April talked to August whilst hugging his arm happily. Deep inside, she had to force herself to ignore the pang in her heart when she noticed July's crestfallen look as she hastened her steps in walking away. It wasn't that she was mean, she just had to do it. She made it her routine to always be seen around August whenever July was around so one of them would be driven to do something about it. She just had to push either one of them to confess to each other. But if there was something that she knew about her long lost friend, August - the boy could apparently be very dense when it came to love interests.
They were both into each other - not that July had an inkling about it, and she doubt August even realised it.
August had gone still in her arms. Thinking there was something wrong, she unwrapped her limbs and looked up at him. "What's the matter?"
His eyes seemed glazed over in a state of disbelief. He murmured, "She said she liked me."
Or so she had thought.
July had definitely taken the initiative to make the first move. Good on her, she cheered silently.
She shook her head and couldn't mask the expression on how happy she was to hear that. She looked at him pointedly. "That's a good thing, right? What are you going to do about it then?"
Slowly, he seemed to be coming out of his stupor. Looking at April with unconcealed glee, he exclaimed, "She said she liked me! What the-am I even dreaming now?"
She pinched him and he moaned in pain. "Nope. I don't think you are." She grinned.
Still floating in a cloud of wonder, he shook his head softly and said to April. "I can't believe my luck. I've gotta go after her."
She held in her sniffles of joy (damn the romantic in her) and managed a laugh. "Then go, you doofus."
*End of flashback*
April smiled genuinely as she watched from a distance at the happy couple hugging each other; July and August.
She knew they would be together somehow and was glad she sort of helped them both - although they didn't know of her interference.
April couldn't help herself; she was a romantic at heart, really. For months she had been noticing the longing looks and sometimes jealous glances July discreetly (or so the girl thought) sent August's and her way and that made her feel guilty because she did not see August in that way, despite the occasional taunting from her family and some friends just because they were close since kindergarten. Unfortunately, July had believed all those talks and didn't realise the truth at all.
A hopeless fool for romance who just can't keep her nose out of people's business, she remembered being told that once. Well, that had never been more truer the moment she wanted to help a friend and at the same time having such problems herself.
It was very clear to anyone, though, who wasn't July and August that the girl had some feelings for the boy.
But then July surprised her by confessing to August first and that made April admire the girl.
If there were some things she shared in common with July, one of it was definitely the fact that she was in the same predicament as the girl.
At first when she approached August, she had wanted to catch up with him, but it wasn't until a couple of weeks later that she noticed how withdrawn and glum July seemed whenever she and August hung out together. At the very same time, that also happened to be the time where April started harbouring feelings for August's best friend, October.
Figuring she could kill two birds with a stone, figuratively speaking, an idea had flourish within her then that made her use the opportunity to perhaps make the other boy a bit jealous. Not that she was certain there would be success, but it didn't hurt to give it a try.
October was just like his namesake, really, and he reminded her of autumn. With a warm and bright smile and an honest, easygoing attitude that no one could resist, like many other girls, she fell for him too. Though she was sure her feelings for him was starting to strengthen deeper with each passing day she hung out with August and his friend.
April was momentarily jolted when she heard someone call her name at the same time she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Hey. April!"
Startled, she turned around and clasped a hand to her chest, ignoring the warm emotion spreading through her body as she met with a pair of liquid green eyes.
"October!" She breathed out. "You scared me."
"Did I?" He grinned lopsidedly before casting an apologetic look. "Sorry. I called you but apparently you were busy..." His gaze slid to where she was looking at and he raised an eyebrow when he looked at her.
"Spying on July and August?" His tone was light but she thought she might have detected some unknown tone to it.
She chuckled softly. "No. I'm just happy for them."
The both of them stared at the now grinning couple holding hands as they walked leisurely. October nodded and said, "It was about damn time, huh? Everyone was rooting for them and there they are."
April laughed, a soft musical sound that matched her angelic features. "Apparently, everyone but them. I don't think they were both aware of their feelings then."
"Well, that was then." October glanced at her and smiled. "Everyone's thinking of going to the mall since our club meeting ended. Wanna come?"
Her eyes widened in surprise a little. In all her times of talking to him, he had never initiated anything first - and that included inviting her to anywhere. April didn't want to sound delusional but was there a possibility that he might harbour some feelings for her?
As soon as that thought formed in her mind, she squashed it almost instantaneously. She felt almost annoyed at herself then for even thinking it. Guys asking her out to somewhere didn't mean they like her or anything. If that were the case, she would have thought she had a dozen suitors. Besides, that also depends on the context and this hardly seemed like a momentous occasion where he was actually asking her out.
Besides, it was October. If anything, he was nice and friendly and he was probably only being nice to her so she wouldn't feel left out.
Though her heart thumped wildly, she opted a casual look. She darted a glance towards the lovesick pair and gestured to October. "Should we go get them?"
He laughed then. A rich and vibrant sound that warmed not only April's heart but also her cheeks. "Nah. let's not intrude on their 'honeymoon' vibe. We can, however, yell at them." To prove his point, he did just that.
Cupping two hands around his mouth, he said, "Hey lovebirds! We're heading to the Mall now. Wanna tag along or are you too cool for that?" He added a wink and April couldn't help but burst into laughter at that slight sexual innuendo.
