Summary: What if Pru never died from Shax in All Hell Breaks Loose? What if the Elders actually let Leo heal all three of them? How would it have changed what happened?
It was a beautiful day, as the sisters walked into their home with the doctor, trying to save his life from the demon Shax.
"You keep saying I’m in danger, but from what?" the doctor asked.
"This is going to sound crazy, but there's a demon after you," Phoebe told him.
"Shax," Piper added.
"What?" The doctor questioned.
"It's true," Pru told him.
Just then, they all turned to see Shax, right before it threw the girls through a wall.
"Oh God," the doctor exclaimed, before the demon threw him against a window, killing him.
Before Shax could leave, Cole showed up and threw a fireball at him, killing him.
Cole now stood by the girls.
"Leo!" he called.
Leo orbed in.
As soon as he saw them, he knelt down in front of them and started healing them.
Pru, Piper, and Phoebe were soon healed. So everybody lived as happily ever after as they could. After all, the Charmed Ones dealt with demons on a regular basis.