Let's talk about... Badar Consultant Agency Short Stories
So, I'm crazy. We've established this in the past, but for those of you just now joining my wordy odyssey... Welcome to my little yellow and blue padded cell! Get comfy, brew something strong, take a quick creamy whip-it... and let's get fucking weird.
Badar Consultant Agency is still in full upload mode, I promise. I'm taking a couple college courses, so I took a bit of a break, but now I'm back to writing again. I'm only going to update once a week though, just so I can stay on top of my studies.
That being writ, I'm also planning on uploading some short stories centered in the BCA universe in commemoration of reaching 50+ issues. I originally meant for these stories to be filler episodes between big story stuff, but the consensus amongst my dedicated readers was that filler and fluff are fun... but are not essential reading for those who just want the nit-'n'-grit of a tale--and, often they confuse people. So, I'm going to be putting them in a separate story container on Penana.
If you're a fan of the series and you can't wait for uploads, you might find some modicum of entertainment there. I wrote a lot of them out of boredom. Some of them I wrote because I wanted to explore something, but just couldn't fit it into the greater narrative. And I wrote a couple because... I'm basically bat-shit insane.
If you have any suggestions for any future BCA shorts, just shoot me a message or comment on this here post and I'll more than likely take you up on your offer--with all due credit, of course. The crazier the idea, the better!
Cheers --Blondie