A/N Sorry for the extra long delay - lately I barely had time to work on the story, and after I finally got some free time, my PC crashed :( But the next chapters will be quicker!688Please respect copyright.PENANAkHvey4E01b
688Please respect copyright.PENANAqZMk9P2ITW
"What did you do!?" David yelled, running after the creature. Soon it was clear though, that it was nowhere to be seen. To make the matter worse, the thunderstorm was now above the hill and because of the pouring rain visibility was very limited.
"What do we do now?" Bianca asked, as she and Dagmar caught up to him.
"We have to teleport back to base and give report to Aruta."
"What about Aleksander and Jamon?"
"Maybe we'll find them along the way. Though I would not be surprised if Jamon got arrested for terrorism once again. Come on, let's get to the place where we've landed after the teleportation. In worst case, we will return for them in a few minutes."
The group ran off the hilltop as quickly as they could in such conditions. The silence of the night was constantly interrupted with erupting thunders and loud meow-ing. Finally they reached the place and meet two more people waiting there.
"What's going on?" Jamon asked, seeing the group visibly tired.
"We have to find your father, quickly!" Bianca replied
"But why?"
"We've found the creature. But then we've lost it too."
"Calm down." Aleksander said "What are you talking about?"
"Look, there is no time to explain. The Monster is now running free around the village, and... where have you been so long, actually?" David asked
"Yeah, well... Jamon got arrested by the police."
"Why am I not surprised."
"Very funny." The middle eastern boy did not look at either Aleksander or David.
"Guys." Bianca said angrily "Before you start arguing again, I would like to remind you that there is a monster, probably from outer space, loose in the village, so can we discuss what now about Meow!?"
"About whom? What are you even talking about?" Jamon looked at her funny.
"Ugh! Meow is the name of the creature!"
"Well... I think there is nothing we can do." David spoke "Aruta ordered us to check what exactly is going on. We should have got it documented, but we already know it's an alien, and in spite of what is currently happening I say we should head back and let her decide what to do."
"I agree." Aleksander added after a brief moment of silence.
"Hey, what's going on there?" Dagmar pointed towards the forest, as someone or something has just run off from it.
"Uh-oh." David said, loking through the binoculars he just equipped "This is not good."
"Why?" Aleksander Asked
"It's one of our people. And looks like he is injured."
"What? Give me that!" Jamon took over the device, not paying attention to the other boy's protests. "Sergeant Earvin LeBlanc!" He yelled, and threw the binoculars to the ground, starting running towards the man.
"Jamon, wait!" Dagmar screamed after him, but he did not pay any attention to her.
Seemingly not having another choice, the rest of the group ran off after him and caught up when he was already by the man. The Sergeant was bleeding from his leg, and barely could stand up.
"We have to return to HQ and contact the Head Officer immediately" LeBlanc hissed "This creature, whatever it is, bit me and Rodriguez, stunned Chase and captured Hussein."
"What!?" The Middle Eastern boy froze on the spot.
"It dragged him away, it all happened so quickly. We have to return to the department."
"No!" Jamon replied "We have to help my father!"
"There is nothing we can do right now!" The man looked at him "I am sorry, Jamon, but we need to get out of here and try to get help."
"By then, my father may already be..." Jamon paled "We are not going anywhere!"
"Jamon, calm down!" David tried to be reasonable "There is no use for us to..."
"CALM DOWN!?" The middle eastern boy looked at him "No, I won't calm down right now, you... you know what, fine. You can run away, but I am going to find my father. I am not going to lose another parent!"
"Jamon, no!" LeBlanc yelled after him, as the boy has already entered the forest. "Come back here! THIS IS AN ORDER!"
But the boy did not come back - he has already ran a long distance and was pretty far away from the rest of the group.
"What do we do now?" Dagmar asked the sergeant "He is helpless!"
"We HAVE to return to base. It's the only way we can help."
"I am going after him." Aleks decided.
"No, you are not!" LeBlanc grabbed him by the shoulder "You are returning with us."
"Look." Aleksander pushed the man's hand away "Return to the department and get help as soon as you can. I will try and talk him out of this."
"I said you aren't going anywhere. Come back here right now!"
However, Aleksander, just like Jamon before, did not listen to the older sergeant. He ran in to the forest and looked around. There were two paths possible to take, but, because of a large, long and seemingly deep pool of water blocking the left path, he decided to take the right one.
