a/n Greetings, lovely readers! I write this short note just to apologize for the lack of updates in the last few months. They haven't really been the best for me. Some health problems in my family came, and they caused me to lose interest in writing completely. Then I myself started working on a dipploma and did not have the time to update either... but well, all seems good for now and I can finally present the second part of Chapter III. I already started writing chapter fours, so the stay tuned for the following chapters in the coming days! I hope a break like this won't happen again and once again I sincerely apologize. 634Please respect copyright.PENANAKtwtN29hEy
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"...AHAHAHAHAHA! ST-STOP!" The tears were literally strolling down Jamon's face. The boy bent down and grabbed his knees, trying to control himself. Unsuccesfully.
"How can you laugh!?" Bianca slapped him through the top of the head "Your friend might be in danger right now!"
"So-Sorry, Sorry. It's not my fault David got kidnapped by... unicorns, of all things...AHAHAHA... OW, THAT ONE HURT!"
"Can I have your attention!?" Julia spoke loudly, flicking herself, as she too just got out of the forest. "The President will make a statement about the incident. Please " the young woman sighed "give him an round of applause."
Everyone began clapping their hands enthusiastically, as the Latino woman was replaced by Robert ter Maan.
"My Friends." the man started "Today is a sad day for our organization. We have all gathered here tonight to mourn the premature loss of Dead Kid #163 and of course Dead Kid #164. We will all remember them as great friends and very talented Junior Officers. And, you see, because of that, we should not be too sad. Because even though their rotting corpses may already be devoured by insects, their beautiful spirit will live on, for as long as we stand united against..."
"What are you talking about!?" Dagmar yelled "We have to go rescue them!"
"My dear young lady!" The man continued with a sad voice "I can assure you - you would rather remember them as they were, not as they are now. You see, those creatures leave no one who enters their hive alive. Your friends' dismembered body parts are most probably by now laying scattered around the jungle. Their blood, was, of course, used to feed the creature's children and their brains have been sacrificed in the terryfying Umpa-Umga ritual, and... oh, excuse me, what do you say, Julia? " the group noticed the young woman explaining something to the man, her face red. "Oh... really... are you sure about that? Yes? Okay."
The man nodded towards her a few times more, and turned back towards the group.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, there has been a fundamental misunderstanding here. Turns out all I just talked about would be done by Centaurs, not by Unicorns. Do you know what this means?"
"We can finally go and look for them?" Dagmar asked with hope in her voice.
"Of course! But only after we complete the tests. Now it's time for Task number two! And, for the sake of succesfull competition, I ask you all to please un-remember what I just said here."
Ayumi Aruta has came towards the group.
"I understand what you saw might have been traumatic, kids." The Japanese woman said "However, there is no reason to panic. The Unicorns are not an aggresive species. They most probably kidnapped David and Jessica by accident. Unless..."
"Unless what?" The middle-eastern boy asked.
"Unless they felt endangered or provoked by human actions." Finished Dagmar.
"Exactly" The woman smiled at her. "So unless humans did something that might scared the unicorns, your friends are safe and treated very well by them. We will get them later, just... let the president and Jens have their fun for now."
"The Second Task!" Julia yelled, as everyone was talking. "The second task will be a little bit harder. You will now practice creating a safe zone against the vampires. All the necessary ingredients are in the booth, which you will find on that island. "The woman pointed east "We will then judge who did a better job. Good luck. Also, remember, now you will have to decide which one of you is participating. You have ten minutes."
"So... are you coming?" Aleksander asked.
"Nah." Jamon replied. "The three easiest task are always at the end. I will wait."
"What about the first task?" Dagmar asked "You have not brought the feather, did you?"
"Don't worry about that." Julia Cruz overheard the conversation "Due to what happened, it's been decided you all succesfully completed the first task."
"What!?" A boy from the 7th department yelled "That's not fair! Head Officer, sir!"
"What should that mean!?" The man was furious "They did not bring a feather! How can you say they completed the task?"
"Well, I am sorry that two of our people were kidnapped by an unicorn!" Some older girl from the 5th department yelled back.
"Maybe this would not happen if you'd send someone competent!"
Some people from both departments aggresively stepped forward and began to shout and argue with each other. Fortunetly, Julia Cruz stepped between them before they started to beat each other up.
"Stop right now!" She yelled. "This is unacceptable! One more incident like this and none of you will qualify to the final! And the President's decision will not be pulled back!"
As the situation calmed down a bit, she demanded.
"I want the representatives of both groups for the second task to please step forward now."
Immediately, four people of the 7th Department stepped forward. The other group just looked at each other confused. Finally, they simply pushed forward the people who were standing in the first row.
"I remind you, that the group must consist of up to four people".
"Looks like someone can not count up to four!"Janne from the 7th department joked and his friends burst out with laughter.
Bianca and another boy withdrew, leaving four other teenagers in front.
"Names, please?
"The 5th department will be represented by: Andrej Okoloč, Noah Lucas, Bjoern Erikksen and Maria Mol." Ayumi Aruta responded, looking at the standing teens.
