Summary: Set somewhere after "All Hell Breaks Loose." Just a one-shot. Set when Paige first found out what she was. Kind of goes along with "Close Call." What if Pru was alive when Paige helped get rid of the demon Shax? What will happen?
It was a dark night as Pru, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige were in the Haliwell manor. They were trying to convince Paige that she was their sister and she needed to help them do something.
Suddenly, Shax appeared.
"Oh, oh,oh," Piper said, and then ran upstairs towards the attic.
Pru followed.
"Upstairs," Phoebe told Paige, before following the others.
A few minutes later, they stood in front of the Book of Shadows.
"Read," Phoebe instructed Paige.
Shax arrived in the attic and the four Charmed Ones read the spell in unison. Then Shax disappeared in flames, showing he was now dead. A goner.
"What have you turned me into!?" Paige said, before leaving the attic.
"Paige, wait!" Phoebe said.
Ten minutes later, the four stood by the stairs. That's when a light shown on them.
"What's going on?" Paige asked.
"I think it means you're supposed to be here," Phoebe answered her.
"I don't want to be a witch," Paige said.
"I know," Phoebe replied.
"We didn't want to be witches in the beginning, either," Pru said.
"Just hear us out," Piper said.
"Fine. I'll stay," Paige said.
"Great," Piper commented.
And so, in the living room on the couch, they explained everything to her.