I would say that my eyes and ears are windows for inspiration, pictures and music help me come up with ideas for stories that I want to write. I am not a scorned lover, and I don’t have many heartbroken tales to tell. So pictures and music will have to do when finding things to draw inspiration from, be it building new ideas or helping to shape and mould pre-existing ones. Most artists and writers will tell you they have muses, angels who came to them in the night granting them the power to create their next great piece. I however have no time to entertain these angels, they wouldn’t be doing much for me except interrupting some much needed sleep. I don’t need a muse, critics and readers are much more helpful. Inspiration is more like a little bird that land on my shoulder, chirping a random idea before swooping away. Sometimes more than one of them pay me a visit and I need to start write or else they won’t go away. Eventually they leave me alone as I begin to write, dropping a charming thank you present on my mum’s bright red car as they leave.