By the next morning Riley Maxwell Hanna and Drake began their search for Tariq. By the end of the night they found him recorded his confession and debated on what to do with it.
In the lobby of their hotel everyone made their case. "We should get this to the press now!" Drake exclaims
"Wait shouldn't we let Liam know or Madeline?" Hanna points out
"Why can you imagine how much money this scoop would be to The Cordonian Press! I say call them u tonight and sell it." Maxwell says.
They begin to talk over each other and Riley after straining to hear each side stands to show her decisions.
"I will go to Madeline tell her what I have and then later present this to the press. There is no reason to rush now."
Her friends stand walk to their own destinations, it is then she notices Olivia sitting close by at the bar. She walks over and stand at the table before her.
"Hello Olivia."
"Riley" Olivia demeanor is cold but not intimidating. Her eyes looked tired and Riley could see that the last few days have been hard on her as well.
"I just wanted to let you know that I hope when all this is over with we can remain friends .., or become friends... I don't know . I don't know what we are but you are the only one who really knew what I was going through. The fear of not knowing who was out for us. I don't want that to be the only thing that bonds us. I like you Olivia. I now deep down you have a caring heart and you did not deserve what King Constantine did to us. I know hat this whole time everyone has been worried about me forgetting about you. I'm sorry for that and even if I'm not a friend for you you are one for me."
Olivia takes a long sip of her drink. A coy smile begins on her face.
"Sit down have a drink with me. " With a waive of her hand she calls over a waitress.
"Yes I'll have another Martini please and Miss RIley will have?"
"Whiskey neat please." Riley sits smiling convinced she had gotten through to her.
"So you actually do like that drink, here I am thinking you only ordered that because of your crush on Drake." Olivia chuckles to herself and takes another sip of her drink. The comment startles Riley being it is the first time anyone has every known about Drake and her she wondered if maybe their secret relationship wasn't as covert as she thought. She looks at Olivia cautiously and once her drink comes she takes a large sip.
"Look don't be afraid what can I do about it? Who could I tell? I mean who would care now anyway?" She laughs loudly Riley responds with a light chuckle as well still very cautious.
"Riley come on were friends right. If were going to be friends we have to be honest with each other. Ok how about this we play a game. If anybody at this table has a thing for a guy named Drake take a sip of their drink.""
Olivia's smile is soft comforting. Riley looks mischievously at her and smiles coyly and takes a sip of her whiskey the liquid warming her entire body as she swallows.
"See the world didn't end! It's ok I guess underneath all that hair on his face and meat and potatoes attitude I guess he isn't that bad to look at. And if anyone can reciprocate his snarky remarks it's me!" Olivia then takes a sip of her drink. And they both laugh.
"We are not going to have to have a social season to date Drake are we?" Riley jokes.
"No I'm pretty sure I've scared him off a long time ago."
Over time the cautiousness Riley felt fades. More drinks arrive and the two fill the night with conversation.
"Honestly I can't see how you put up with that Maxwell. Do you know he actually walked around Shanghai greeting every person he could saying 'Shang HI!' I think someone should seriously have him tested. "
"I'm sure Bertrand has beat you to that. Honestly I look at him sometimes and I want to ask dude what are you on? Why are you so happy? I mean that in the nicest way possible. He is the best little brother I could temporarily have."
They both laugh and soon another round of drinks are brought to the table.
"And I really like Liam but come one to have to give up going to the mall going shopping having a life for one guy it's too much." Riley says lightly taking another large sip she gets hot and takes off her jacket laying it on the chair next to her.
"Yeah but that's what stylist are for." Olivia smiles at her
"See you would think that That is your life that's your world. Not mine. I'm more of a where is the nearest store kinda girl." As Riley speak she holds her glass loosely. "Wait I have to go to the bathroom watch my jacket will ya?"
"She jumps and runs for the restroom across the lobby. On her way back she sees Madeline getting out of a limo outside. She hurries back to Olivia who is paying the bill to the waitress.
"Hey guess who is outside. The damn devil herself."
They both watch as Madeline trots through the lobby. Her two minions at toe. She doesn't even notice them as she hurries for the elevators.
"The only thing I truly hope works out out of all of this is that Liam ends up with someone that loves him. He deserves that much."
Olivia looks at Riley who is still watching the elevator doors close on Madeline.
"We have more in common than I thought. Hey I gotta go here's your jacket see you tonight at the Bridal party?"
"Yeah you want to---"
Olivia is gone before Riley could finish her sentence.
Later that night Riley walks arm and arm with Maxwell into the beautifully decorated party. She sees Madeline and takes a deep breath.
"Ok let's do this." She let's go of Maxwell and walks straight up to Madeline.
"Madeline can we talk?"
She fallows her to a corner of the room and Riley shows her the video.
Madeline's face looks blank after a moment she speaks.
"Thank you for showing me this Lady Riley I guess we should cancel the party I'm surprised the press hasn't stormed the place asking questions."
"I havn't taken this to the press yet, I wanted you and Liam to see this first. I wanted to show you exactly what kindness looks like."
The words clearly hurt Madeline as she flinches for a quick second but soon a forced smile appears on her face.
She walks over to the stage and stops the music, coughing nervously before beginning.
"Hello all. I just want to thank you all for coming out here tonight to support Liam and I. It means so much to us to see you all." She pauses for a moment and looks at Riley with a deep breath she begins again "But unfortunatly I must---"
The room erupts with buzzes and rings as everyone reaches for their phones. Madeline looks to Riley both with confusion and fear in their eyes.
Riley's phone rings.
She looks at it and sees Tariq's confession with bright red "Breaking News" displayed above his head.
Madeline rushes over to Riley. "so you did that whole modest thing just to out bitch me?"
"I promise you I did not do this the only people who I sent this to had strict instructions to not use it until I talked to you and Liam. I honestly don't know what is going on right now."
With that Madeline storms out of the room Riley couldn't be sure but she thought she saw tears fall from her eyes.
After speaking with Bertrand and her PR agent neither confessed to sending the video. Riley walked into her room that night confused as ever. What will this mean now? What will happen to Madeline? Tariq? Herself? Who gave the press the video?
A knock on the door stops her thoughts. She opens it to see Liam smiling brightly at her. He rushes through the door.
"Lady Riley it's over I have ended my engagement! "
Riley doesn't speak she simply watches him as he sits next to her. Her hands in his he squeezes them tightly. She knew this time would come she just didn't imagine it ever really would get here.
"Riley I must see you again. Tomorrow I have cleared my schedule for the day. After Madeline and I make a public announcement I am all yours."
He leans in placing a light kiss on her check before standing up and walking to the door.
"Till tomorrow." he walks out the room.
Riley stays sitting silence. She watches the door. Never had she ever wished tomorrow wouldn't come before.