Upon creation, the angel was only aware of a void; an endless and unrelenting darkness.
Then he heard the voice of God, a voice that was both masculine and feminine in its sound, reverberating deep in his celestial soul; awaking an unseen part of him. This was followed by the triumphant cries of his angel brethren as they marveled at the world below the Heavens that was brought to life by their Father.
Then consciousness came upon the angel; suddenly he could see and feel his surroundings.
There were many others just like him. Beautiful and radiant beings, stretching out their wings for the first time and taking air into their lungs. Their voices rang loud and clear throughout the Heavens, a sound which wasn't as great or powerful as their Father but captivating nonetheless.
The Hounds of God received their names shortly after their birth. Some would become infamous, spoken on the tongue of Man and written in scripture for millennia.
Michael. Gabriel. Raphael. Uriel.
While others would be only known to God.
Ramiel. Castiel. Ithuriel.
While one in particular would become scorned for the rest of Creation's existence.
Soon enough, humanity was born. The angel noted how fragile they were; they looked much like the heavenly host but were only mere mortals, susceptible to sin and temptation.
The angel had his doubts but when God declared humanity the object of His love, the Archangels and Seraphims bowed before the new life and all the angels followed their example.
Guide and protect them, they were commanded and the angels obeyed, some taking pity upon Man while others grew envious.
When Lucifer and his horde rose against God, the angel had remained true to Michael's army. He didn't relish the idea of killing or maiming angels that were once his brothers but it had to be done; Lucifer and the fallen meant to enslave and destroy humanity. Father cherished Man and couldn't bare to see them destroyed. If it was His will that Man be protected against the forces of darkness then so be it.
Lucifer and the fallen were cast out of heaven, becoming the twisted creatures humanity would later call demons and Lucifer became Satan.
Was it worth it? The angel asked himself. Was Man worth the price in blood? At first he thought not; they were an ungrateful and sinful race but once the Great Flood had come to pass and the world was born again, it seemed humanity changed. If only a little.
For millennia, the angel observed Man. He saw their weaknesses and their wicked actions but he could see the good that resided within them. That good was worth protecting. To the angel it was. Not all of his brethren agreed but none of them would dare disobey the Almighty.
The world had changed drastically since the beginning. It seemed darker, tainted compared to what the angel remembered from his birth. Humanity was to blame as far as most of the heavenly host was concerned and yet God loved them.
On more than one occasion, the doctrine of being the protectors and guardians of Man changed to being executioners. The angel remembered the destruction of Sodom and multiple other ancient cities that met their end through God and His horde.
It was then did humanity appear the fragile and vulnerable creatures that they truly were as fear took hold of all their reasoning.
Once the dust had settled, Man would repent and life would be allowed to continue once more. As a species, humanity would be allowed to remain, despite them destroying scores of God's creations themselves.
Yet God's love remained as steadfast as ever. Rejoice in me, He beckoned to Man. While many answered His call, there were still those who did not and the angel felt pity for those who did not hear the words of the Lord.
Humanity was fatally flawed but gifted as well. The angel could see that and it endeared them to him because of it. Humanity was perplexing but the angel was resolute to fulfill his original purpose; he was a guardian and protector for God's children on earth and he would remain so if it was God's will.
But if the Lord decided that Man be blotted out from existence then the angel would obey. The angel noted how most of his brethren would feel no remorse at doing so.
The angel knows he would feel remorse for such destruction if it were to happen and perhaps God would as well. He couldn't say that with confidence though; the Lord wasn't the most predictable of beings.
Perhaps that's why so many men and women don't heed the call of God? The angel, in his observations of Man, noticed how many seemed uncomfortable with the idea that some being had power over their lives and could destroy the very ground beneath their feet if that being wished it.
That would be an unsettling thought for a mortal. The angel admitted.
The angel can't help but wonder if humanity will meet its end and when that may happen. Extinction had always been a threat to them from above but the angel thought that Man was a threat to themselves; as ridiculous as that notion seemed.
He would have to wait and see as he had done for thousands of years previous. If humans finally fall into the grave they had dug for themselves then so be it.
Of course, their fate could only be determined by the Almighty as it had been since their creation.725Please respect copyright.PENANAmkxzxASnsz