Semptic jumped on a low hanging tree branch, and swung up even higher up another tree, the air pulled his long brown feral hair behind. Semptic thought he was gonna escape, the thought he was gonna live to see another day. The fairy of hope cursed Semptic with a smile, and he laughed as he swung up 20 feet in the air, with both his hands reaching for the sky, and legs dangled under his body.
But soon he felt something sharp, something painful seep into his right lower back. He felt a river of pain start to course up his back and into his stomach, and soon his head started to hurt. He was closing into the branch he swung for. But his arm refused to move, like his brain got hacked.
And the intense speed of Semptic and the hard structure of the mighty tree came into contact. A loud bang screamed throughout the seas of trees, and animals ran away from the roar of the impact. And soon the righteous grip of gravity slowly pulled Semptic down to earth, his head bounced on the forest floor with a dart in his back seeping in, soon darkness started taking over his eyes, the world became hazy. until finally his brain shut down.
A few hours later conctious started slapping Semptic awake, the walls of eyelids started to open and saw a plain white room. He said a plain white cieling and a plain white floor, the bed was carefully put on the left side of the room, it blended in with the rest of the room. Seas of white roamed all around the iron door in front of Semptic.
He walked up to the door, he didn't know what this was, it was slightly separated from the rest of the wall, he could see what was outside beyond these walls.
"Where is my home, where is my mom!" Screamed out Semptic as a man in a white coat walked by. But it was like Semptic was a ghost, because the man walked like he didn't hear a sound. "Why am I hear!" Screamed Semptic once more.
His heart started hyperventilating, his troops of thoughts started racing in fear, and his eyes started releasing drops of tears. We're they gonna kill him, or hurt him, and where was his family. Soon the door opened to see a man, his hair fell down to his chin, his eyes were the color of the ocean and the wrinkles traveled throughout his face and hands. Like everyone else he had a white lab coat and brown pants, and pitch black shoes protected his feet.
"Hey buddy, it's ok we're not gonna hurt ya," said the man.
Semptic was scared and backed away as the man inched closer, finally Semptic had enough of being a prey. He had to do something, he couldn't let the man paralyze his heartbeat. Semptic jumped high in the air, almost gliding into the man's shoulder ignoring his fears, and summoned his sharp as blade teeth into the man's neck. Before the man could react, Semptic already dug his teeth into his neck so easily like it was pie.
The dam of flesh broke and the waters of blood showered Semptic's mouth, Semptic felt bones being crippled as he deepened his teeth into the man's neck.
Aaaaaaah! Screamed the man. His legs stopped working and let his body fall into the ground, Semptic's teeth was like flames burning his neck. The man tried to pull him off but couldn't because he could rip off something important, he tried punching the child but he took the pain with no reaction.
Soon other people dressed the same as the man barged in the room, none of them did anything but one, he had something rectangle shaped in his hands. He gently pressed it against Semptic's right side and electricity sharply struck him in a brief and painful moment, forcing him to let go of the old man and clutch his side. Immediately the people in white tackled Semptic to the ground in a dog pile. They held him like that until the old man was walked out of the room.
Three days later, Semptic was still in the room, hatred fueled his mentality now, and insanity was not far from his radar. He would bang on the door screaming let me out! The doctors fed him raw pork and a dog bowl of water. He was frustrated that the people wouldn't let him go, and kept him here like he was some kind of beast.
Two weeks later, his mentality was too broken to be fixed, by now nothing would be more satisfying than seeing all these demons laying life less in a bed made of blood. His eyes burned at the small door in the door so that the doctors could feed him without coming in. He had enough at that point, these people were not gonna keep him here against his will.
When the small door opened so that the food could enter, Semptic lunged at the hand holding it, he pulled his hand in with all his might. And released his teeth at his wrists, splitting the forests of veins in half and letting blood flow freely. And an army of scream the man hollered travel through the halls.
Soon the door swung open, slamming Semptic into the hard wall. And a big wave of men and woman came barging in, but to there suprise they couldn't find him, they looked around but never thought of looking behind the door.
Semptic took his opportunity to flee from the room as quick as a fly. He ran faster than he ever had. All the minutes, hours, days, and weeks of complete solitude and containment has finally ended. Hope grew in his heart and a smile was painted on his face, he was finally free.
But a sharp pain struck his left leg, making him crash and burn on the ground, the pain on his leg was unbearable and he just had to hold it. When he look at his leg, he saw blood flow out of his leg, it was like a rapid river because it wouldn't stop bleeding and he was bleeding fast. The fist of pain punch his leg when ever he tried to move it.
"Should we put it back in the room?" Asked the a doctor.
"No, it has to be insane from living in the woods for so long, we should just put it out of his misery," said another doctor.
He raised a gun to the child's head, and with one squeeze of the trigger, the gun released a bullet that broke the walls of skull of Semptic. And ended his life. His Dark body laid lifeless, his head was like a leaking bottle. With blood streaming out of his skull and his eyes held no life.
The halls were like the room, all white. No decoration. The lights on the cieling lid up the white as clouds room.
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