Softly padding across the room, she leans her head against the door. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAgmM9PVtfGV
Satisfied of the absence of the sound of footsteps from the other side, she crouches down under the bed, keeping in mind of the precious seconds ticking by before another set of footsteps would descend outside her quarters. She reaches down at the foot of the bed, trailing her hand upwards until it slips between the metallic springs underneath the mattress. Feeling the smooth papery texture against her fingertips, she grabs the thin ream of paper as well as a small ballpoint pen beside it. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAkEugohlQfu
Standing straighter now, she looks around her, a reflex of paranoia she couldn't quite shake away. She glances around the room, looking past the eerie darkness that occupied the room and takes a deep breath. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAfd0LbVoADe
Though some would feel consumed by the darkness and even fear it, all she felt was gratitude for peace and relief. For it was only in the dark can she truly find herself safely hidden, protected from the ever-watching eyes. 882Please respect copyright.PENANANZsYhMAaKh
She treads quietly to another side of the room where a dim single shaft of light flows through a tiny frosted window. Huddled into a ball, she sits under the sparse light, the thin ream of paper on her lap. In her left hand, she shakily hovers the pen's tip on the fine surface of the paper, uncomfortable to the long unfelt feeling of writing. Delicately, she adds pressure to the tip, watching in fascination as the ink follows every stroke of letter. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA9soryviw7F
A light scuffle echoes throughout the room. She freezes. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAAqyACsCtZQ
She sharply looks up at the door across the room, waiting for any sign of movement. After a few moments when no one from the other side had decided to open the door, she turns back to the task at hand. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAItAqsrBuir
This was her only chance.882Please respect copyright.PENANA8h1rd7BYAC
After so many years of devising a way to elude them from truly getting to her, from reaching into her mind, she had managed to patiently wait, taking note of their routine and finding for a way to escape. Little did they know, that beneath her pathetic excuse for failure, she had uncovered an unlikely skill. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAkYDvw94cqE
Days passed, alone in solitary confinement, pretending to be unconscious while the wards were down and a few staff where sent to deliver her meals, she strove to master her abilities. And although she knew that the longer she stayed, the more she used her abilities, the bigger the chances are that she would be eventually caught, she had to try. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA72RsMahthM
She grips tightly at the body of the pen, roughly scribbling down on the paper. 882Please respect copyright.PENANApTAjcdSBys
It was a couple of days earlier that she caught wind of their plan. She knew they were on to her. Somehow, they knew that she wasn't a Failure, that she was hiding something. Luckily, they never had the means to find out. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAUwZhlB7BT9
And they never will, she firmly swears to herself. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAJk7Cw2Txrg
Still, that didn't change the fact that they had planned to dissect her mind, strip her of every thought and memory until all that's left is a soulless corpse devoid of any thought or emotion, a person much worse than them. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAE74BnfchoT
For that reason, she needed to make haste. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA5E77CUaW33
Using most of her scarce energy, she had managed to 'persuade' one of the guards to provide her with papers and a pen during one of his meal runs. And now the first part of her plan is about to take place. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAvZNHzbGH2O
SCRITCH! SCRITCH! SCRITCH! 882Please respect copyright.PENANASEsCJtjtT9
The scratching sound goes on as she writes, mouthing every word. 882Please respect copyright.PENANADLAyxkWizB
"My name is Nicholle Lieren Duchesne. I am 17 years old. It had been...ten(?) years since I was taken from my home and I... am a Misfit." 882Please respect copyright.PENANAr10ocK1Xxi
She heavily emphasizes, underlining the word as though it was the root of all her affliction. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAvGsxy1WqRn
She glances over her shoulder, eyeing the metal door of a small cubicle cemented at the corner until she catches her own reflection staring back at her. No matter how bad the lighting was, her eyes still stood apart from her other shadowed features, carrying with them an unnatural silvery glow. The same glow that betrays her own kind. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAIe1W2tEtN5
She forces her attention back to the paper, writing faster, her strokes more fluid now. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAGh3hyWhCWY
"No one knows where we came from or how we can become what we are now.
"Some people say our history traces back to the evolution of men, where we were descendants of the gods before us, a last link to a lost civilization punished by the gods themselves, cursed to walk the earth.
