Signs- Magical people with human appearances. They are born with a certain sign etched somewhere on their body since birth. They can only manipulate the signs that they were assigned. There are different ways a sign can utilize their signs. Losing the marking with your sign on it can mess up your powers. Some realms will kick you out for a missing sign marking.
Sigils- They are a more powerful type of sign. They have the same abilities as the signs except they can also control signs. Signs are specific while Sigils are broad. Each group of signs fall under one sigil. For example, fish signs, shark signs, dolphin signs, etc are all ruled by the Ocean Sigils. Sigils (like the physical mark on their body) also tend to be bigger than signs.
~All signs can be either Endo or Meta. All Sigils are both.~
EndoSigns- Sometimes referred to as ES or E-signs. They can enter what their sign is. For example, a Lion sign can control any Lion. They can either enter it completely or partially. Complete entry is your conscience leaving your body and entering the animal. You see and experience things from their P.O.V. If you partially enter your sign then you are in control of both you and your sign's body. You cannot see things from their P.O.V. You can control their actions though. This applies to all animal signs, and some nature signs (tree, flower, etc). They have to be within eyesight for you to inhabit them. The exception is if it is your own personal sign. Then you can enter them no matter where you are.
MetaSigns- Also called MS or M-signs. They can change into their sign. Unlike the E-signs you are transforming into your sign, not entering an already existing one. These signs have shapeshifting abilities but they are limited to their sign. Once transformed they can do the same things and E-sign can do. This is a little more convenient if you don't have one of your signs nearby or have one of your own. Water, Air, and plant signs enjoy this ability a lot. Animal signs can also be MetaSigns as well.
Special signs (Mythical Sigils)
~These signs are not found in abundance like the other signs. A lot of signs either don't acknowledge them or genuinely don't believe they exist.~
Dragon signs (swan sign + Komodo Dragon) - They can breathe fire in their regular form and have wings. These sings are special because 1. they are animals that typically aren't found naturally, and 2. signs usually do not breed outside their sign or in special instances realms. These signs are often evil, dangerous and mischievous.
Unicorn signs (Narwhal sign + Pony sign)- These signs are very pure and often don't cause trouble. They have healing powers signs go to them if they are injured. They are often kidnapped by signs that want to become immortal. People also go to them for advice as they are very intelligent people.
Griffin sign (Eagle sign+ Lion sign)- Super fierce and great in battle. They have claws and wings. They often hide unless they are threatened. They can camouflage themselves as well.
Centaur signs (Stallion sign + a human)- Not many humans actually meet signs let alone have a child with them. Signs with a human parent are the only ones that can survive living on the part of the earth that humans do. Nonhalf-human signs have their powers deactivated when they enter the human realm. They can turn completely into a stallion or whole human as well as control both of them (see meta or Endo signs). These signs are usually secretive and sneaky, but very wise.
Mermaid sign/Siren sign (Ocean Sigil and pure-hearted human/ ill-willed human)- They can live underwater, on land, and with humans. Mermaids can only be conceived between an Ocean Sigil and a good human. Mermaids are very nice creatures. They can turn into regular humans when they feel like it. They can also temporarily give a sign/human the ability to breathe underwater as long as they are holding onto each other. They are also fantastic swimmers. Sirens have the same abilities as mermaids except with evil intentions. They can only be conceived between an Ocean Sigil and a Malicious human. They typically go to sea and lure men in with their song before drowning them. Both of them can control/ manipulate water.
Yeti Signs (Polar Bear sign+ human) - These signs are extremely large and only live in snowy, cold realms. They can manipulate snow and ice. They can endure extremely frigid temperatures. Yeti's do not exist on their own so these signs are only MetaSigns. They can turn into regular humans or yetis on command.
A majority of humans do not believe Signs exist. They both live on Earth, and their realms overlap each other but do not cross. It is actually very difficult for humans to enter the Grande Realms and for the Signs of the Grande Realms to enter where we live. The human has to partake in a magic ritual in order to enter the Realms. It often fails, but it can be done.
Where it came from: Millenniums ago a supernatural storm stuck the earth and made a transcendental copy of the Earth. Some of our early ancestors were trapped in the copy and were imprinted with natural DNA. The signs, along with humans, evolved into civilized people. They developed societies that agree with their magical abilities.