Drake and Riley arrive at the bar. The room is filled with neon signs and soft up beat music, pool tables and large TV screens. Every person in the building was preoccupied in some way. Drake kept Riley close keeping his left hand firmly on the curve of her back. He wanted her to know he wan't he wasn't going anywhere. He wanted everyone else to know she was his. If only for tonight if only in front of these unminding strangers Riley Sutton would not be betrothed to Liam, the King of Cordonia, and his best friend. No, tonight they would simply be a man who likes a woman and took her to a bar for a fun time.
Drake finds a booth near the corner back of the bar. As they sit their waitress greets them.
"Two whiskys neat mam..." Drake hands the waitress back her menus not even opening them.
Riley eyes widens. She loved every bit of this man in front of her. the way he places his hand on her back. The way he knows her order. The way he looks at her with those same eyes of want and frustration that she has for him.
As she sat across the table with her thoughts circling around her, she looks up and sees Drake staring at her.
"What are you thinking about?" he asks as he scratches the light stubble on his chin.
Riley takes a large sip from her drink, which she was so focused on her thoughts she never noticed were in front of her.
"Lets play a game!"she says changing the subject.
"Are you sure you want to play a game with me? Every time i win. Every time you cheat!"
Riley playfully gasps, "I never cheat!"
"You ALWAYS cheat Sutton!" Drake answers back with a chuckle lightly holding his drink.'
"Well this game is a win win no losers although there is a lot of drinking involved."
"We are in the right place then."
"The game is called Truth of Drink we ask each other questions. Each has to answer honestly. I mean brutally honest. If you do answer the question the person who asked takes a shot in order to not answer the question you have to take the shot."
Drake stares in to Riley's face his dark brown eyes scanning her intently. He lens forward as he speaks.
"OK I get it the goal here is to ask the most embarrassing or challenging questions. So either you will torture me into spilling my guts out SOBER or eventually get me drunk enough where I'll do it anyway.
With a giggle Sutton calls over the waitress for 8 shooters. "I told you this will be a win win!"
Drake leans back in his both "You're on Sutton I will still bet you. I'm and open book."
"Ha open like a brick wall!"
He has a playful look of aggression on his face. Riley bring her legs together underneath the table The looks he gives her, the way he calls her "Sutton" it drives her crazy. If he had no clue of her feeling for him he would by the end of tonight.
The shots came in no time and the games began.
"OK Drake I'm first you ready?" He nods his head to answer.
"What was your first thought of me when you met me?"
Drake takes a shot glass a nudges it over to Riley.
"Two easy Sutton, my first thought of you was "Hey the waitress, she is cute. I'm hungry I hope she brings our burgers fast."
"Wait so you think I'm cute" Riley smiles at Drake who gives her a stern look in return.
"My turn since you took it easy on me. Who was your first crush?"
A second had not passed before an answer fell from her lips.
"Oh Prince Harry!"
"Wow really?"
"Yes he has this bright red hair. I saw him on TV one day when I was younger and thought someday he will find me and make me his princess.
As Riley laughs Drake smile fades. He takes his shot and wonders if she used her answer to hurt him or she really didn't realize who she was talking to.
"So you do have a thing for these Royals huh?"
"Oh I was at least 9 or 10 Drake that was so long ago."
Riley looks at Drake who no longer looks playful but angry.
"Ok my turn."
Riley notices that Drake was no longer looking at her. His attentions was at the couple playing pool across the room. She knew she had to bring him back in.
"Drake how do I feel about you?"
Drake smirks he slowly takes his eyes away from the couple and looks directly into Riley's eyes. Keeping that contact he takes a shot then returns to the happy couple.
"Well ok then" Riley stands from the booth and begins to walk away when she is stop by Drake's hand around her waist. He is silent for a moment only pulling her close enough to him where he could smell her vanilla scented perfume.
"It's my turn." is all he says and motions for her to sit back down. She obliges and waits for her question.
"How do you feel about Liam?" Drake has a pained look in his eyes but instead of looking away shows Riley. Maybe it was the shots mixed in with the whisky but he wanted her to see how vulnerable he was at this moment. How easily she could hurt him with just one answer.
"I like Liam he is kind sweet attractive and I can see why he needs a whole ceremony to choose a wife. Any girl who meets him would fall for him even is he wasn't royal."
Drake rolls his eyes and reaches for his shot. Sutton takes the glass from his hand.
"But for some crazy reason I am not in love with him. There has been only one man that has taken sleep from me every night, who has consumed my thoughts and dreams."
Drake is frozen unsure whether to move or even breath. He locks eyes with Riley and sees that tears are beginning to form within them.
"When he is near me I just want him to touch me and when he isn't around I want him to be. He frustrates me in every way. Because his touches his looks his kisses no matter how quick how fleeting they affect my entire body."
Drake opens his mouth to speak but no words come out.
"When I'm with Liam all I do is look around for him to see if he is watching us if he is hurt. But when I'm with him I think of no one I don't care who sees us."
Riley takes the shot in her hand that was meant for Drake.
It grows quiet and it is only then do they both realize that most of the patrons have left the bar. Drake motions for the waitress to brings the check. She already has it in her hand and mentions to him that there is a taxi outside if they wanted to catch it.
"Sutton ask me your final question and I will answer this time" Drake looks into Riley's eyes. He wants to laugh in the irony that it is she who spilled her guts out and not him but he doesn't dare to crack a smile in front of her.
With a sigh Riley looks at the ceiling hoping it will dry her eyes.
"Do you really...did you ever really want to be with me? Or is this just some game for you? Sometimes I think you have the best restraint and sometimes I don't think its restraint at all you just really have no intention of being with me just stringing my gullible butt along like a fool."
Drake wished he hadn't promised to answer this one he was dying for a shot. He scoots closer to Riley and very softly speaks into her ear.
"I'm going to tell you this calmly and slowly I want you to hear every word I say ok"
Riley nods, the deepness of his voice the heat he brings to her ear and neck she could not speak.
"You have captivated me Sutton. Why do you think I go to those fancy events."
"Free food!" Riley blurts out jokingly.
"Yes that is true but to see you mostly. You have got to know that I am crazy about you. God! I want nothing more than to walk out that door with you leave everything and be with you. To kiss you"
Drake begins to kiss the base of Riley neck slightly but purposefully.
"To taste you."
He grazes his tongue along her neck up behind her ear and begins to suck.
"Making love to you forever wouldn't be long enough."
Drake stops and sits back in the booth.
"But I have lived this life for 24 years and most of it has been with Liam. I don't restain myself because I dont want you. I do it for him and for us and if there will ever truly be an "us" we need to do this right."
They look at each other , exasperated their breaths sharpe and rhythmic. Their gazes are cut short by their waitress clearing their table and who reminds them again of the taxi waiting outside.
As they leave both, in their own ways, think about the booth behind them.. And how they would manage to keep their hands off each other on the drive back to the train.