I woke up with a throbbing headache. As I looked around the room my vision slowed down. Everything was suddenly in slow motion. Oh goodness it's making me sick. It makes me want to throw up! I closed my eyes and reopened them again. Just as I did that, Olivia came in the room and turned the lights back on.
" It's time to wake up, girlies!" Olivia yelled enthusiastically.
I was just sitting on my bed with my mind blank. Can you blame me? It's morning! Soon my mind started functioning again and then I heard Pastor Hull's singing.
He's probably outside using the megaphone.
" Rise and shine!" He sang. " Rise and shine! And give God the glory, glory!"
Pastor continued singing and finished it with, " Time to get up!"
I got out of bed after listening to Pastor Hull's beautiful singing. I changed into my normal clothes and waited to see if any of my roommates were left in the dorms. I sat on one of the beds and just waited there.
Not a second later, I stared into nothing and got deep in my thoughts. I closed my eyes and quickly opened them again because I didn't want another vision. After a few minutes I looked at my watch, it was almost time to go. I left the dorm and headed to the main building.
I stepped inside the building and saw that a team was already preparing the tables. It's great that there were couches inside. I sat on one of the couches and waited for the team to finish.
As I took in a deep breath, another vision appeared before my eyes. Before I even realized it, I wasn't in the main building any more.
It appeared that I was at the forest edge, there also was open field nearby.
In the distance, I saw a large group of people walking to the middle of the field. It looks like there are twenty-two people there if I'm counting correctly. My curiosity is more significant than my fear, and I decided to creep closer to see what they were up to doing.
Half of the group were girls and the other half were all guys. They looked like witches and wizards from what I could see. They were all wearing brown robes, but only one of them had a black one. That must be the head witch, the one with the black robe. All of them had a book in one hand.
How magical. Hold on, are these witches going to perform black magic?
"I know where they are. We need to get to them," The witch with the black robe said.
"When shall we go?" A wizard asked.
"After this meeting, Alfanzo," she responded.
The group of wizards and witches continued and I kept a watchful eye on them. Well actually, I kept my eyes on the head witch. There's something about her specifically that I don't feel good about.
And as fast as lightning, she turned her head and looked straight at me! My heart dropped, and I started to feel unwell. For some reason her face deformed and got replaced by a familiar face!
" Are you okay, Nariko?" she asked me in concern.
In a blink of an eye, I got out of my vision. When I opened my eyes again, I saw the other campers were surrounding me. The girl who I saw before was looking at me. She then turned around and called out for Pastor.
" She looks fine now, Pastor!" The girl said.
Pastor came over to me and put a hand on my forehead. " You're not warm, that's good. Although she's been spacing out a lot since yesterday and each time after that she'll get pale."
" Oh no.." she responded. Well, I can understand. How are you going to respond to that?
I told everyone that I'm fine and got up to find a spot at the table. The girl followed me and sat opposite of me. She gave me a friendly smile and I smiled back at her. The rest of the campers filled up the seats next to us.
Pastor announced the plan for today and blessed the food. The team that set up the table were allowed to go first.
The girl in front of me then said, " Hi, I'm Luna by the way."
I nodded. Wasn't she the girl who tried to hug me the other day? I think it was her. Or it may have been another girl yesterday.
" I'm Nariko, it's nice to meet you Luna."
" It's nice to meet you too!"
Soon after Luna said that, Pastor came to our table and told us to get our breakfast. Everyone at my table got up and joined in line for the food. The food looks delicious as always but I got what I needed and went back to my seat.
A few minutes later, Luna came back with her food and also sat down. For the whole time that we had breakfast we talked to each other.We clicked immediately and had quite a lot of common interest!
I knew for sure that I'll be with her for the rest of my time here at camp.
After everyone had finished their breakfast, I went out through the back door. As I got out, the door behind me slammed shut!
"What in the world?!" I gasped in surprise. That's weird. Luna, who was trailing behind tried to open the door, but she couldn't open it. It wouldn't budge!
"I can't open it!" I heard her yell from the other side. Suddenly, a strong wind pushed me against the other door!
I winced in pain.
"Oh my gosh! Nariko!" Luna gasped loudly! the door opened! She came out and knelt next to me. She looked at me with worried eyes.
"I saw you getting pushed against the door! By nothing!" she said as she helped me stand up.
"Are you alright?" she added to it as I stood up correctly.
I pushed her hands away and said, " I'm fine."
I may have said that too harshly, and Luna looked up at me with wide surprised eyes.
I sighed, " I'm sorry. I'll explain later, Luna."
Luna smiled and nodded. She hooked her arm with mine and smiled at me. " That door slammed into my face and it hurts."
My eyes widened at her, how did she not scream out of pain? " What."
"Nothing!" She sang as if she hadn't said a thing. " Let's go to the dorms already!"
Luna then pulled me along with her towards the dorms. This girl is weird. Like me.
We went to the dorms to get our Bibles, notebooks and pens. I looked over at Luna who's staring off into space and poked her. She then looked up at me surprised.
