After the funeral, Nina went home and went on YouTube. She was in the mood to listen to music, but nothing in her playlist was that appealing right now. Something new might be what she needed, but none of the music promotion channels she was subscribed to had uploaded today, so she was browsing the recommended videos. She clicked on a few, but none of them tickled her fancy. The F5 key became her favorite key as she refreshed the homepage to get new recommendation results again and again and again and again.
And again.
“Mm,” she said, voicing her discontent. A lot of songs that kept coming up were energetic, and Nina could picture herself playing most of these as a DJ at a rave, but she was in the mood for something with a slower tune.
A video came up. Nothing about its title or the thumbnail of a white wolf's head lying in the snow jumped out at her, but it was a song, so Nina clicked on it.
On paper, it was just what she was looking for: a song with a slow tempo. It even had a prominent saxophone throughout. Normally, things on paper don't work out so well. But sometimes, they work out just fine.
She closed her eyes.
And listened.
And then it ended.
And when it ended, she hit the replay button.
And then it ended again
And so she hit the replay button again.
And then it ended yet again.
So what did she do?
She hit that replay button. Then did a bit of research.
It was part of a soundtrack from this old Japanese cartoon. What were those things called again?
Yeah. That sounds about right. Nina was planning on watching a few of those one of these days.
One of these days.
The song ended.
And she hit the replay button.
And then she had a thought.
Know what? I think I like this song better than Midnight City.