(PART 2: Shower)
10:30 am
As we both almost finished eating and munching the cookies, and drinking the milk. I wipe my mouth with my hand and cookie crumbs fell onto my lap. I noticed I was still covered with flour over my pants and my black top. I also noticed Maxwell as well, still covered with flour, even on his dark brown hair.
"Is something wrong Mc?",Maxwell asked as he ate the last cookie on the plate. "Looks like we need to clean ourselves up", as I stand up from my seat and showed him my whole body covered with flour. "Take a look at yourself Maxwell". He stands up and look at the mirror. "Oh gods! I look like an old man now with my hair!", as he dust the flour off his hair. "I guess we need to take a shower, who goes first?", I asked. He thinks for a moment ,"I had an idea! let's rock, paper and scissors!", he suggested. I nodded and we put together our fists and prepare ourselves to play. In my mind I picked rock and still have no idea what he picked.
"Okay in a count of three.. one... two... three!!!". We draw our hands up and lands down, I positioned my hand as rock.. and he picks paper. I guess he won. "Yes! that means I'll go first.. but since I'm a gentleman. I suggest you go ahead then". I was surprised, though he won but still he lets me goes first instead? then what's the point playing the game.
"Well how kind of you, okay I'll just grabbed some clothes from my closet". I ran up to my room and grabbed my clothes and head my way to the bathroom. "Finally! a nice relaxing shower", a sound of relived came from my mouth. I open the shower and water runs into my whole body. It was cold at first, but it feel so good. I grabbed the shampoo and washed my hair , then I get a bar of soap. It smells like vanilla! after few minutes I'm finally done. I tried to grabbed a towel.. my heart beats fast. "Damn!!!! I forgot to bring myself a towel!", I said as I stared to panicked. "Okay .. okay stay clam..". An idea just popped on my mind. "I'll just called Maxwell and asked him for a towel!", I search for my phone , but it wasn't in my pants' pocket. "Oh gods! did I left it at the kitchen?!.. Oh yeah.... oppss". I think of another way, but my only option is yelling out from the bathroom door and asked Maxwell for a towel.
I slightly open the door and take a small peak. I take a deep breath, "Maxwell?!" I yelled and hoping he is still there where he can hear me. "Yeah? you done showering?!!", thank god he replied. "Uhh.. yeah! But.. I forgot my towel can you get it for me??!!!", I asked him. "Oh sure! wait there!!!". Thank god that was over. While waiting for him I just sat in the bath tub. My wet hair keeps dripping from my shoulder. Until I feel something crawling to my legs.
"Huh?", I take a look, where there's a cockroach crawling onto my legs! "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!", I screamed and quickly stand up from the tub and tried to brush off the roach off my legs. "Mc! are you okay?!!! I heard you s--", Maxwell burst the door open his eyes stared to me and he blushes full red. "Maxwell!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!", I panicked and grabbed my clothes and over my whole body. "OH!!I'M SO SORRY I THOUGHT!!! OKAY I'M GETTING OUT!!!!!". He hurriedly shuts the door. I blushed.. I can't believe it.. what the was that.
"Hey! I'm sorry I just burst in, I heard you screamed again and.. I thought you're in some kind of trouble or what. I'm just worried.. so sorry again! please don't tell Bertrand !!!", he keeps apologizing to me. "It's okay.. there's just a cockroach crawling at the tub. I just got.. scared that's why. Sorry for making your worried". "No.. it's okay, it was rude.. and uh.. yeah.. you get the idea but I'm really really sorry...". I smiled a little. "Come on now, I said it was okay, now stop apologizing for a thousand times". "Okay.. but here's your towel sorry it took a while for me to get it, there's a lot of colors of your towels.. umm there's blue, pink, yellow.. and I didn't know which color you want". I burst out laughing. "Oh gods Maxwell! you really did that? that's kinda.. adorable. But any color is good, what did you bring?". "I bring pink", he answered. I slightly open the door and I can see him on the side. "Hello there, may I have the towel now?". He gives the towel to me. I shut the door and quickly covered my body with a towel and head out.
"I think it's your turn now", I said. "Finally now I can get to take a bath, probably I would be doing a concert in there". I was about to walked away when I can feel something crawling in my feet. "Mc!! the roach!!!!!!!!". I looked down and there is that little monster again! "Ayyiiieee! get it off! get it off!!!", I hold on to Maxwell as I fling, swish and swoosh my foot and the roach went flying away.
"Thank god it's gone... again...". I feel a little tap on my back. "Uhh.. yeah now you can release me from your hug". I noticed I was hugging him, I quickly release myself from him. "Sorry about that! that roach causes so much trouble". "I understand, now I Maxwell the great must go to the shower now and bring the concert to life!", he said as he marches inside the bathroom. I giggle and head my way to my room.