"Good Golly I need a break.. like REALLY"
(PART 1: Milk and Cookies)
7:00 am.
While lying in my bed, browsing through the net with my phone. I can't help to feel so embarrassed about myself.. about this rumors. I don't understand why people believe these things so easily, they don't even realized they have been fooled with false information. . but. . they don't mind, it ruins my image and reputation anyway.
I sigh for a moment and look up the ceiling. Why do bad things keep happening to me? I hate it! Ugh.. I need a break. My hands were shaking because of anger.. and suddenly my phone suddenly slipped off my hand and hit right in my face!
"Ouch! ! ! ! ! !"
I yelled, damn that so painful. Now my face turns red and it looks like I have been hit with a frying pan in my face. When suddenly I hear a knock on my door.
"Just a minute!"
I quickly fixed myself and fixed everything in the bed, including my blanket and pillows that have been gone all over the bed.
"You can come in now"
The person who is at the door? It's Maxwell. Funny thing is that he was wearing an apron. Looks like he was cooking something.
"Hey Mc! sorry to disturbed you.. but I heard you scream that's why I came, what happen?"
I pause for a second. "Well you see.. I just got hit myself with my phone, nothing much happens?".
"Oh I see, where you watching scary movies without me?!" said Maxwell as he makes a sad expression on his face, not very convincing!
"What? No! I was just.. browsing.. and still.. the news about me is still fresh" I said as I buried my face to my hands.
"Aw.. don't worry Mc! people would forget about that, just give it some time" said Maxwell as he takes a sit on my bed next to me and pats my shoulder.
"I think it would take forever for the people to forget what happen, it's not fair!" I said while my voice changed.
"Looks like you need a distraction!" he said but feels a little excited.
"What do you had in mind? and make it good cuz' I really.. REALLY need it.. I need a break from all these".
"Well as you can see, I wear this apron and I'm baking something for Bertrand, Drake, Liam and Hana.. and for you too of course! But I need a little help though.."Maxwell explained as he rubbed the back of his head.
"So you were saying you're baking something , for us.. BUT! you need my help? Why?" I asked with curiosity.
I stared at his eyes.. he seems a little nervous when I asked him that. Maybe he was too embarrassed that I would find out that he can't even bake.
"Alright , alright! Sorry I lied.. All of our friends including Bertrand are gone by now. I don't know where they went. And I feel so bored and wanna try to do something. I find this cooking book at the kitchen cabinet while I was looking for something to eat like snacks. I decided to bake! I love to have some cookies though it reminds me of my childhood when me and Bertrand have during Christmas. Good times, but I need someone to guide me.. sooooooo... I decided you should help me instead!
I think it's pretty cute not only he wants to learn how to bake, but also his memory with him and Bertrand way back. "Alright lead the way!".
"Oh thank you! come on!" he said and he suddenly grabs me by my arm and we quickly run to the kitchen.
At the kitchen everything was ready. I can see all the bowls, measuring cups and ingredients needed. We positioned ourselves to the kitchen table and begin reading the book.
"Okay, so we're making a Chocolate chip cookies?" I asked and showed him the picture on the book.
"That's the one! and I bought sooooo many chocolates!" and suddenly he grabs a shopping bag filled with different variety of chocolates.
My eyes widened and shake my head."Hells!! how much did you pay for these?! and how many did you bought?!" I asked while I search inside the shopping bag.
He thinks for a moment."I can't seem to estimate how much I pay for them.. I lost the receipt sorry!, but I buy like I think.. 30?" he said.
GOOD GOLLY! I really wanna burst his bubble that he can't use all of these chocolates for these. Diabetes is real.
"uh.. huh? well anyway! let's set aside these for a moment and let's get to baking!" I said then I place the shopping bag on a chair.
We read the instructions in the book, we prepared some butter, white and brown sugar, eggs, baking soda, flour, vanilla extract and of course the chocolates. We fetch a big bowl and I decided that I will dictate the instructions while Maxwell does the measuring so he can learn. Surprisingly he manages to get the right measurements but..
"Okay then go fetch the flour will you?" I asked him politely.
"Okie Dokie Chef!", he said and gets the flour from the counter.
"Okay!! here I--.. here I-- I!!!!!"
"H-hey are you okay?!"
"I-I think I--.. I- I'm gonna---- ACHOO!!!!!!!"
He sneezed so loud and all the flour just burst and form a foggy atmosphere and he lunched himself to the kitchen sink.
"I-I can't see!" as I cough because of the flour.
Minutes later the flour was gone.. and oh boy! the kitchen is filled with flour. I quickly went to Maxwell. "Hey you okay ? the hells did you do!" I asked as I helped him to get up."Bertrand is gonna kill us.." he replied. Silent.. but any second we laughed.
"Hahaha! I can't believe you sneeze like that! hahaha--- ACHOO!!"
"Looks who talking! You sneeze like a hippo! HAHAHA"
"Oh.. is that so? well then!" I swiped a hand-full of flour and smack it to his face.
"H-hey!!! Oh hohoho! not on my watch!"
Both of us played in the flour, throwing them like there's no tomorrow. We ran all around at the kitchen and we go straight at the living room when suddenly I tripped at the carpet, falling down including him and create a domino effect.
"O-ow.. that hurts..."
"Hey! are you okay.. I... oh.."
Realizing that he was on top of me , while I was at the bottom.. both of our faces are inch apart. I can see him blushed and I can feel my face hot.
"Oh! I uh!! s-sorry! here let me help you"
Maxwell grabs me both my hands and manage myself to get up. "Sorry about that.." he said with a shaky voice. "It's okay.. we probably should clean the kitchen.. like.. right now". Both of us stared at the kitchen.. and the foot prints that we created all around from the kitchen up to the living room. Maxwell and I first cleaned the kitchen then the living room, after that we continue baking the cookies. After few hours of hard work. The cookies are done!
10:00 am
"Yehey!! now we can eat and saves some for the whole gang!" said Maxwell as he munches the chocolate chip cookies with all his might.
"I should eat some right now and save some before you ate them all!", I said teasingly. "Wait! there's one more thing we have forgotten!" he said and he goes by the fridge. He grab a milk cart and get 2 drinking glasses.
"And this is where the magic happens! just like me and Bertrand did when we were young!", he places the glasses at the table. He goes to the stove and prepare the kettle and pour the milk in it and set it to boil.
"It's nice to see you've remembered these things.. all I know is that, kids only do this kind of stuff. Like they offered some Milk and cookies to Santa during Christmas". He turns at me with a sweet smile on his face. "Yeah.. but we're still young! and remembering these things.. makes me happy.. I wish I can bring back the time.." his expression falls down.
"Hey! cheer up!, you can still do it again. Like you're doing right now. Let's just wait for them to taste the special cookies.. the Maxwell Cookies!" I said and gives him a hi-five.
"Yeah! but I would like to name this recipe as, "Mc and Maxies Cookies of Joy!.. Oh! the milk is boiling!" he rushes to the kettle, get some kitchen mittens and gently pour the warm milk to our glasses.
"Now dip, dip ,dip!!" he said excitedly and we dig in. The cookies taste amazing! I never knew this would come out good. We both chat and enjoy our milk and cookies. We also prepared the cookies for the rest of the gang when they get back.
As for now, we just sit back, relax and enjoy the cookies to ourselves.