Last time, Megumi was telling part two of her story of how she met her husband.
Well, can us tell me what happens next? Haru asked. Well as Aiden found out the truth about why I hated the people of that village he was outraged. Megumi replied. He said, "I see why you didn't want to come here?". Knowing me and my smart ass remarks. "If you listen to others, you might learn something" Yeah that is a smart remark coming you alright. Eri replied. Then he was shocked that I summoned a sword. He is friends explained everything. She is a gifted race of people who learned to summon weapons to save their lives. Rio replied. Yeah, I am so what is your point? Megumi asked. You have powers most people imagine to have. Rio replied. Well hate to burst your bubble but this power mine is nothing to be proud of. Megumi replied. What is your name? Aiden asked. I used to have a name that my mom gave me. Megumi replied. Wait I think the name means blessing fits you. Aiden replied. Who the hell do you think you are just giving me a name? Megumi asked. Well from her bitchy attitude. Why don't we name her Megumi? Rio asked. Why are you giving me the name meaning Blessing? Megumi asked. Something to fit bitchy attitude maybe "Shura". Rio replied. After seeing the deadly display of violence "Shura" is perfect. What do Megumi and Shura mean? Aiden asked. Megumi means blessing and Shura mean fighting or scene of carnage. Rio replied. That name fits actually. Aiden replied. Megumi Shura is a name you gave me? Megumi asked. Wait for your husband and his friend gave you the name you are well known for? Haru asked. I really liked the name but I didn't want Aiden and his friend Rio to know it. Megumi replied. Well you know the name is a contradiction right. Megumi replied. What she is speaking in large sentences. Rio asked. Shut up. I am not dumb I just refer to stay quiet and stay in the background. Megumi replied. So you are a coward then. Aiden replied. I put my head down wondering if I will ever change. Megumi thought. Hey, do you like that girl? Rio asked. I heard voices in the distance. What is going on? Rio asked. I jumped and l unsheathed my sword. Get them and kill them. Akatsuki yelled. When I landed on the ground I sheathed my sword and all her men fell to the ground coughing up blood. From the sword, you must be a descendant of HanayoGozen. Akatsuki replied.
What is she talking about?
Gozen is a way of saying, young lady.