Diego headed back to his other friends when he saw Taylor, Zahra and Aleister making their way back from the forest. Diego smiled then he hurried over to Taylor and grabbed their arm.
"Come with me." He demanded before pulling Taylor away from everybody else so they can talk quietly.
"What is it? Is there something going on?" Taylor asked.
Diego dropped Taylor's arm then he spun around and faced them. He stared at them for a minute before speaking.
"Can you go see what's on Varyyn's mind? I know he's going through the death of his mom, but I feel like there's something else going on with him." Diego explained.
Taylor stared at Diego in confusion. "Read his mind? I don't know if I should do that."
Diego pouted. "Please, Taylor? You're practically the chosen one! You can understand the Vaanti language and everything!"
Taylor sighed. "I...fine, but you owe me! Where is he?"
Diego shrugged. "I don't know. He walked off earlier. Let's go find him."
Diego and Taylor walked around the Vaanti village until they found Varyyn sitting under a tree, looking out at the ocean. Diego smiled then he looked at Taylor.
"See what he's thinking about."
Taylor sighed, still not liking that they are listening in on Varyyn's thoughts, but they couldn't say no to their best friend so Taylor focused his mind on Varyyn as he stared at him intensely. At first Taylor wasn't hearing anything special until suddenly he heard something interesting.
"I wonder how Diego feels about me...Does he see me as a romantic interest?"
Taylor's eyes widen which Diego noticed.
"What is it? What is he thinking about?"
"HEY GUYS, COME ON! I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!" Raj shouted which caused Diego and Taylor to flinch.
Varyyn looked over when he heard Raj's voice and that's when he saw Diego and Taylor huddled together secretly.
Diego's eyes locked in on Varyyn then he quickly stood up.
"Yo. Sup. Um...let's go see what Raj wants!" He said then he ran off.
Taylor stood up and shrugged at Varyyn before following Diego. Varyyn stared at the pair in confusion then he got up also and followed them.
Once everybody was gathered around, Raj grinned at the group.
"What's the surprise, Raj?" Taylor asked.
"Yes, what is it? Why are you bellowing so loudly about?" Aleister said.
"It must be something good since Raj seems excited about it!" Quinn chimed in.
"Yeah, what's up, Raj? Did you find a tasty coconut or something?" Zahra asked.
"We're gonna be throwing a PARTY! And not just ANY party, but a New Years party!"