This is a version of how the story "The Phantom of the Opera" could have continued through the version of the movie 2004. Gérard is a 16 year old skinny boy and is learning fencing by none other than the Phantom (Erik) himself. Gérard becomes a great friend and also to Christine & Raoul De Chagny.859Please respect copyright.PENANAlLZrcX4sfK
I have the story published under the name "Revoir - Seeing Again". Hope you enjoy it! ^.^859Please respect copyright.PENANAcMjBCjV3EN
As few months passed the season changed to hot summer, following the national day. (14. July) As per usual every year on that day, many people will wear costumes and paint their faces or wear masks, drinking champagne. The military marching proudly through the streets and squares beating the drums, playing the hymn and on midnight fireworks will light the sky. Gérard had some difficulties with his old costume, he outgrown it. He didn’t know what sort of costume to buy, a lion? No, how about a clown? No, many have there the same idea. Thought Gérard while looking around a costume shop with his parents. I want a costume that is different, special. Wondered Gérard.859Please respect copyright.PENANANhDoMici1y
“Don’t worry dear, it’s the beginning of the week. You still have some time to find one.” Noted his mother.
They left the shop empty handed.
On the next day in fencing lesson with Erik, “Erik, are you going to wear a costume on the national day?”
“No, are you?”
“Yes, but I have difficulties finding one.”
“Are you searching a specific one?”
“Just one that is different than the others and perhaps even special, I want something special.” Explained Gérard lightly disappointed.
Erik placed a hand to his chin while other at his elbow and thought for a short moment. Suddenly the door knocked. “Did you bring for friend today?”
“No, no one that I know.”
“Come in.” Demanded Erik firmly.
Slowly the door opened, before Gérard and Erik stood Monsieur Du Chagny, Raoul.
Erik widened his eyes of surprise.
“Monsieur Du Chagny? I thought you weren’t interested in fencing.” Spoke Gérard lightly on edge while walking up to Raoul.
Raoul recognized Erik immediately and gave a stern expression, keeping his eyes locked to Erik’s. “Now I know the reason why my wife did not bid to come here.” Hissed Raoul. “You’re still stalking us aren’t you? Why can’t you leave us alone, especially Christine! After all what you have done to her!” Shouted Raoul walking towards Erik.
Gérard’s heart began to race, looking always back and forth between Raoul and Erik. Not knowing what to do.
“I’m not stalking anyone Raoul. It is a coincidence that we meet again here-“
“A coincidence you say? I’d say it was all planed.” Remarked Raoul, pushing Erik. “We’ve kept till now our word not to mention anyone about you and now you stalk us!”
“That’s nice to know that you’ve kept your word about me, but like I said before I’m not stalking anyone. I’m minding my own business, my own life.”
“Oh sure your own business and life. As a fencing teacher, what have you taught Gérard here? How to kill? Is that it?” Hissed Raoul, grabbing Erik’s shirt.
“If you think I do that, then you don’t know me at all! I may look monstrous to other people, but I’m not monstrous in the inside!” Explained Erik in a composed angered tone.
“Monster, who’s the monster here?” Yelled Raoul, hitting with a balled fist to Erik’s nose, Erik was able to hold off the fist.
“Come on, why don’t we make this clear right here, right now!” Shouted Raoul, taking few steps away from Erik and holding up his fists.
“I told Christine that I wouldn’t hurt you.” Explained Erik calmly.
“Stop it!” Shouted Gérard frustrated.
Raoul froze and looked to Gérard. Then to Erik again, giving a deadly glare and left the room without another word.
“Erik, are you alright?” Asked Gérard worried, walking to Erik. “I’m fine thank you.” Answered Erik looking to the door.
Gérard didn’t say anything further but he was worried. Not only of Erik, also of Raoul. Two men fighting, out of Gérard’s view two dear friends fighting each other. Gérard comforted Erik and left immediately afterwards to Du Chagny’s house.
Christine opened the door. “Gérard! What’s the matter? Come in.”
“Christine, has Raoul returned?”
“Yes, but with a very furious mood. I never saw him in such a rage.”
“I never saw him either in such a rage but I know why. He came unexpected to fencing school and-“
“Is Erik alright?”
“Yes he is.”
“Gudskelov. (Thank goodness.)” Breathed Christine of relief.
“Christine, do you know why Raoul treated aggressive on Erik?” Asked Gérard, Christine answered. “I don’t really know, but I can think of jealousy because of me and what happened then 16 years ago.”
“Erik held his word of not hurting Raoul. But Raoul tried hurting Erik.”
“But you said Erik is alright.”
“He is, he was able to hold off the fist from Raoul.” Explained Gérard.
Quickly Christine grabbed her coat and hat. “I’ll come with you to Erik.”
“But Christine, won’t that make Raoul even more furious?”
“I tried to sooth him, but he avoided me.” Remarked Christine.
Gérard didn’t say anything further but had a bad feeling about all this as they walked in a quick pace to the fencing school. Along the way Christine sent Gérard away, at first he refused. “Go, or your mother will be worried sick.” Remarked Christine.
Gérard admitted then that she has a point. “Tell me soon how it went.” Gave Gérard and headed home.
