The last time, Haru and the girls meet Min-Ji and Liliya at Forsythia Café. As they were there, a boy that looked familiar to Haru. For some reason she had a bad premonition. Then Botan and Hyakunichisou appeared causing trouble.
As the attack began, Roka was leading everyone to safety. As he is doing this, Min-Ji whispers in his ear. You need to be more careful. She is catching on to you. He gets a little anxious after she said that. As everyone was evacuated, I wanted to know more about their attack.
As I entered the scene, Sayuri appeared pointing his sword at Botan. Get the hell out of here before Min-Ji or Shinigami Squads Sin of Superbia appears. Sayuri replied. Why do we have to listen to you, you turned on us for more power? Botan asked. As I was looking from the distance, I caught their glance. Hyakunichisou blinked her eyes as he charged at Botan. I was transported where Botan was. Sayuri saw my face. I backflipped out the way. A big explosion appeared. My foot slipped and I began to fall. Sayuri ran as fast as he could but failed. No! Sayuri yelled. Kirika and Min-Ji looked up as they saw me falling off the building. We have to save her. Wendy replied. You guys stay here, Min-Ji and I will so what going on up top. Kirika replied. Alright, Kirika let's check it out. Min-Ji replied. The two
As I was falling, Kura grabbed me in mid-air. My lady do you want our assistance? Kura asked. You know me too well. I replied. I grabbed Kura's hand. Come forth! I yelled. A surge of energy appeared. Let me guess, you two are just angry that things aren't going your way? I asked. What? Botan asked. She looks to the left where I was floating in the air. I bet you are wondering, there is a change in my magic. I replied. You are right about that. Hey Haru, I wish you would stop creating trouble. First, you slip and fall. Now you are just showing off. Kirika replied. I smiled. That smile of yours is something to be wary of. Kirika replied. What are you two doing here? Min-Ji asked. The two look away. I want an explanation? Min-Ji asked. We came to warn you of the dangers of them. Hyakunichisou looked up and saw a magic circle above them. What are you looking at, Hyakunichisou? Min-Ji asked. As we looked up, I saw this once before. Those runes they are from those seven, Haru? Kirika asked. I pushed Sayuri out the way. Why did you push him out the way? Barachiel asked. I grabbed his sword. Why are you so eager to come here? I asked. Barachiel smiled. I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with Liliya? I asked. You are right, I came here for that one who can move things through time and space. Barachiel replied. Hyakunichisou, the name you go by now. You were a failed test subject, anyways. I wonder what they want with her? Barachiel asked. They also said her sister was also a failed test subject that escaped. We found them from those symbols that are on their scalps. Barachiel replied. Why are you so determined to capture Botan and Hyakunichisou so badly? Min-Ji asked. No, we want Hyakunichisou, only. Barachiel replied. Sayuri don't get involved. Botan replied. Listen to me, Sayuri. My sister and I were born and raised in the church devoted in the belief. The thing is, our mother is a saintess and our father is an incubus. Hyakunichisou inherited her magic from him. Botan replied. What? Sayuri asked. That would explain everything about their abilities. I replied. Liliya runs up the stairs. Luka, leave Irina and Ivanna alone! Liliya yelled.
Stay Tuned.