"Yesterday when I was spacing out, it wasn't because I was deep in thoughts or anything. In fact, it was like I was dreaming! I was having a vision, girl!" I told her! I was probably looking like a madwoman: big eyes that stared into her soul and holding her shoulders.
Luna just stared at me. After a few moments she said, " Oh so that's what happened to you."
I let her go after that and picked up my stuff that I accidentally dropped. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me. She said as I looked up again.
I smiled, "Thanks for understanding."
Luna and I went back to the main building and sat down at the same place we ate this morning, but this time Luna sat next to me. Pastor Hull, who was here already, went to the front and said what we were going to do for the first session of the Bible Study.
"In the first session, I will be preaching to ya'll," he said. "Then we will take a short break and then we'll start the Q&A session and tomorrow we'll be watching a movie about the fall of man."
I nodded while pastor continued. He told us that we were going to sing before he preaches. So we sang a couple of songs together.
"Lord I lift your name on high!
Lord I love to sing your praises.
I'm so glad you're in my life!"
We all sang together. But I noticed that Luna was stumbling on the words.
"I don't know this song," she whispered to me. I shook my head, " It's okay."
"I'm so glad you came to save me!
You came from heaven to earth
to show the way
from the earth to the cross
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord I lift Your name on high!"
"Very well done guys! Now let's start today's lesson."
Pastor Hull then taught us two songs with hand motions. The songs were 'I want to be your friend' and 'Bind us together, Lord'. Pastor then prayed and started his sermon.
As I was listening to his preaching, my attention seemed to shift towards something else. I went into another vision! Everything was fading away from me and then suddenly I was in an unfamiliar place!
I saw two figures not too far from me. From what I could make out to be, one of them was the head witch from the other day. But she was talking to a black figure, why can't I see him properly?
" I saw her. That girl."
The witch almost came over as flabbergasted. It almost seems like she couldn't believe herself that she saw me!
She looked up at the figure and whispered, " I did."
" I don't care. You have to prove that you saw her, Tezia!" The figure raised his voice at the woman. " If you really did see her then I can't believe that you let her go!"
" But it was a vision that she was seeing!"
" Well then you need to find a way to get her here! I NEED HER!"
" Y-yes sir, I-I'll find a way to get her here."
Poor Tezia stuttered in front of him and stumbled away from. The figure seemed to sigh as he watched her go. I figured that the figure was a man because he crept closer to me until he was in front of me. He lifted up his hand and caressed my cheek. This is so uncomfortable.
He let his hand stay on my left cheek and whispered into my ear. "I knew that you were here. I had hoped that she would get you." All of a sudden he grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me violently!
The world around me changed.
" Nariko-"
" Nariko!"
Luna was lightly shaking me, I looked at her in confusion. " You were spacing out out again, did you have a vision?"
I nodded. " Well at least he didn't see you spacing out again."
" Yeah, true," I laughed. Pastor then told us to stand up and sing a song for invitation. We stood up and sang the song. After we sang, pastor told us to sign up for the tournaments. He said that the papers were on a table at the back.
I went to the table in the back, a girl with brown hair was signing up for volleyball. After she gave the pen to me, I put my name next to hers. I also signed up for another tournament.
More people started coming in and they also went up to the sign up sheets on the table. A girl that I saw from last night came up to me.
" May I join your team with Elizabeth?" She asked. " I'm Emma, by the way."
Elizabeth is another roommate and we started talking during the first session. I nodded at Emma, " Sure, you can join my team. I'm Nariko."
Emma and I started talking some more. She's a really nice girl. After a few minutes, our break ended and we were back in our seats. Some people started asking questions about the sermon. I just sat there not knowing what to they were talking about, but I was listening to what they have to say.
Soon after the Q&A, we went out and waited for lunch to be prepared. The tournaments were held after lunch and I can't wait to do it. I went to the ping pong table which was on the porch. I saw Luna playing with a guy, and she was losing big time.
" Hey! Hey! You! Stop doing that!"
" But you are not good at this, Lila."
"Dude, my name is Luna."
"Okay, Lily."
"Stop saying my name wrong!"
I pulled Luna off to the side before she could crawl the guy's eyes off. Luna looked at me with wide eyes and shock, she even had her hands over her heart!
"Oh my gosh, Nariko! You scared me!" She squeaked and laughed afterwards. I laughed as well, "Who's the guy you're playing against?"
"Oh him?" She pointed at him. Right as she pointed at him, he looked up and said: "What?"
Luna looked back at him and then to me again. There was a pregnant pause before we busted out laughing.
"That's Mark, he's the guy I came along with," She said after our laughter died down.
I nodded, "Thanks for telling me. Later Mark."
The poor guy was still confused and just replied, " Huh? Yeah- bye?"
Soon the hours passed by and it was already evening. The tournaments had finished already, but I didn't win anything. I almost won a tournament, but too bad. I was hoping that I would at least win one game!
I was already in my pajamas and on my bed. We had already done our devotions and showers. I was actually writing characters sketches for a new story that I thought of.
After a while, Olivia had turned the lights off. It was dark, but I was still there with my eyes wide open. My thoughts drifted off and I remembered all the little things that happened today.
It sure was one of the best, for now.
Who knows what happens next?