You guys have every right to hate me for taking so long with this chapter, and I am so sorry!
I still love you all! I hope you all still love me!
Anyway, enough rambling, here's the chapter! ^_^
Follow me on Twitter: @wonderstruck797
Chapter 32- The Christmas Float Parade Pt 3
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“You are in so much trouble Alexandra Claudette!” Arty seethed down at my now trembling form. Partly because it was extremely cold and partly because an angry Arty is a scary Arty.
Damn you Pinky!
Well this is technically my fault. If I hadn't bitched out at them, then Pinky wouldn't have spilled the beans and Arty wouldn't be contemplating first-degree murder right now.
I don't even know what came over me! It's just like—a wave of bitchiness had to be released and Pinky and Arty were the unfortunate pair who received my wrath!
“ALEXANDRA!” Arty screamed as I failed to respond to him. “DO YOU HAVE AN INKLING OF HOW...ILLEGAL THIS ENTIRE SITUATION IS?”
When in trouble, playing dumb is always the solution.
“Uhh, nope” I shrugged innocently.
“Oh don't pull that stupid act with me!” He scoffed. “You and I both know that you know how illegal this is!”
“Then why did you ask me?”
“DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!” He boomed. A vein in his neck was becoming more prominent the angrier he got.
“Geez Arty just chill out alright!” I held my hands up in surrender. “You're making a big deal for nothing.”
“For nothing?” His azure eyes widened. “Alex, Crimson can exiled; possibly hanged for this crime!”
“It's not that big of the deal though!” I rolled my eyes. “He's only three years older than me Arty! And plus, it's not like he's forcing me to be in a relationship with him! I was the one who initiated the idea so I should face the punishment!”
His face hardened. “You know the government won't allow for you to face charges for this-”
“If I'm not allowed to face charges than neither should he!” I seethed.
“You are a princess Alexandra!” He gripped my upper arm in a vice-like grip. “Of course you're not going to be ranked with some random civilian!”
I tried to pull out of his iron grip but it was futile; he was too strong. Tears began to brim from eyes as grew more frustrated with this entire situation - albeit it was my own fault.
“He's not just some 'random civilian!” I spat. “He's my boyfriend and I love him Arty!”
Arty's azure eyes widened in absolute shock as he heard what I'd just said. I was no different, my jaw was practically to the floor. What did I just say?
“Love!” Arty spat as if the word was the most disgusting thing he'd ever heard. “Alexandra you're sixteen years old! You don't even know what love is!”
“Oh yeah, and you do?” I harshly challenged.
“I know a hell of lot more of it than you could ever possibly imagine!” He came closer to my face. “I doubt that you've ever experienced love before! You're filled with bitter hatred!”
A harsh, but silent wind blew across us as I felt my eyes pool with tears. Arty, realizing his starch-like statement, immediately recoiled as regret etched itself on his face. “Alex I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean that...I-”
“Don't.” I said simply as two tears rolled down my cheeks. “Don't apologize, you're right.”
“What?” He asked confused as he stepped closer to me.
“You're right Arty.” I sniffled. “I don't know what love is because I've never experienced the basic foundation of it! Our parents never taught me how to love, only how to hate!”
“Alex that's...that's not true.” Arty said as he encased me in his arms. “That's not true at all.”
“Yes it is Arty!” I sniffled as I hugged him tighter. “I want to love Crimson, I really do. But, I don't know the first thing about it. I know that I have the potential to love him because I'm willing to risk everything in order to be with him.”
“Alex I-” Arty started but I cut him off.
“Please Arty,” I looked up at him with a sorrowful, bereaved expression. “Crimson may be the only chance I have at ever experiencing true love. Please don't take that one chance away from me. Please!”
More tears pooled down my cheeks as Crimson looked positively torn. “Alex I...I don't know what to say. I truly want you to be happy, but you're breaking a big law here!”
“So the law is more important than my eternal happiness?” I softly asked. “You don't want to see me happy Arty?”
More tears flooded my eyes as I began crying loudly. Arty started to panic as he gently stroked the back of my head. “Of course I do Alex! Seeing you happy is one of my greatest wishes!”
“B-But, Crimson makes me happy, and you're telling me that it's wrong to be with him.” I sniffled as I wiped away my tears.
I heard him let out a big sigh before he tilted my chin up with his hand and wiped away my tears with his fingers. “If Crimson makes you that happy...then I guess I'll just have to live with it.”
A slow smile etched it's way onto my face. “You mean that we can continue to be together and you won't tell!”
“I can't believe I'm agreeing to this but...yes, you can.” He smiled softly at me. “But you have to stay careful alright! No public displays of affection got it!”
I nodded vigorously. “I know! Thank you Arty! Thank you so much!” I hugged my beloved brother tightly.
He wrapped his arms around me and spun me around a few times before setting me back onto my feet. “Come on, you still have to finish the parade and your makeup is running down your face.”
“Is it bad?” I asked as I felt my face, true to word my black eyeliner was now a watery substance on my finger.
“Not that much,” Arty said as he began leading me towards the makeup tent. “You can fix it right?”
“Yeah, it's not that hard.” I obediently let him guide me. However, I noticed a flash of pink in the corner of my eyes and I noticed Pinky coming straight towards me.
“Alex!” She hurdled towards me; enveloping me in a huge hug. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say it! I just snapped and-”
“Stop.” I held up a hand. “Don't apologize, it was my fault.”