"Others would simply wave it off as genetics," she absentmindedly traces her forefinger on the inside of her elbow to where a scar covers her skin.882Please respect copyright.PENANAWOjrc9udzG
She can still feel the pinprick sensation of needless being injected into her, leaving her dazed and numb, unaffected by the sound of the various fluids gurgling near a machine as they were pumped into her. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAMPSYilggON
"A much more evolved species of men that could launch an inter-species war on a whim," 882Please respect copyright.PENANA1GEuXCCC3e
Like her, she almost writes, picturing an beautiful and ethereally pale dark teal-haired girl covered with flames, a crazed look in her eyes as she soaks in further into the fire, immersing herself fully into the blazing inferno of destruction. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAr33c44bz7G
The guard, the owner of that memory, witnessed it all as his former comrades were disintegrated into ashes. She still shivers from that thought. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAzZ3ymQaSVz
"We were feared, viewed as a threat to the existence of men, a plague that could bring another evolution along with the complete obsolescence of their kind. Maybe that's why we were hunted," she trails off, her mind briefly recalling another memory, this time rooted from a direct experience. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAkTT9L7NFXs
She had barely stayed for a day, being shown around the grounds when she saw one of the test subjects on the brink of freedom when suddenly he was shot by one of the human guards. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAavdyvegCuE
"Contained," 882Please respect copyright.PENANAY9yo30jBEG
She had watched as they dragged the body into a cell. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAgsk0oG9day
"Studied on, tortured," 882Please respect copyright.PENANATguvC6thjJ
Continuing with her tour, she had found a glass room beside the cell and inside was another test subject strapped unto a chair, screaming as she received shock after shock of electricity. She tried to push her hand against the glass wall, willing it to reach her, only to be scurried away.882Please respect copyright.PENANATOrgXJSO49
"And eventually killed." 882Please respect copyright.PENANAYAHBFh4Noz
With a last glance, she hesitantly turned her back from the excruciating scene. She needed not to look to see through the guards unwavering eyes and know what they were seeing. A flat line on the screen. Blood dripping down from her eyes, nose and ears, towards the white linoleum floors. The sudden silence welcoming death as it sweeps over the place and embraces the lifeless body. 882Please respect copyright.PENANARNv8fgtwSh
"I don't exactly know how the Forebearers did it back in their time, hiding their true selves, masking their existence within the constant masses of humans. They had managed to do so for a few hundred years and through time. Eventually, as time went by, their abilities waned, bloodlines diluted as they further interbred themselves with the humans. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAdMXxDVw4LN
"But then the war of all worlds came. The further it went on so were the countless rates of death took toll. The Allies and the Central, both opposing leagues, took every armed force they could find useful for battle. It was at the brink of their desperation that the Allies searched for a new kind of weapon. Living, breathing weapons. Super soldiers that could fight their war for them with little risk of casualties and a definite end to the impending doom the war harbinges. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAetQH94ZCAL
"And that's where we came in. They began the experiments on potential 'candidates' - people they found to possess a certain degree of unique and extra-ordinary abilities. The 'Potentials' were rounded up, evaluated individually, separating the strong from the weak. Whoever passed were then taken to a process called the Transition, where their dormant genes were awakened. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA9Ja8UcYzjT
"However, it came with a deadly price. Most of the candidates survived the process while some who didn't were considered as 'Failures'. For those who belonged to the first group were then called as Revenants for having survived death. They were then added to the ranks of war. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAoWRENNTAsS
"Using a conditioning process, an implant was wired into their brain to control and limit their abilities and their emotions. The sensation was a kiss of death to their own humanity. However, during the process, there were some who still regained it and wanting to live their lives, they rebelled against the humans and escaped. They blended in with the humans and tried to live normal lives. No one has ever heard of them since. 882Please respect copyright.PENANALeHcXH6iai
"Those who remained continued to work for the Regents, a covert government sector that was given charge over the Revenants, tasked to capture and silence any activities of our kind. They were situated and housed far, far away from prying human eyes and in a large gated community called the Dome.882Please respect copyright.PENANAdDGDNheRzZ
