Summary: What if Elena hadn't been there when that vampire guy that was turned by Lexi was going to kill Damon for killing Lexi? What will happen? Will Damon be saved? Will he be okay? Elena wrecks her car. Will she be okay? Will someone come find her and help her? Katherine shows up in Mystic Falls. What is her plan? Does she know about Elena? Will she help Elena? Will she help Damon? Why is she back in town? Is she back to cause mayhem? Alaric sees Damon in the bar and has a flash back of seeing Damon feeding off from his wife from a long time ago when he was younger. What action will Alaric take?505Please respect copyright.PENANAY3DJi4aIMn
It was a dark night, as Elena drove her car down the road. She was heading home, no longer upset by the fact that she was related to Katherine.
Suddenly, a man was in the road and she tried to avoid him, but hit him and her car rolled. It landed on the side of the road upside down. She lay inside the car, her focus going in and out as the man stood up and started walking towards her car. She panicked and tried to unseat belt herself. Her seatbelt was stuck though. As she tried to get free from the seatbelt, the guy got closer. There was another vampire. A female. Then everything went black for her.
Katherine Pierce through the vampire away from where the car with Elena in it was. Family was everything to her, whether she had shown it or not over the centuries, and Elena Gilbert was her descendant. She had been watching for a while now, just like Damon and Stefan had been.
After a few minutes of a fight, Kat staked the male vampire and let him lay on the ground with a stake in the heart, but she didn't watch him die. Right now, Elena was only human and her family. This time, she would actually be there for her family. Her human family.
She knelt down in front of the car and reached in, snapping the seatbelt to free her. Then she put her arms under hers and pulled her carefully out.
As she layed her gently on the ground, Elena slowly came to. She expected to be attacked by that guy, or maybe even be saved by Stefan or Damon. But who she saw wasn't any of the above.
"Katherine?" she said.
"Hey. Elena, are you okay?" she asked.
Elena didn't understand why Katherine would care, as she answered her.
"Yeah. I think I'll be okay."
"Come on. Let's get you somewhere safe," Katherine suggested before helping Elena to her feet.
Elena swayed.
"Hey, Elena. Are you sure you're okay?"
"I look like crap," Elena commented before blacking out.
Katherine Pierce caught her, as she passed out. She then picked her up and carried her, heading towards the Salvatore boarding house. It wasn't like she could exactly go to Elena's. She had never been invited in before.
Meanwhile, in Georgia, Damon walked out of a bar and not far from a sewer plant where it was abandoned-looking. He was heading back home to Mystic Falls after a little break, when he was suddenly attacked. Some vampire slammed him to the ground and beat him repeatedly with a bat. Damon Salvatore fell to the ground in pain and agony in his leg and side.
"You killed my girlfriend. Now you're going to pay," the vampire told him, as he leaked gasoline all over him and lit a match.
"Your girlfriend?"
"Oh. So you don't remember. Lexi," he clarified for Damon.
"Oh. Yeah. Her. She was delicious, by the way," he commented through the searing pain, knowing he was going to die tonight.
The vampire through him against a wall of a building and then through the match onto the gasoline trail, which would soon lead to Damon. Hopefully, he had hurt him enough that he wouldn't heal before he was scorched. And as the fire ignited, the vampire walked away to leave a helpless Damon there.
Katherine walked into the Salvatore house and up the stairs into the first bedroom with Elena in her arms. Damon's room. The guy that she had hurt so many times for choosing Stefan over him in the beginning.
The vampiress gently layed her down on his bed and looked down at her.
"What are you doing here, Katherine? What happened? Is she okay?" Stefan asked from the doorway.
"Of course she's okay. I wouldn't kill my family, Stefan."
Katherine turned around and walked up to him.
"I came home to get away from everything, but I guess things haven't changed. Not really. You and Damon are here and my family has settled back here again."
"What happened?" he asked.
"She rolled her car. A vampire almost got to her. I saved her life. You should thank me."
"What do you want, Katherine? You always want something in return."
"Now why would I want something in return? It's family. I do what's best for my family, Stefan. I don't turn my back on the ones I love. You shouldn't, either."
Before Stefan could say another word, Kat was out of sight at vampire speed.
As Damon lay there, he groaned in pain, taking it in as much silence as possible. He wasn't going to let anyone hear his cries of pain. If he was going to die tonight, it would be in silence. He just layed there in pain as fire started to ignite on his clothes and around him. It was painful, but Damon knew that he just wanted to hear Damon's pleas of pain. And then everything blurred, as the fire kept going and he no longer felt the pain.
Elena woke up to Stefan standing over her.
"Where's Katherine?" she asked.
"I don't know. She left."
"I'm going to go find her."
"You were just in a wreck, Elena."
"I know that. You don't have to babysit me."
Stefan watched as the love of his life left as fast as she could to go find her only blood related family.
Elena was driving Stefan's car, looking for Katherine, when she suddenly found herself in Georgia. She hadn't realized how long she had been driving. Then she smelled smoke and saw HIM there.
"Damon? Oh God."
She parked the car and got out, running towards where he lay.
She looked around and saw a fire extinguisher. She grabbed it and used it to put out the fire before dropping it and kneeling down beside him, looking at him.
"Damon?" she called. "Damon, can you hear me?"
Nothing happened, which scared her. She loved Stefan, but she didn't want Damon to die.
She rested a gentle hand on the side of his face.
What was she going to do? What could she do? She thought. Then it came to her. She had Stefan's car and Damon was hurt and possibly dying. She had to get him home to safety.
By the time Elena Gilbert parked in the driveway of the Salvatore estate, Stefan was nowhere around, but Katherine was inside waiting for someone to arrive.
As Elena opened the passenger door to get an unconscious Damon out of the car, Katherine came outside and went to stand beside her.
"Elena, what happened? He smells like smoke."
"I don't know. I found him. He had fire on him and was unconscious when I got there. I thought if I brought him here, someone would be able to help and maybe he'll be safe here from whatever or whoever did this to him."
"Good thinking. I'll help you get him inside."
As Katherine and Elena stood by him in Damon's room, he slowly came to, his wounds finally healed, but he felt a little weak.
"Welcome back to the somewhat living," Katherine greeted him.
"How are you feeling?" Elena asked him.
"Better," he answered, sitting up on the side of the bed.
"You need blood, though," Katherine commented to him, going to sit beside him.
"No thanks," he replied to her before she could sit down.
"I'll do it," Elena said, sitting down beside him and holding out her arm to him.
He looked at her before putting her wrist to his lips and drinking some of her blood.
After he finished, he let go and Katherine gave her some of her blood to restore what Damon had taken from her. So everybody lived happily ever after with Damon getting better.