Summary: Set in S1E10. Remember when Elena rolled her car? Who was in the middle of the road? Who will find her? Will she be okay?463Please respect copyright.PENANA18BphwyEAK
It was a dark night, as Elena drove her SUV down the road, her destination being the Salvatore boarding house.
Suddenly, there was a man dressed in black in the middle of the road. She tried to avoid hitting him which worked, but she rolled her car when she lost control of it. She hit her head on the dashboard. As she rolled it, the glass windows and windshield shattered, sprinkling all over her.
The guy started slowly walking towards her, game face on. He was ready for the kill. As he came towards the car, everything went black for her.
Damon pushed him to the ground, protecting her. They fought but Damon promptly killed him.
As soon as it was dead, he ran towards the upside down car and knelt down, reaching in to put his arms under hers to drag her out. As he did, she began to come to and groaned.
As he held her in his arms, he spoke.
She looked at him.
He got to his feet as he helped her up. He looked into her eyes, checking to make sure she was going to be okay. He gently tilted her chin up.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Damon, I'm okay."
He continued to look her over.
"I look like crap."
He caught her in his arms as she collapsed, a hand resting between her shoulder blades, arm holding her up, keeping her from hitting the ground.
He looked at her. He knew she was alive. He could hear her heart being, see blood pulsing through her veins.