April walked beside October in peaceful silence while their friends chatted amicably amongst one another. She was thinking of what to do at the mall when October spoke to her.
"A shame that they couldn't come along, huh?"
She knew who he was referring to and nodded. "Yeah, but could you blame them? Like you said, they are in a honeymoon phase." April smiled.
He chuckled. "I guess that means they're too cool for us now. I mean, look at Beau and Hannah over there." He pointed to a white blond and a brunette holding hands in a swing set motion, oblivious to their surroundings as they whispered to each other. "At least they didn't forget who their friends are."
"Technically, they aren't even aware of their surroundings. They're so sickeningly sweet, it's kinda painful and cute at the same time." April said mindlessly.
October raised an eyebrow and smiled. "What's this, Ms. Dalton? Are you a romantic at heart?" He teased.
Boy, you've no idea, she wanted to sigh.
"I think I do now." He murmured, his eyes twinkling in amusement.
Crap. Did I say it out loud?
"Yes, you did." He bit his lower lip to prevent himself from laughing.
Her ears and cheeks blushed in embarrassment and she threw him a look of exasperation. "Not funny."
His body wracked in silent laughter as he chuckled. "Sorry. You're just too cute to resist, April."
She froze. Did he just called her cute? She knew he did but her ears was having a hard time believing that. Honestly, I need to get a grip of myself.
She laughed nervously instead.
Jessica, one of her cheerleader friends tapped her shoulder and grinned at the both of them. "We're thinking of getting lunch first before seeing a movie. It's Hannah and Beau's idea really. What do you say?"
"Why am I not surprised?" October chuckled quietly.
April shook her head at him but shrugged at Jessica. "It's fine with me, actu-"
"Uh, actually, I think we might be running late for a bit. April and I were thinking to check out some stuff first."
April was dubious and at the look of her friend's face, she was too. But the girl had quickly schooled her expression into something of a coy understanding.
"Ah, sure, sure. Guess I'll see you guys there then." She winked at them both before catching up with their friends.
April turned towards October and looked at him curiously. "What was that?"
His smile was sheepish. "Thought we could hang out for a bit." His eyes widened in surprise then as he said, "I mean, that's if you want to."
She stared at him. April really didn't know what to think; why was he behaving a little odd? She was really having a hard time trying to keep the hopeful feeling from blooming in her heart because of the little things he said or did.
After a moment, she said, "I don't mind, really. Though I'd hoped you would have warned me that little bit. Seriously, it took me off guard there."
"Sorry. Just kinda panic for a moment." He murmured to himself.
"Hmm?" She hummed noncommittally.
"Nothing." He said quickly, flashing a smile that looked apologetic.
She stared at him again, trying to find out what was the matter with him when she noticed his ears were getting a little red. The weather was hardly cold yet he looked a bit feverish.
Both curious and alarmed, she asked, "Are you alright?"
He smiled softly. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Really, you looked like you're five seconds from being declared to having a fever." She teased. "Maybe we should go inside. At least there's some benches we could sit on. I think the guys are at the food court so that's better." She nodded to herself.
October's lips twitched as he looked at April's look of concentration. "Hey, April." he said softly.
Startled at the gentle tone, she looked up.
If hearing his voice did funny things to her insides, the gentle look of his green eyes almost made her knees buckle. April wondered what went through his mind to make him look like that and it wasn't long until she found out.
October ran his fingers through his thick though silky copper hair before capturing her hazel brown eyes with his.
"Would...would you like to go out with me?"
To say she was stunned was an understatement. If she weren't too busy analysing the words over and over again in her mind, she probably would have cried in joy. In fact, the realisation that she was in public and that October was looking at her in that worried but hopeful expression was the only thing that stop her from both blubbering and shrieking in exhilaration.
April's momentary shock faded as she thought of a thousand ways to say yes in. Yet, the first thing that came out of her mouth was, "Aren't we going out right now? I mean, I am out with you here."
April, you're such an idiot!
"Wait, I mean...yes, sure. Sorry about that! I wasn't thinking." She stammered as she tried to remedy the blunder she made.
It didn't matter really because he was grinning like a lovesick person. He took a step closer to her. His pleasant scent of the outdoor and some cologne invaded her senses and she felt lightheaded. I really hope this isn't a dream.
"Sorry, Ms. Dalton, but I'm afraid I didn't quite get your answer."
April bit her lip so she wouldn't giggle at that. That was definitely a flirtation.
Trying though failing to control the goofy grin on her lips, she glanced up at him and murmured, "Yes. I would love to go out with you."
"That's all a guy could ask for really." He smiled before kissing her cheek and pulling her into his arms.
"How romantic of you to say that." She giggled quietly.
"I try to be since my girlfriend's a hopeless romantic." His tone was dry but she felt his body vibrate as he chuckled.
Girlfriend. His girlfriend.
She liked the sound of that.
Lost in their own happy little bubble, they didn't care to acknowledge the loud cheers and whoops that came from around them. April was sure those came from their friends since she recognised their cheering voices.
A happy beginning; first for August and July and now October and her?
She couldn't ask for a better story.