My Dearest Friend,
We have known each other for so long that words have ceased to be necessary most of the time. A single glance, a simple wave of a hand, or the set of our stride is enough to tell each other our thoughts and feelings without any words being uttered. Yet I feel there are things that must be said.
You are a social person yet reserved in some way, partaking in activities at your church and school while never revealing anything too personal about yourself. To be frank, when we first met your silence confounded me. I have been reared in a family that was unfailingly honest and opinionated in their ways and had grown to be an open book as a result, but I quickly learned from you that not everyone is so willing to speak their mind or speak of things that bother them.
I soon became content with that fact. I confided in you knowing full well that you are more of a listener than a speaker. You simply listen when I speak and wait politely for me to pause so you can say something. You were always so polite my friend. Your willingness to listen and your compassion are gifts that I consider to be the most priceless of all.
I know I am blunt and selfish while you are the gentle and selfless one. But you never turned me away. We who are so different from one another seem to find common ground in our daily lives. We who are different find ways to connect and understand the other.
I know I come across as arrogant and impatient; they are flaws I try my best to mend. I appear to others around us as insensitive, uncaring, and callous but anyone who knows me well would know that those things are untrue. While I may be cold at times and while I may respond indifferently, in reality I care. I care deeply for the people I hold dear, especially you my dearest of friends.
If I could I would hold you close to me and shield you from all the darkness in the world and fend off the toxic people that will enter your life. I can't do that however. As much as I would like to, I cannot fight all your battles and I cannot keep you safe from all the harm there is in the world but I would and do try to anyway despite the impossibility of such a task.
I will be your rock, the pillar of strength that you need when the burden becomes too heavy to bear. I will stand by your side when you fear to be alone, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe when you are feeling lost and I will always be within reach. I know you would do the same for me.
I always believed that God brings certain people into our lives for a reason. I truly believe that He has blessed me by giving me a loving friend like you. And I say blessed because the love and companionship of a friend are one the greatest things He could could have bestowed upon humanity.
We are inseparable aren't we? I remember fondly a conversation we had where we both admitted that we feel lost when the other is gone simply because we spent so much time together that we have no idea what to do with ourselves. It appears like we are two minds and souls combined into one.
Time has become precious haven't it? Soon it will be time for us to depart to go our separate ways and pursue our own hopes and dreams; then it will be difficult for us to find time to see each other. We will go from seeing each other almost everyday to a few times a year if we're lucky. Despite the distance that will arise between us, I know full well that distance alone won't break a friendship that has existed since childhood.
It's odd how the longer you know someone, the more aware you are of things that most would overlook. Like your mannerisms for example. Did you know you have a habit of titling your head to one side when you shrug your shoulders? This is usually accompanied by you rolling your eyes and giving the world a sideways smirk. You also mumble to yourself when studying, making all sorts of strange gestures with your hands and you always sit in a very proper manner with your knees and ankles held close together and your hands folded neatly in your lap. Even when you walk or simply stand in one place, you hold your head high and move with an uncommon grace. At times, you remind me of the Victorian women I've read about in books.
Odd how I seem to take notice of these things. Perhaps it's unsettling for me to pay attention to them but you know I am rather observant and will often observe the small details that make up a person so it won't be much of a surprise to you.
My friend, although I have said it before, I love you. You are the sister I never had and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I will always be here for you.
Yours truly,