I have witnessed about 20 of those devilish wolves by now.
They just don't stop coming, do they?
My objective of finding another survivor is still ongoing.
I'm sure I will meet someone, I am sure about it.
For the last two hours I have been hiding in a hotel, consuming and packing everything I can find.
When I entered the hotel, I found a huge backpack, though it was empty.
It's now full of food, water and other resources.
After I got more rest, I walked outside of the hotel.
I was met with nothing but bones and animal corpses..
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Anyways, I need to get going.
I managed to find an old map of the city I was in, after some minutes of trying to figure out where the fuck I was, I decided to move east.
As soon as I set foot to my east, I heard a massive growl.
I quickly turned my head to see the same giant wolf from before.
It was still sitting down on the concrete, staring deep into my soul.
I'm questioning my existence now..
That wolf must be the Alpha of whatever pack is in this place, I better watch my every step around it.
I slowly backed away from the wolf's general direction, walking into a completely different direction.
My walking slowly turned into jogging, then into running. I could hear more wolf growls from the creature's direction.
I continued running, accidentally taking a turn into an alleyway.
My heart started pounding as I saw one of the wolves slowly approaching me.
It's yellow devilish eyes stared into me, by this time adrenaline was everywhere in my body.
I could see.. yellow saliva? Yeah... yellow saliva.. dripping from it's mouth as it let out a big growl at me.
My legs started shaking as my brain started making illogical assumptions as to what would happen.
My eyes widened as I saw an arrow fly across my vision and into one of the wolf's eyes.
The devilish wolf fell down onto the cement as the "spikes" on it's back shot out of it's body and into the surrounding walls.
Luckily none of them had hit me.
I turned my head upwards as I saw a man with a bow looking down at me, smirking.
He jumped down next to me onto a pile of mattresses.
"Hello.." The man spoke as he looked at me.
"Wh-Who are you..?" I rambled as my heart was pounding even faster than before.
The man remained silent as he turned his head to the dead creature's body.
"Quite a big one.. glad I got here in time." He mumbled before turning back to me.
"I am Marco, one of the few survivors of this plague, just like you." He inspected my face for a bit, while I inspected his.
He was wearing a black hoodie that he made look like a cape. I also noticed that one of his eyebrows was chipped, perhaps it was a birth sign.
"Ah.. you seem to have the same mark as every other one of us." Mumbling, he inspected me closer.
"Can you tell me what it is?" I asked in a bit of a worried tone.
"Unfortunately no one knows anything about it, not even our doctors."
"Doctors..? Are there more people like you?" My question seemed to amuse him.
"Of course there are more like me. Come, I'll lead you to our hideout." He took my hand as he guided me inside a secret pathway behind us. He was wearing wool gloves.
We started walking up on a white-colored, clean as shit stairway.
Like a stairway to Heaven.
We entered an open door as I was greeted with 5 people sitting down on a couch.
Three of them had black hoodies and trackpants, while the other two were wearing medical scrubs. Those two must have been the doctors.
"So, what's your name young fella?" Marco turned to me as he held his hand out for me.
"I-I'm Craig. Craig Mayers." I shook his hand tightly as his gloves warmed my hand
"Well, Craig. Meet the crew.." Marco smiled as he turned to the other 5 people.
My curiousness about who these people were started taking over.
I wonder what will happen from now on..