Chapter 17627Please respect copyright.PENANAxv17Ybn2XX
King Apollo and the Court 627Please respect copyright.PENANAIR8T20CLep
" Dear Lord Reynold,627Please respect copyright.PENANAGqyXqI3oAb
As you may know, your dear beloved Camila is on Death row. There have been rumors in court that Camila is trying to flee to escape her fate. To prevent her escape, you must hand her over before midnight tonight. If you don't you, we will force her to watch you die then behead her. Make your decision quickly.627Please respect copyright.PENANAnj7Sq0fdcT
From,627Please respect copyright.PENANAOxTnP1LnmB
King Apollo" 627Please respect copyright.PENANA6KoqAySFke
Lord Reynold rolled up the scroll and shoved it into his pocket. He ordered his driver to put back the carriage, then he went to find Camila. On the way to her bedchambers, he saw guards guarding the entrance. He saw two women, one elderly and a young girl, entering the castle. He stopped them and asked them what was happening. Apparently, the elderly woman was one of the chiefs and the young girl served the food when there were dinner parties. "They are watching to see if Camila tries to escape the castle. Camila is the girl that is on death row." said the elderly woman. 627Please respect copyright.PENANA4eVUk6f2Ub
Lord Reynold continued on his way to Camila. Even if he didn't tell her about the letter he received, she would find out. Maybe it was better for her to find out from him than it was to learn it from the guards. He opened the door to her room and found her writing a letter. Camila looked up and saw him watching her from the doorway. "Good evening, Lord Reynolds." she said getting up. 627Please respect copyright.PENANAQdJC9XE7ez
"What are you writing there?" he asked walking into the room. 627Please respect copyright.PENANAYmo7rA7zCF
"I was writing to my parents about the situation." she said. Lord Reynold went over to the stand and picked up the letter. He read it and noticed that it had only the greeting. "I didn't quite find the right words to say." Said Camila scratching the back of her neck.627Please respect copyright.PENANAjxaaxiMpI7
Lord Reynolds put the scroll back down. "Camila, you can't write your parents about your execution." He said. Camila looked at him bluntly.
"Well, why not?" She asked puzzled. Lord Reynolds walks to her slowly then clasps her hands.
"The king had ordered his guards to guard the entrances and exits. There is no way you can escape." He says in a whisper. Camila pulls out of his grip and walks back.
"No. There has to be a way." Said Camila with the look of pure horror in her eyes. "I won't let them kill me. You told me yourself you would protect me."
Lord Reynolds looked down at the floor, ashamed of himself. That's when Camila noticed something bulging out of his waistcoat pocket. Camila quickly pulls the scroll out. "What's this?" Asks Camila. Camila reads the scroll quickly. "When were you going to tell me?" She asks.
"I didn't know how you were going to react." Says Lord Reynolds. "I thought I could talk you out of going."
"What's the point in me staying?" Asks Camila furiously. "I would still be killed. The only difference is that you save your head!" Camila then throws the scroll on the ground. Camila runs to the door and opens it. Before she leaves, she looks back.
"Good day, Reynolds. I now know what type of man you are." She says with her eyes filled with tears. Then she slams the door behind her.
"What more do I have to live for?" Wonders Camila as she descends the steps to the first floor. "My family uses me and the person I love isn't true."
At this moment in time, it was like Camila didn't know what she was or what was to be done. All of her life was spent either looking for love or helping her family. Now that they had all abandoned her, in her mind, what was she to do next?
Rosemary knocked on the queen's door. It wasn't long before one of the Queen's servants opened the door. She curtzied and asked Rosemary what was it that she needed. " I am here to talk to your superior. " said Rosemary.
The servant had just opened her mouth to protest, before the queen told the servant to let Rose in. Rosemary gave the servant a look that told her Rosemary was victorious. The queen laid in her bed with a cloth to her head. She motioned for Rosemary to come to her side.
"What brings you here this night?" Asked the queen.
"I come with nnews that Camila won't be in your way. Reynolds got the message and Camila thinks he has betrayed her." Rosemary said with pride. She could see the queen was delighted to hear the news. She gave her an award winning smile.
"Dear child, why would you want to marry Lord Reynolds if you could marry my son the prince?"
"He is too young for my type. Besides Lord Reynolds has a title."
"OK. If you ever change your mind, you know where I am." Said the queen.
Rosemary bowed to the queen and exited. When Rose was gone, the queen ordered her servant to draw her a bath. Queen Neptune climbed in and relaxed. She had thought that this bath would relax her nerves, yet it has done the exact opposite.
What is on the queen's mind you might ask? You might think that the queen should be fine with the king's interest in Camila, for his attention has never been on Neptune. Every year the king would seduce a girl and ruin her, also he had a mistress that he treated like a wife. It was like Neptune was a prop for a queen. So, why did Neptune care about Camila? It all started a long time ago.
