Chapter 4814Please respect copyright.PENANAiylmxkjHHy
The King's Love 814Please respect copyright.PENANALeOabmMNQY
The next morning, Camila and Lily ate and talked in Lily's chambers. They had a lot to talk about. Lily had found the person that she said was the one. He was a duke and owned a lot of land. He had been married three times and all of his wives died in mysterious ways. His first wife died giving birth, his second wife died in a carriage accident, and his third wife died from food poisoning in the winter. Camila thought this suspicious, but Lily thought it not. And Camila didn't want to be the cause of Lily's unhappiness, so Camila didn't say anything. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA1lqFIWXbbt
Camila wanted to tell someone about her fortune with the king but didn't. If anyone found out about the king and Camila, she would get the hatred from the queen. Later, Camila sent a message to the king accepting his request. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAuElbkMBGUm
In the afternoon Camila met the king in the stables. The king and the rest of the hunting party were settling their horses. Until that moment, Camila had forgotten that Elizabeth and Antonius were going to join the king. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAQJC29jv9e8
The reason of Elizabeth's arrival was simple. Antonius would go with his father on all of his hunting trips. Because Elizabeth was going to be his wife and go along one day, he thought it would be nice to invite her along. "What are you doing here, Camila?" asked Elizabeth in a surprised tone. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAamasI8Kc7M
"I wanted to know what is was like to be apart of a hunting party, so I asked the king if I could come along and he agreed." said Camila. Inside she felt bad for lying to her. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAKx940dXW55
"Ok, but be careful around the king. He has a bad reputation." Elizabeth whispered and Camila nodded. While the men saddled the horses and got the hounds ready, Elizabeth and Camila stayed in the back and watched. 814Please respect copyright.PENANARxgu670zJe
"Wasn't the queen suppose to be here?" said Camila. The queen usually rides next to the king in such occasions, but she wasn't this time. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAR2J5uHw5FA
"The queen doesn't like things like this. She and her husband really don't get along." said Elizabeth. This information rose Camila's hopes of getting closer to the king. She could think of it now what it would be like by the king's side. 814Please respect copyright.PENANA8oGHgTaG2F
During the hunting party, the king would whisper in Camila's ear about events that were going to occur in the castle. He said that he would be pleased to take her to them and she was too. At the end of the hunting party, the king whisked Camila away from the crowd. "I have a surprise for you." he said. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAbLrxKFOPSc
The king took Camila behind the castle where there was a picnic set up for them. It was very lovely to Camila. She sat with the king and enjoyed some wine and turkey. They talked for hours about plays, Shakespeare, and other poets. But all good things must come to an end, it was sunset and Camila had to go inside to meet Elizabeth and Lilly for dinner. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAB1P3pvKMw8
Camila found Lily and Elizabeth in the hallway that led to the dinning room. "Where have you been?" asked Lily impatiently. Camila tried to find an excuse, but couldn't.814Please respect copyright.PENANAq4A5yk1a29
"It doesn't matter. Lets go eat." said Elizabeth. The three entered the dinning room and took their seats. Lilly and Camila sat together. The King sat at the end of the table with the queen to his right and his first born to his left. Next to Antonius sat Elizabeth. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAZYX43BNAMd
After dinner, Camila left the dinning room to find Lord Reynold. Camila was bored and thought Lord Reynold would have something fun to do. When Camila was about to give up hope, she found him in one of the sitting rooms reading Shakespeare. When he saw her approaching, he put the book down and smiled. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAmMnDEPEgKL
"You are a fan of Shakespeare?" asked Camila. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAqpFyMDALqM
"Yes. When things get boring, I like to sit and read Shakespeare." said Lord Reynold. The rest of the time Camila and Lord Reynold talked about life in their villages and books they read. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAV4fDEcWsyB
"Lord Reynold, you are a very interesting person. How come you haven't married or courted someone?" asked Camila before she could stop herself.814Please respect copyright.PENANAa25QZKJmtH
"I don't like following the rules that society puts on us. Everyone expects me to marry and have children, I prefer to do what I want." 814Please respect copyright.PENANAejjtShTijD
What Lord Reynold told Camila pondered in her mind for sometime. It made her think about the king and what she should do. Society expects her to marry a noble or a peasant, have children, and bring her family honor and wealth. However, Camila wanted to stay with the king and be his mistress. "How can I stay with the king? He already has a mistress." thought Camila. 814Please respect copyright.PENANAtp6YOj8CPx
Then came a knocking on her door. Who could it be at midnight?814Please respect copyright.PENANAcxJCCuXRkc