Diego smiled at his group of friends as they were all sitting down to have a feast after having a fun full day of just playing games. After saving the island from Cetus and then having to travel through time to save Quinn, Diego was glad that things were going normal for once and that everybody was alive and well, including Quinn.
Diego watched Taylor walk off as they went to go find Aleister and Zahra then he looked around until he saw Varyyn get up from the table and walk away. He watched him a bit, wondering what was going through his head before he decided to go follow him.
"Be right back, guys." He said as he stood up and hurried to follow after Varyyn.
When Diego got to the beach, he looked around and smiled when he saw Varyyn standing by himself, watching the water waves. He happily walked over to him.
"Hey! That competition with Michelle and Craig was fun, huh? I knew we were gonna win. I had faith in us." I said with a confident nod.
Diego quickly noticed that Varyyn wasn't saying anything and it seemed Varyyn wasn't even paying much attention so he waved his hand and snapped his fingers in front of Varyyn to knock some sense into him.
"Huh??" Varyyn blinked his eyes, confused. He looked over and smiled when he saw Diego with him.
"Oh. Hello. Is everything okay?" He asked.
Diego grinned. "Shouldn't I be asking YOU that?" He teased.
Varyyn chuckled. "Maybe."
Varyyn looked back at the water then he let out a heavy sigh. This made Diego frown as he watched him. He placed a hand on Varyyn's bare back.
"Varyyn...is this...about your mom?" Diego quietly asked.
Varyyn nodded. "Just like that, I became the leader. She...I knew she did it to save your group. To save all of us, but...I just keep thinking maybe there could've been another way to take the beast down without any sacrifices."
Diego sighed softly. "Varyyn, you might not want to hear this right now, but I think your mother most likely thought that there was no other way to save all of us. She was able to distract Cetus and that's what we needed at the time."
"I know! I just...I keep thinking and replaying the scene over and over in my head, trying to think of ways I could've saved her, but...I know no matter if I think of anything or not, it won't be able to bring her back." Varyyn said with a frown.
"Varyyn, I'm really sorry. She was a brave woman." Diego said as he looked out to the ocean.
The two of them were quiet for a moment before Diego decided to think of something happier.
"So, me and the group were talking about us going back home." Diego spoke up casually.
Varyyn looked over at Diego. "Oh? Oh, right. You all will have to go home eventually. How do you feel about that?"
Diego smiled brightly. "I can't wait! After being gone for months when only we were supposed to be gone for a week, I can imagine all of our parents are missing us and probably sending rescue crews to find us too." He said with a chuckle.
Varyyn simply nodded, staying quiet.
"That also means addressing the elephant in the room." Diego said.
Varyyn stared at Diego in confusion. "Elephant? What room?"
Diego smiled softly. "It means we have to address the big issue. Varyyn, I've been having fun getting to know you and becoming friends with you. Heck. When Taylor saw us together, they asked if we were a thing now. Isn't that funny?"
Varyyn stared at Diego, not saying anything which caused Diego to frown and look confused. "Varyyn?"
Varyyn blinked his eyes. "Yes?"
Diego crossed his arms. "Is there something else going on? You know you can tell me, right?"
"I...." Varyyn looked away. I can't deny that I'll miss you when you leave the island.
"I'm sorry. You should go back to your friends. I have a lot to think about." Varyyn said then he turned and was about to walk away when Diego grabbed his wrist.
"Varyyn, you can tell me anything. I won't hate you or judge you. That's what friends are for. To be there for you when your family can't...or won't understand you." Diego told him.
Varyyn nodded then he continued to walk away, leaving Diego behind to watch him until he disappeared.
Diego sighed. "Maybe I should talk to Taylor and see what's up with Varyyn. Can't they read minds anyways?"