When Queen Neptune married King Apollo, it was because she was because his parents wanted their blood line to be pure. What I mean by this is that Queen Neptune was King Apollo's first cousin and married him. At first Neptune didn't want to marry Apollo, because they were relatives and she was just 14 but King Apollo was 16. King Apollo didn't want to marry Neptune, for he was in love with another.
King Apollo and Queen Neptune agreed to marry, because their family and country wanted them to. However, King Apollo didn't suffer as much as she did in the agreement. Apollo took a mistress when he was 21, that mistress was Christine Dae. Neptune didn't have anyone to talk to and love like a husband. While Apollo could be with whoever he chose, she couldn't. If she did, she and her lover would die.
After a couple of years, Neptune grew feelings for Apollo. They probably grew when she pretended to like him in front of the country or she was just so lonely. By then Apollo had neglected her and played attention only to Christine. In front of the court Neptune was Apollo's queen, but Christina was the queen and owner of his heart. Whatever Christina wanted, she had. She didn't have to do anything for it either. Neptune gave Apollo heirs and everything he wanted to please him, but she got nothing in return.
Neptune grew a hate for Christina. She once sent a servant to sneak Apollo's favorite rings and hide them in Christina's bedchamber. Still, Apollo forgave her and Christina pinned it on Neptune. Finally, Neptune saw that she could never compete with Christina. She formed a shield over her heart and swallowed her feelings.
When Camila came to court, she could see her similarities with Christina. Feelings she hasn't felt in many years came back, and this time Neptune wouldn't let it pass by. She found that Rosemary had an interest in Camila, so they teamed up to destroy Camila.
Camila decided that she wasnt going to sit around when she knew that she was going to die. She snook into the stables and got one of the horses. In the moonlight, Camila rode off. She wasn't far from the castle when she hear the thumping of horses behind her. She turned and saw three guards behind her, and not far.
Camila shoved her foot into the horse's thigh which caused the horse to gallop quicker. Camila looked back and the horsemen were gone. She let out a sigh of relief as she took the left path. The path took her into a deserted valley.
The sky was a bright red with no clouds covering it. It is almost morning, thought Camila. She let the horse rest a while, then found a nearby pond. She washed up and changed her clothes just in case the guards decided to hunt her down via hounds. She went to feed the horse, when she saw a blurr coming towards her. Camila couldn't risk being caught, she jumped onto the horse and charged forward. About 30 minutes later, many blurs surrounded her.
There was no place for Camila to go, she was surrounded on all sides. The blurs, guards, got closer. Now she definitely knew she couldn't get out. The guards chained her up and took her back to the castle.
When they got to the castle, it was mid afternoon. As the guards opened the gate, Camila could see that villagers had heard of what she did and came to see for themselves. Camila couldnt help but wonder if Reynolds had known she left. She knew he would have been ashamed and disappointed for her, as she thought this she could feel a tear stream down her face.
The guards took Camila down to the dungeon. As they walked the hall, Camila noticed that the people in the public cages were starving. They were starving so badly, you could see their bones and one tried to eat a guard's finger when he passed him. The guard hit the prisoner with a stick, which made the prisoner cowar to the back of the cage. Finally, the guards arrived to the end of that hall, Camila's cage.
Camila's cell had a tall wooden door and a small window with bars was on the top. The guards threw Camila into the cell before she had a chance to do anything. She ran to the door and pounded on it. "Please let me out!!" Camila cried and screamed. Then she wailed it. Camila screamed and screamed until she fell to sleep.
Hours passed and it was time for feeding. A guard opened the door and went down the stone steps, to find Camila asleep underneath them. The guard kicked Camila in the side causing her to jerk up. The guard placed the metal bowl of mush on the floor next to Camila.
Camila didn't pay attention to the food, she ran infront of the guard before he could leave. "What's is to happen to me?" Asked Camila.
"That's for the king to decide." Said the guard like he was asked this question everyday. The guard then tried to push Camila out of the way, but she held her place.
"What were your orders?"Asked Camila. The guard rolled his eyes and tried to push her out of the way.
Camila pushed him out of the way. "Tell me your orders now!" Screamed Camila at the guard. She picked up the spoon she was given with her meal and broke off the end. Doing this, she turned the spoon into a spike. She aimed it at the guard and asked him again what were his orders.
The guard gulped then told Camila what she wanted to hear. "The king had told us to put you in here and that he would take care of the rest. He told me to give you three meals a day and not to let anyone except him threw." Said the guard trying to get away from the spike.
"How could he do this to me?" Thought Camila. She let go of the spike and got out of the guard's way. The guard bolted out of the dungeon as quickly as he could and locked the door. Camila knew for certain more guards were going to come. Thirty minutes later, three guards came in. Behind them someone pushed his way forward. It was the king, Apollo. The gaurds took eeverything out of the dungeon then tied Camila's arms and legs up.
"Give us privacy." Said the king in a commanding voice.