Walking around like this.. I'm definitely not feeling well.
I know I was looking much happier in the last page but..
Now that I know that there's a high risk I'll be attacked by those.. things.. I can't help but want to lock myself in a store and never come out.
But then I get reminded that if I do that, humanity may have no hope of coming back.
No.. not just humanity.. but the whole planet.
I need to figure out those creatures' weaknesses and kill them.
If I don't.. those devils will be the only things alive!
There must be a way I can kill them.. there must be!
First I need to survive though, who knows how painful it will be to die like this.
And I don't mean physical pain.
Anyways, I need to find a weapon shop or something. Now that I have rested I should be able to walk for 4-5 more hours.
Hopefully I won't have to run or hide.
After some walking, I heard a growl.. louder than anything I have ever heard in my life.
My legs froze as I slowly turned backwards and turned pale.
I could see one of those devilish wolves staring at me from near the school I was previously in.
It looked... way too big. Bigger than those two I had previously seen.
It just.. stared at me while sitting down.
I definitely wasn't going to approach it, no no no.. I was planning to make a run for it.
As I waited for my legs to "unfreeze" I noticed more of those devils gathering around the bigger one. They seemed to be one third of it's height.
At that point I was getting more anxious than ever.. I was planning to make a run for it.
I slowly reached for my crowbar as I booked it out of there.
I took as many left and right turns as I could, trying to find a shop I could break inside.
Also, forgot to mention that just after I started running, I could hear multiple growls from those damn devils.
Now.. back to where I was.
I kept running until I found a cafe with a broken window. I could also hear big footsteps coming from behind me, if that makes it worse.
I ran to it as fast as I could, basically diving inside as I slid on a table.
Quickly and swiftly, I hid under the table as best I could, basically being stuck on the wall.
A big moment of silence followed as I could see two front legs of one of those devilish wolves.
It was one of the worst feelings I've had.
I could hear it's breath as it made it's way inside of the restaurant, small growls coming from it.
Adrenaline was pumping inside me faster than ever, it was not the best of things to experience at such a moment in time.
I kept hidden down the table for what seemed to be an eternity before I could hear that devil creature's breath again.
I didn't move an inch as I saw it's legs again. It jumped on the table as it walked out of the window.
Letting out the biggest sigh of my life, I slowly crawled out of my hiding spot as I peeked outside, no creature in sight.
I got up, soon getting out of the shop. Looked around, nothing in sight.
I was now lost. Perfect, right? Haha..
I better try to find someone to talk to.