He equipped his flashlight just as another lightning strook the sky, and the boy realized he was not supposed to be in the forest during a thunderstorm, let alone carry an electrical device. Aleksander took a deep breath and inhaled deeply. He continued on the path, running as fast as he could in those conditions.
Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. He turned around quickly enough to see something jumping from one tree to another. He observed the creature, whatever it was, jump some more trees. Aleksander hold his breath, scared to somehow attract it's attention.
"What did you came here for?"
The blonde boy almost screamed when he heard a familiar voice behind him.
"Jamon!" He sighed relieved. "What are you doing here?"
"You know what am I doing here. Now I heard something strange and came to check it. What are YOU doing here?
"I... I came here after you."
"Did they send you? I am not going anywhere without my finding my father."
"No! I came here by myself... but please, Jamon, you know they are right. Come back."
"And leave my father to die!? No, thank you. Without him, I won't have anybody left! And you know what? You know what's the worst!? I really thought you would understand."
"I do!"
"Then would you let your mother die, knowing you had even just one percent chance to save her?"
The other boy did not reply.
"I thought so."
Suddenly a terrifying male scream emitted not far from where they were standing.
"You can return to the others. I am going for my father." The boy turned around and ran off in the direction from which the scream came from.
"Jamon, wait!"
"No, I mean, I am coming with you."
The middle-eastern boy stopped for a second.
"Okay, come on! I think the voice came from over... there."
Jamon pointed to an area nearby where there weren't any trees, or grass. The small area appeared burned down.
"This must be the place where the U.F.O crashed." Aleksander whispered, as the boys got closer to the zone.
"Oh my God..." Jamon added, looking from behind a bush.
The place was full of what seemed like half-eaten animal bones. In the center of the area, the bones were formed in something that looked like a bed of some sorts. And in said "bed", there was, with his legs crushed by large pieces of wood...
"Dad!" The boy jumped from behind the bush and ran towards his father.
Aleksander, meanwhile, looked around and at one of the trees he saw something which froze him on the spot.
"Jamon, don't!"
"Dad, are you all right? Hold on, I'll free you" The boy begun to remove the pieces, but Hussein quickly pointed at something behind him.
"Son, LOOK OUT!"
With a loud "meow" the creature landed just behind Jamon. It opened it's mouth and lunged forward. The boy ducked in the last moment and Meow missed him. Instead, the creature tripped over the bed it has build and landed on it's back.
This time, after it got up, it roared angrily. Quickly, it once again lunged forward, and Jamon once again escaped in the last moment. This time, however it was not the creature that tripped - it was Jamon. Meow picked him up and opened it's mouth.
"Son!" Hussein tried to free himself.
Aleksander was desperately thinking about a solution. He noticed a small rock laying near the bush he was hiding at. Without much thinking, he picked it up and jumped from behind the bush.
"Hey, over here!" He yelled and threw the rock at the creature. The rock hit it right in the head.
Roaring angrily, Meow threw Jamon away and turned towards Aleks. When the creature started running towards him, the boy realized what he has just done was not the smartest move. Suddenly, the creature stopped and Aleksander heard an angry voice.
"NO! Don't hurt Meow! Don't hurt him, you bastards!"
The creature and both the boys turned around to see an old man in filthy clothes show up from the other side of the forest.
"Meow, come home! It is okay now! Look, I brought something for you!" The man held up an dead chicken. "Come here, boy!"
The monster slowly began walking towards the man. It appeared to have completely calmed down. But, as it was getting closer to the man, it started to go faster and faster - until finally it started running, meow-ing histerically. It opened his mouth as wide as it apparently could.
The man froze and dropped the chicken.
Suddenly, the sound of shots fired broke through the sound of pouring rain. Meow roared as each bullet hit him, faltered a few times and fell down.
A group of people quickly ran out of the forest
"Is everyone alright!?" Sergeant LeBlanc yelled from the other side of the forest.
"Yeah, yeah I think so!" Aleksander yelled back,his voice still trembling from the shock of what happened.
"You're both alive! I can not believe it! I thought we are coming only for your bodies" Bianca ran to him
"I am not sure if I am alive." The middle eastern boy moaned comming near them and massaging his back.
"Oh, stop it." She smiled and hugged him. "You both did great." She added, now hugging Aleksander.
Soon, both Dagmar and David came to the rest of the group,each congratulating and hugging the boys (David and Jamon only shook their hands really quickly.)
Meanwhile, the homeless man was mourning over the creature's body.