As she arrived the building and headed down the stairs, she found no one down the hall or at the reception. Without hesitation she went to the fencing room and entered. Only one gas lamp was lit, standing alone in the center of the room surrounded in total darkness. “Erik?” Called Christine tenderly while closing the door behind her and walking towards the lamp. “Erik.” She whispered. Looking down at the lamp, her emotions turned from sorrow to pity and shame. Tears began to well in her eyes. “Erik.” She whispered, nearly letting a sob out. She sat down on the floor, looking into the warm light of the lamp. “Erik, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. Please forgive me. Forgive me for what I’ve done to you. Förlåt mig. (Forgive me.)” Whispered Christine letting the tears roll down her cheeks. After some time of silence she looked up. For a moment she believed to have seen a flash of a mask. “Erik?” She called. Slowly the silence around her began to fill ever so tenderly with music, a soft warm voice humming a melody. A melody she knew, memories covered her thoughts and worries like a wave. Slowly the voice hummed Christine into sleep, close before falling asleep she believed to have seen Erik sitting close beside her and stroking gently her head. As if she were a child having trouble sleeping.
Erik was deep in his thoughts when Christine stepped into the room. Already at first call from Christine’s voice interrupted his train of thoughts. And heard from then on every word what she said. He knew clearly it wasn’t her fault. She’s innocent, why should she be ashamed of what happened? Wondered Erik while listening and seeing how she breaks into tears. Once she stopped talking, he began to hum a melody to comfort and calm her. While humming he walked slowly towards her and sat close beside her, letting her head rest in his lap and stroke gently her hair. He watched over her closely. Even after 16 years, you still look beautiful as ever my angel, wondered Erik. Looking at Christine with a smile of happiness. But then again I wonder from day to day, why did you choose Raoul? Why? Thought Erik. After some time he took her into his arms and brought her to his cave, placing her carefully on the bed and sat at the end of the bed. Soon she slowly woke up from her slumber and began to look around. Their eyes met. “Erik.” Spoke Christine lightly relieved and embraced Erik. Erik was surprised of Christine’s action but took it easily and embraced Christine. “I’m so sorry Erik. Please forgive me.”
“There’s no reason for you to be sorry. Why asking for forgiveness? You did nothing wrong to me.”
“No I did! Raoul came and hit you!”
“But those were his actions, not yours. You hear me? You did nothing wrong and it’s not your fault.” Explained Erik calmly and sternly. Opening the embrace and placing both his hands to her cheeks tenderly, looking deeply into her eyes. “It’s not your fault.” Whispered Erik and gave a kiss on her forehead. They both took a deep breath.
Christine began to look around. “What is this place?”
“My home.”
“Your home? Did you carve all this?”
“No, just the fire place and the chimney, the rest was already here. Covered in dust and forgotten.”
“Well, you certainly succeeded to make look like home and comfortable.” Noted Christine astounded while getting off the bed and looking up to the ceiling.
Erik chuckled. “Merci, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Is the cave connected to the canals?”
“Yes, otherwise I wouldn’t be living here.” Explained Erik.
As Christine saw the black polished piano, she went to it. On top of the piano lay few papers.
Quickly Erik took the papers off the piano and put them in a drawer at the opposite side of the cave.
“You’re still composing I see, just like before.”
“When music is the only language I can use properly to express myself. With words I have sometimes difficulty but with music, they’re nearly my very emotions that I hold under this chest. Old and new ones, love and hate, happiness and sadness. A part of my heart and a part of my soul, my life and you’re a part of it Christine. With your voice and my music in one combined, we can reach again for the stars. No one is too old to sing, dance or make music, all you need is the will.” Told Erik nearly singing.
Christine smiled. “I don’t know, many things are different now.”
“Come on, it’s 1886! It’s not after 20 years, only 16.”
“Only 16?” Repeated Christine and gave a scoff. “I think there’s no need to reach for the stars. You have them already in your hands.”
“Almost.” Smiled Erik, looking at Christine.
“In your dreams Erik. If you think I would sing again and above all Raoul wouldn’t like it.”
“That man has no ear for music. Why worry? Don’t think about pleasing others, think and do what you feel is right. Listen to your heart, that is the path in life.” Remarked Erik, taking her hands into his.
“Besides that, you know what I mean. Raoul is now not only furious but also jealous. He cares and he loves me.”
“I had a fine lesson today about that.”
“I swear to god I-“
“I know and I believe you. You didn’t do it, actually you tried to avoid it. I don’t blame you. Am I blaming you?” Wondered Erik while looking deep into her eyes.
Christine shook her head and looked down at her pale hands, locked gently in Erik’s. “No you aren’t blaming.” Spoke Christine. “I should better leave, Raoul is surely expecting me.”
“Why leave? When you can stay here.”
“I appreciate it, but I have already a home.” She answered truthfully.
Erik gave a quiet sigh of disappointment and escourted her outside. By the outer door they stopped, Erik gave a kiss on Christine’s hand. “Au revoire Christine and thank you.”
“For what?”
“That you care for me.”
“After what happened is the least I could do”
“Au contraire ma chère. (On the contrary my dear.) And above all, I’ll be looking forward to revoire you. Expected or unexpected.” Spoke Erik nearly whispering.
Christine smiled. “You can look forward on a revoire Erik.”859Please respect copyright.PENANAvV5N3mMlaj