Standing in front of the large modern-looking complex that was slowly being turned into ashes, Avery stood in silence with the rest of his co-workers. Until Caleb spoke up, at least.
“This would be fun without the fire,” He rubbed the back of his head with an almost sorrowful sigh. “It's a shame, truly.”
Avery rolled his eyes and turned to him with a huff. “You're the one who set it on fire, idiot”
Caleb clasped his hands together in prayer. “And now I must atone for my sins...” He continued to stand there, humming almost ominously.
“Oh, is it against the law to set buildings on fire now?” Damaris spoke up, sounding genuinely concerned at this 'new' revelation.
“Sorry to break it to you, Damaris,” Blair chuckled to herself shortly, “But it's always been illegal”
Upon hearing this Damaris seemed to go into a quiet state of shock. “So why have we been doing it then?”
“Because fuck the law!” Caleb yelled, breaking his serenity. “We don't have to listen to that shit!” He did a weird motion of kicking and punching the dirt to somehow drive in his point.
Damaris didn't spend long pondering this new information. “Ah, that's okay then”
The majority of the group stood around laughing at her ability to just take in the information without questioning it at all. Avery didn't join in. Instead, he turned to the burning building in front of them, watching the ash drift on the wind. He could feel the poisoned air filling his lungs, trying to suffocate him. The most attention he paid to it was a long sigh.
A hand clamping on his shoulder brought his attention away from the heat brushing his face. Turning behind him he saw Enos, looking emotionless as he said nothing like always. Despite this, he felt a warming smile growing on his face.
“Ah, Enos,” Avery turned to face him fully and was glad when he saw a hint of a smile appear on his face after seeing his own. “I don't suppose you care about what they're about either, huh?” When he mentioned them he turned to check up on how the group was doing and wasn't surprised to see Caleb acting stupidly to entertain Blair and Damaris.
Enos shook his head as he turned away from them. For a few minutes, he merely joined Avery in watching the blaze. Avery shut his eyes, feeling the amber light dance on his skin and seep through his eyelids, feeling as though they were burning through them.
“Do you...” Avery perked up as he heard Enos start to speak, turning towards him to get him to carry on. Enos seemed to struggle with his words before continuing. “Do you still not like the fire?...”
Ah. Avery thought. He's too observant for his own good.
Avery shook his head sorrowfully. “Not anymore, but I suppose it's still not a welcome sight,” He giggled into his hand. “Well, I don't think a fire is a welcome sight for anyone.”
Enos chuckled silently, before turning to him. “If you want to speak,” Enos' smile became more warm and friendly in that moment. “I am here for you.” His hand landed on Avery's shoulder, before drifting down and holding onto his hand loosely.
Avery had... never seen such an expression on Enos before. Feeling his hand hold him, as he knew he was fully ready to be there for him and listen to him made his stomach flip slightly, for reasons he could not identify. A light blush dusted his cheeks as he stuttered to find what to say next. Luckily he didn't have to.
“Hey! Lovebirds!” They quickly turned around to find Caleb and the others finished with their antics, waving at them to come over. “If you're done over there, we're leaving now!”
As he was watching them go, Avery felt Enos' weak hold on his hand leave him, as he started to walk ahead, that cold barrier around him back up.
Avery felt warmness buzz in his chest when he thought back to that moment, the fire frittering around them making it seem all too much like a romance movie.
The emotions and feeling Enos had shown... Avery had fallen in love with them immediately. However, he knew that was foolish, for both of them. Enos shouldn't show support or kindness, and Avery shouldn't want to see more of it.
Sparing one last glance at the inferno, he brushed those thoughts to the back of his head, leaving after the others.