"No... Meow, my pet... NO!"
"This is not a pet." Sergeant LeBlanc responded, passing by him. "The children of Venusian Troklamytes are extremely aggresive until they reach a certain age. Even their parents are weaker than them."
"But... you killed him. You killed Meow! He will never grow up!"
"No, we did not kil him, we've just stunned him. Now we will need you to step away so we can take him away."
"Away? Where?"
"Now we will take care of Meow. Oh,by the way." The man picked up his gun and shot the confused man between the eyes, which caused him to immediately lose conciousness. "Are the scientists ready? We need to have his mind erased before he wakes. "
The Middle Eastern boy was talking with the rest of the group, happy that what happened was already over. He did not notice a man coming towards him, until he put his hand on Jamon's shoulder.
"Oh, hey dad... how are you doing?"
"Jamon, what did you do!?" The man tightened his grip "I told you not to nuzzle around! I told you I don't want you or your friends here! You were supposed to sit calm and wait for my return. How could you disobey me!?"
"Dad, I wanted to help..."
"I don't care! You were supposed to listen to what I say! You think you are some kind of superhero!?"
"That's enough!" Aleks grabbed the man's hand.
"What are you doing?" The older Abedi looked at him with fury "Get away while I am talking to my son!"
"Your son risked his life to save you! The least you could do is thank him!"
"Thank him!? For what!? For acting like a complete, inexperienced idiot once again despite all the trainings he took? For disobeying everything I said when we came here? This is not one of your buissness anyway! Don't you dare questioning the way I raise my son!"
"You ungrateful bastard." Dagmar suddenly burst through the other people and faced the man "Why are you treating others this way!? Why? Are we just some junk for you? Your son saves your life, and all you give him is yet another scene? You think YOU raised Jamon? You know what? He may be inexperienced, he may act like an idiot, but thank God he has not turned out not like you! He is someone you could never even hope to be, he is better than you ever were and he has something you will never have. He has friends, and you will die alone and hated by everyone, including people closest to you!"
"Oh, shut up, Jamon, I am giving a rant here!"
"How dare you speak to me like this, you... witch?" Hussein raised his hand.
"Oh, yes, hit me, please! Let everyone see your true face!"
The Swedish girl pointed behind him and the man turned around. All the other officers were now starring at him with their eyes wide open.
"Well, boy..." the man turned back towards the group "I congratulate you on the... <<friends>> you have. A witch, a nerd, an imbecille-athlete and an waif. Truly an outstanding group. But I won't interfere anymore. One day you will certainly see that all you needed in this job is power. Power that they won't have. Perhaps then you will learn that I was the only person which you needed. Until that day... I don't have an son anymore."
"General Abedi, one more thing!" Dagmar yelled after him.
"You left this in the forest, did not you?" She handed him over some wires "Fluffy was very unhappy to see it in his bed."
The man took the wires, looked at them harshly one last time and left quickly. Bianca faced her friend with an funny expression.
"What?" Dagmar asked
"Nothing, I just never thought you would have it in you."
"Well, someone had to finally teach this jerk a lesson."
"Hey, Dagmar..."
"No,no,no don't even start, Jamon."
"No... I wanted to say... thank you."
The rest of the group looked at him surprised.
"Wow, that's new." Bianca could not hide a smile.
"You guys were right. You were right all along... he is just one gigantic jerk. I am sorry I did not listen. I just thought if I lost him...I wouldn't have anyone. I tried so hard to get him to like me just a bit. " He inhaled deeply "I won't try anymore. Besides, I do have another family. You guys." He smiled
"Great you finally realized that." The girl patted him on the shoulder.
Suddenly, a blue light burst out from the sky and a small tunnel formed. In a few seconds it grew bigger and bigger until it touched the ground and stabilized.
"All right everyone, let's go!" Sergeant LeBlanc yelled and the first people entered the tunnel.
The last people to enter were Aleksander, David, Jamon, Bianca, Dagmar and Hussein. The younger Abedi did not look at his father as they passed through it together. Finally, the portal closed, and the forest was silent once again, with no alien hunting down animals anymore.
The homeless man has just woke up and found himself alone on an empty, burned down part of the hill, not remembering how he got there. His head aching, he picked himself up and looked at the sky.
He looked at the sky and his eyes widened - he saw what looked like a blue tunnel closing itself, with people visible inside.
"Holy sh..." was all he could whisper before he passed out.