"I was only seven when the strange men came into my house. They took me away from my father and my brother and into a place called the Hive. They said I was special, that my mind works in a way that others can't and that I needed to control it before I hurt someone. It was there that I found out about the others and that I wasn't the only one. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAQRTPgmp5zH
"The Revenants were divided into six distinct factions. The Tk designation. They are known to move objects with their mind. We call them Strikers.882Please respect copyright.PENANAyUcPtXQNxm
"The J designation also known as Jumpers who can teleport from one place to another.. 882Please respect copyright.PENANALdEjtnfacn
"The M designation also known as Medics, a team of healers whose main ability is to heal any wound or injury. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA6g0nBaLhKB
"The S designation, a rare breed of clairvoyants that can see precognitive visions of the future. We call them Seers. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAXr0H7kSP5F
"The Tp designation, also known as Readers, skilled with the ability to read and manipulate the mind as they wish. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAkRqScLYjP5
"I was supposed to be a part of this faction before I was transferred to the X designation. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAR2T6ajxPU7
"Also called as Misfits, we are the recent faction to be added to the Order, barely half the number of the entire S designation or as old as the other factions. Though we may have no specific order for our skills, we all possess raw and unknown high-gradient abilities that we have no control of. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAsvMKT7dsxy
"The Regents tried to control us only to fail. And so, they viewed us as volatile, unstable, unpredictable, a threat to order. But I know differently The Regents fear us, of what we can become, of what we can do, of what we can bring. It will only be a matter of time before that happens and when it does..." 882Please respect copyright.PENANAcutHVdh2BJ
CLICK! 882Please respect copyright.PENANAVhAeqCbrpF
The doorknob twists and turns. 882Please respect copyright.PENANABNpDVuC0GM
Shuffling the papers into a neat pile, Nicholle makes a dash towards the bed. Deftly, she shoves the papers and the pen back between the bed springs before lying back on her bed. 882Please respect copyright.PENANArg0ekmbe1L
Eyes closed, her chest heaving, she waited for what might be the longest seconds of her life. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAN9fPShunLn
The door creaks silently, the sound of footsteps closing in. She wills her lungs to breathe regularly. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA7SYl2QbV3F
Any second now, she muses. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAi9kCq4oO3j
She hears a velcro strap being opened, heart beats pounding. Sounds of whispering fabrics passes by, she feels a gloved hand graze her cheek as they moved a few locks of her hair out of the way. 882Please respect copyright.PENANABOotk6eQwK
She flinches at the sudden feel of the cold needle prickling the side of her neck. She painstakingly waits as the person finishes the injection and leaves her. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAJqIOaohyVl
However, that wasn't the case. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAf2G4hpNasl
The relief was momentary when another pressure begins to welt inside her neck. Like a fire, it burns, spreading to every part of her, boiling every bit of blood in her veins. Her mouth wide open, she gasps in its scorching intensity. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAowXiEDqesj
She opens her eyes. She searches for the person who had inflicted her torture, hoping to beg him or her for reprieve. She found no one. Instead, all she could see were blurry shapes, obstructed by her overflowing tears of agony. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA8f3bxqrAfP
She turns her eyes to the ceiling, biting her lips from screaming. She will never give them the benefit of hearing even the softest mewl from her lips. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA8AwAJExk00
The fire strews on, her control over her faculties ebbs. She closes her eyes. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA8ti48Wa4AJ
Now. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAANNPhXee6o
With the last of her power, she surrenders herself to the fire. 882Please respect copyright.PENANA9AUNW3OOCG
Meanwhile, her mind, still intact, floats away. 882Please respect copyright.PENANAfcEZrPkYb6
"I am Nichole Lieren Duchesne, I am seventeen years old. It had been...I am Nichole... I am.. I am..." 882Please respect copyright.PENANAIeI7uXxwds
And so did her memories.882Please respect copyright.PENANAcdho5wcAQM
882Please respect copyright.PENANAAGSMfMyJji
882Please respect copyright.PENANAaI604yRkLy
882Please respect copyright.PENANAvrpgACXwmV
882Please respect copyright.PENANARuDasQZ0c2
882Please respect copyright.PENANAcIexyyFJhW
882Please respect copyright.PENANA7s9WikOsQK
882Please respect copyright.PENANAsPATp1QPde
882Please respect copyright.PENANAAcjTJeoNmW
882Please respect copyright.PENANAC0veuOS0ox
882Please respect copyright.PENANAYcdAAwwzX5
882Please respect copyright.PENANAlYNnTvahUh
© 2018 Andrea Cassandra Lei Meñosa882Please respect copyright.PENANApMtn8NHk9Y
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