Her strawberry-blonde hair bobs in and out of sight as she moves around her kitchen counter. She comes out with her Cupid coffee mug in hand. She places it on her glass, heart-shaped table before plopping down on her pink couch. She turns the T.V on to the channel that plays love songs. She adjusts her fluffy red pillows and tosses one on the table. She places her feet on it and pulls her notebook that is adorned with snowflakes on the cover. She goes back to work in two months so she wants to be prepared. Please allow me to introduce my friend, February.
I open my notebook to the back cover that contains a calendar. Sure other months have bigger, more important jobs but what I do is pretty significant too. My biggest holiday is Valentine's Day. I also get to make snow since I'm a winter month. I write myself a reminder to call March to see if he plans on making any snow and if so then how much. I would hate to throw him off. December has been flurrying here and there, so it looks like the heavy stuff is up to Jan and me.705Please respect copyright.PENANAKMNxAX8UEQ
My heart leaps as I remember the best part of my job is in 2 years. There is only one month whose age changes, because the rest of them were assigned only one age. All of my colleagues are either 30 or 31, but I am the baby at 28 years old. Once every four years I get to be 29 for one whole year before reverting back to 28 for another 3. It is very exciting because I get to do two things no one else does. Not only do I get to age but on top of that, I get to create a whole day that isn't there any of the other 3 years. We call this year with the extra day a leap year. 705Please respect copyright.PENANA2uR3IV1dgn
We live in a city up in the clouds called Gregorian. This is where all of the years, months, days and zodiacs live. Jan and I were named and created by King Numa Pompilius. I was made to be 28 years old originally, but then Julius Ceaser later gave me my 29th year of age every four years. I was made to be the youngest and the shortest. I don't know why it had to be me, but I learned to live with it. My hair matches my season perfectly. The pale blonde matches the winter while the reddish tint of it represents my holiday, Valentine's day. When I'm not at HQ mingling with the other months I mainly talk to Jan and March.
I hear soft footsteps sifting through my tiny house. I turn to see big, beautiful blue eyes staring at me. My daughter, Aquarius has just woken up. Each month had to have two children, each one with a different month. These children are referred to as Zodiacs. Our genders don't have to match since we can reproduce both sexually and artificially. Jan and I made Aqua at HQ in a lab. My son, who I made naturally with March, is at his house right now. Jan has Aqua from January 20th to February 1st. I get to keep her for the rest of February and then we just rotate monthly. February 19th is when I get my son Pisces so they both get to hang out together sometimes.
"We get to see Pi today in your work building?" She asks as clearly as a 4-year-old can.
I nod at her as I shut my notebook. I pick her up and take to her our room so we can get dressed. We have to meet at HQ once a month to talk about progress and ideas. She enjoys mingling with the other zodiac children since they're all close to her age. We put on our matching pink and white dresses with the polka-dot bow in the back.705Please respect copyright.PENANAsIuWJoXpMV
"Will mommy Jan bring Capi too?" She asks.
"I'm sure Capi will be there too. You can play with both of your siblings today," I say as her grin widens.
We throw on our coats before heading out the door. It is cold, but us winter months can handle it. We decide to walk the 20 minutes to HQ. Aqua usually makes it about 10 or 15 before requesting to be carried the rest of the way. I grab her hand and we set off towards the biggest building in the city.