I had a dream that's been repeating for the last few days...it's about a library. I might have watched too many sad endings, philosophical movies but all together in my head came up to one idea: the library of Enki. I will write on it as soon as I finish with this freaking degree...
So, in my dream everything was in Japan, though it may be anywhere really, and the character's name was Toma (hence how many Toma Ikuta movies I watched but it wasn't him in the dream). His grandfather died and let him a huge mansion on the outskirts of Kyoto, ordering him not to sell the propriety. Toma moves there when he realizes that everything's brand new and usable and he finds a locked door in the basement. Even though it is locked, one night he pushes it open and tah dah, it opens. On the other side is this amazing library of books that even has a reading space because, as it is the rule, the books cannot be taken outside the library. Anyway, once he enters, there's this short, dark haired, wide eyed girl dressed in a beige see through dress that longer in the back and has a white body clothe underneath. She says she's called Erica and that she's the keeper of the knowledge. In my dream I'm pretty sure she said she's the knowledge. So, she comes with the library and Toma ends up having to take care of her.
There's a lot more to the idea since I had enough time to clear it up. Every day the dream added more and more details about Enki, about the library and how it was created, about Erica and why she's connected to the library and of course about Toma's role. I just hope it won't have anything cliche when I'll be writing it but yeah, that's pretty much it.