Summary: Set in the very first book and movie. This is kind of a revised version of the fight against Natalie and when Dimka finds Rose. What if she was able to kill Natalie?
A/N: Got this from rewatching the movie for, like, the fifth time since I first saw it.
It was a dark night, as Rose and strigoi Natalie fought in the basement where the jail cells were kept for criminals like Victor Dashkov, but Victor was escaping. Natalie was Rose’s first strigoi she had ever fought. She knew the moves, but she wasn’t doing so well against Natalie. It wasn’t from fear, but because Natalie was stronger than Rose. Besides, this was her first strigoi fight and it took five Guardians to kill one of their worst.
Natalie grabbed her and hit Rose’ head on the bars of the cell Victor had been occupying.
Rose reached for the silver stake she had dropped, as she hit Rose’ head on the bars some more.
Despite the beatings and blurry visions, she was able to grab the silver stake and plunge it into her heart.
As Natalie died, Rose used a foot to get her away from her.
As her vision began to go gray, she heard someone yelling something that she couldn’t quite identify.
Once he had knocked Victor out with a fallen rock, he saw that Roza had amazingly killed her very first strigoi. That made him proud. That meant that she’d actually listened to him and that he was a great teacher.
“Rose!” he yelled, as he ran to her side, seeing her. If anything happened to her, he didn’t know what he’d do.
He knelt at her side and rested gentle hands on either side of her head, as he looked for any injuries. And as he looked, he could see that there was blood on the right side of her head and her left leg was hurt. Other than that, she was just fine. At least, she’d heal with or without magic.
“Rose. Roza. Rose,” he said to a barely conscious Roza.
He removed his hands and moved one arm under her, crook of arm supporting her head, and moved his other arm under her legs. He then gently picked her up in his arms and walked away.
A few days later, she had fully recovered and was back to training to become Lissa’s Guardian.