodness. T.O.P! He slowly approaches with his eyes firmly fixed on me, like I am his prey. He’s one drop-dead gorgeous guy. It’s no wonder he’s such a famous actor, with his spiky jet-black hair and eyes that could pierce your soul. He lifted the corner of his lips into a smile, and with those dimples, it completed his cute bad boy look. I got caught in some kind of trance. If he told me to do anything, I would gladly do it.
“So, you’re the famous Black Kitty?” said T.O.P. after Daesung stood aside. “It’s lovely meeting you.”
“I...eh,” I’m lost for words and quickly swallowed. “Thank you. It’s a pleasure meeting you as well.”
He held my hand, drew me a little closer, and pulled me into a hug. I felt the electroshock again, but I liked how he hugged me. Not to mention, his musky cologne is amazing.
“And what about me? Won’t I get to say hi to the famous B.K?”
I drew away from T.O.P., and there stood G-Dragon. He gave me a friendly smile, and the way he looked at me sent shivers down my spine. As he drew closer, I felt like melting. Why did all BIGBANG members have to be so handsome and charming to the point where you’re left powerless?
When he came close, he drew out his hand. I paused for a moment before shaking it.
“It’s an honour to finally meet the famous Ji Yong,” I said as I smiled back at him.
“The pleasure is mine. I love your shirt, by the way.” G-Dragon’s eyes were on the shirt that I wore.
I looked at it. It’s a black t-shirt, and it had the initials B.K. written in white capital letters in the Old English font.
“Thanks,” I said.
G-Dragon smiled and winked. I felt my face grow hot and quickly looked away.
“Well, now that we’ve all introduced ourselves, we better get going,” said Yang Hyun-suk. “We’ve got cars waiting outside. It’s best we get away from the fans before they find their way in. And you must be tired.”
Now that he had mentioned the need to rest, I could finally feel the jet lag kick in. I was so excited to finally be in Korea that I forgot how weary I was. I look at the rest of my team, Lee and Collins. Their tiredness is settling in too.
“Ya, I now feel pretty drained,” said Daniel as he yawned. “And I’m hungry too.”
“Wait until you try out our delicious Korean cuisine,” said Seungri. “You will love it.”
“I can’t wait,” said Christine.
“Then let’s get going,” said Yang Hyun-suk as he led the way to the other side of the airport. Security guards were all over the place. Other guards carried our luggage behind us.
When we walked through the exit to where the cars were and our luggage was getting packed away, G-Dragon opened the car door for me.
“Ladies first,” he said as he stood to the side and gestured with his hand that I should go in. I blushed when he gave me that smile. Zoey and Christine giggled behind me.
I managed to smile back and say, “Thank you.”
He gave me a cute bow with his head as a sign of respect. That made me tremble. It’s hard enough that he’s cute, but with his kind gesture, I almost exploded.
I quickly got into the car. Zoey and Christine followed, then my brothers, Lee and Collins. BIGBANG and their manager got into the car in front of us. The cars drove off, passing the fans, who continued to wait outside the building. The fans started chasing us upon seeing us, but it wasn’t long until the cars quickly sped away onto the main road towards the beautiful city of Seoul.