“What?” She said surprised. “But I-”
“Pinky, I mean it, stop.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “You don't have to apologize for anything that happened. It should be me that's apologizing to you.”
She let out a deep sigh before nodding. “Ok.” Her navy eyes flashed towards Arty a few times and I knew that she was silently asking me if everything was ok.
“Yep, everything's fine. Don't worry about it!” I cheerfully smiled.
“Oh, ok, that's good then,” She let out a sigh of relief. “But gosh, your makeup is ruined!”
“It was an emotional moment.” I let out a deep breath. “No worries thought, I'll get it fixed in a jiffy!”
“Do you need some help?” She stepped closer to me.
But I quickly brushed her off. “No no, I'm fine, thank you though!”
“You sure?”
“Yeah!” I reassured. “I'll get this fixed in no time!”
“Alright then,” She moved closer to Arty. “We'll head back to the stands in the parade then.”
“Ok, I'll be looking out for you guys!” I gave a small wave as they walked away.
Arty quickly gave me kiss on the forehead before walking off with Pinky. They're gonna make such an adorable couple!
As soon as they were out of my sight, I went into the makeup tent and began my victory dance!
“I did it! I did it!” I began wildly dancing. “Who's a genius? I'm a genius!”
My plan worked perfectly! Arty completely fell for the sad act, I put on!
“Ha!” I laughed. “As if, I'd actually fallen in love! What a load of shit!”
I'll admit, I do feel a tiny bit bad for lying so brazenly to my dear big brother's face. But if I hadn't, he would've never let me go! Besides, I'm not hurting him in anyway.
“Alexandra, you are one cunning, smart, sexy motherfucker.” I said to myself in the mirror as I began twerking in victory. Damn, I got a nice ass too!
I continued my sexy twerking dance, oblivious to fact that I had a visitor who was excitedly watching me dance.
“Well damn, Merry Fucking Christmas to me!” Crimson said with a smirk as his eyes ran over my hips.
I nearly fell down as I jumped in fright. But when I caught sight of his appearance, I fell to the ground in laughter. “What the hell are you wearing?”
He had on a green elf costume with little bells all over it. The pointy shoes and hat were killing me! Not to mention the dorky costume makeup!
“Haha,” He dryly laughed as he stalked over to me. “Yeah I know, I look ridiculous.”
“You look beyond ridiculous!” I doubled over with laughter.
“Says the girl with makeup running down her cheeks!” He pointed out with a raised brow. “I've been looking all over for you, and I find you twerking in the makeup tent! What are you doing in here all alone anyways?”
“Nothing,” I slyly said while averting my eyes.
“Hmm, that doesn't sound like 'nothing'.” He suspiciously glanced at me. “And why is your makeup running?”
“I don't know?” I innocently said while walking towards the mirror to adjust the makeup.
“That sounded way to innocent coming from you!” He crossed his burly arms. “What sort of evil acts have you been up too?”
Damn, he knows me well. “Nothing babe! Just talking with Arty and Pinky! Nothing to worry about!” That wasn't exactly a lie.
“I don't believe you,” He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the back of my head.
“Then don't?” I sassily replied as I reapplied some mascara. “Doesn't really make a difference to me.”
I watched his eyes darken in the mirror as his course hands ran lower down my waist, down to my legs before he went under my dress and began rubbing his hands up my bare legs. My mouth immediately fell open as he smirked at my expression in the mirror. “You've been real sassy, you know that?”
“Cri-Crimson,” I stuttered as his hands ran higher up my legs until they took a firm hold on my ass and he squeezed it tightly, making me nearly jump out of my skin. “Wha-What are you doing!”
“C'mon Alex,” He began pressing light kisses against my neck as he still kept a firm grip on my behind. “How's about you do that little dance for me again?”
My face was now turning purple as I gazed at him in shock. This was certainly unexpected! I didn't know how to answer or react to him. But thankfully, an interruption saved me.
“YOUR HIGHNESS!” The voice of my assistant resounded near the opening of the tent. “Are you in here? It's time to continue the parade!”
Crimson released me so quickly that I nearly got whiplash! He regained his composure, but I was still a blushing miss daisy!
“Oh there you are princess!” My assistant said as he pulled open the door to the tent. “It's time to continue the parade.”
“Ri-Right!” My voice squeaked as it went a few octaves higher. “Coming! I'll be there in a moment!”
He nodded his head before exiting the tent and I let out a breath I didn't realize that I was holding. I quickly tried to fix the remainder of my messed up makeup while Crimson just remained silent in the background. I gulped as I watched his eyes wonder over the back of my body from the mirror. Why do I want him to touch me like that again?
When I'd finally finished my makeup, I quickly grabbed my dress and made my way to the float. But Crimson's hot hand halted my tracks for a moment.
“Don't think that I won't finish what we started Princess,” He sexily whispered in my ear, effectively making my knees turn into jelly. C'mon Alex, don't let him see that you've been affected by his charms.
“Hmph,” I snobbishly said. “Your little threat doesn't faze me Crimson.” I said as I sashayed off from him. But I didn't miss his following words that made me look forward to being alone with him again.
“Oh baby, that wasn't a threat. It was a promise.”
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Hey guys! It's been far too long!
I'm gonna make it up to you!
Follow me on Twitter: @wonderstruck797
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