"While my representatives will be: Peter Hochstein, Dominica Lozano, Andrea Pellegrini and Dimitri Apkunov."
"Now, both groups will please follow Robert ter Maan. He will help you get to that island, and explain a little more among the way. I am sorry, I must excuse you for a bit."
Julia Cruz left not waiting for a response, and entered the jungle. The president , both the Head Officers, and finally the eight teenagers representing their departments in the second task, also left - they were going towards the lake ,leaving the rest of the teens from both departments on their own. Some of them were looking at their opponents rather unfriendly.
"I wonder why they don't like us." Jamon muttered.
"Simple" an older boy whispered back. "they are jealous. They lost last three years in a row. Oh, and their Head Officer got locked in a closet.
"Last three years in row."
"Guys, maybe we should go and help David," Dagmar asked "He could be in trouble."
"You heard what the Head Officer said." Xi replied "David and Jessica are safe. We will get them after the trials."
"I hope Davey has a good time with Jessie." The middle eastern boy smiled "She is such an intelligent, eloquent girl."
"She is a bit weird." Aleks agreed "I wonder, how did she get here?"
"She is a daughter of an South African buissnesman, I heard." A red-haired boy replied.
"Okay, I heard that too, Max." Xi replied "But what is she doing here? Maybe I am wrong, but I don't feel like she would make a great officer."
"You don't get it?" The ginger shook his head "She is a daughter of an South African BUISNESSMAN."
Most of the teenagers engaged in small talks, trying not to pay attention to the rival department. However, not even fifteen minutes passed before they noticed the people who just left to compete in the second challenge were now returning.
"What, are they back already?" Bianca, like all other teenagers, was surprised.
As the returning group got closer, the teenagers were now able to hear correctly what a person was saying.
"That was just unbevielable." The President apparently was amazed to the core.
"Thank you." Jens smiled.
"I don't know, what trainings did your people give them, but they worked incredibly."
"I have to admit, Jens " Aruta spoke "That I also was really impressed. Congratulations."
"Well, Ayumi, it's really a matter of whom you are hiring as trainings officers."
Finally, the group reached the camp, and Jens Hans Bernhardt von Himmlischenkriegmann looked like the happiest man alive.
"Ladies and Gentleman." The President spoke "I have some news. The representatives of the 7th department did not only built a safe zone worth of the highest grade, they also did it in an astounding time of seven minutes, breaking the PISF record! That's why I have decided, that because of that, they will get two points for completing this task!"
The 7th department's Junior Officers screamed with joy, while most of the 5th departments' ones roared with anger.
"How is that even possible!?" Max yelled at them.
"Because we don't suck, like you do!" Janne yelled back, grinning with joy.
Now even the most calm teenagers from the 5th department were arguing and screaming obscenities at their still smiling rivals.
"Oh, come on!" Bianca yelled "THEY achieved the PISF record? A bunch of kids without experience? You really think they did it in a fair fashion?"
Suddenly, everyone stopped arguing - only both the Head Officers looked at the girl harshly.
"I think this is a pretty strong accusation, Bianca." Ayumi said sternly.
"Exactly." Jens nodded "Do you have any proof?"
"Well, no, but..."
"Then be quiet and learn to lose, losers!" Someone from the 7th department yelled at her.
Once again, both the groups started to argue with each other, with Ayumi Aruta trying to calm them down, as Julia, as soon as she returned, has excused them again to call someone with her satellite phone. This time, however, the atmosphere was so tense her attempts were futile.
And who knows, this situatiom might have sooner or later evolved into a full-fledged fight, if not for a simple fact, that some of the tents belonging to the 7th department suddenly sunk in the ground.
"Hey, what the!?" Jens was first to notice this and looked angrily at the Japanese Woman. "What did you do?"
"Jens, calm down..."
"This surely was done by one of your rookies! Has to be!" He turned towars ter Maan "Disqualify them!"
"Calm down." Julia said, returning from the jungle "There is no proof this is anybody's fault."
"Oh? So what? Two tents just decided to vanish?"
"Hey, do you hear that?" Nicola from the 7th department suddenly asked.
Everyone looked at her and tried to listen to what the young woman was hearing. The sound was quiet, but present, especially in the place the tents just vanished.
"It sounds like machinery." Jamon said slowly.
"But it does sound like it's coming from under the ground." Dagmar added.
"We've found some oil in the forest." Xi noticed "Remember?"
The group listened to the noise for a few more seconds, until it abruptly stoped. Then Aruta spoke :
"Maybe we SHOULD go and look for your friends."
"And our tents." Someone from the 7th department added.
"What about the Test?" Jens asked.
"We can postpone the rest of the trials until we find the rest." Robert offered.
"And our tents."
"I think this will be a fair solution, Jens." Aruta looked at the man
"You know what?" President ter Maan spoke. "Those challenges are boring anyway." Julia opened her mouth and looked at him, visibly insulted. "I have another idea: How about we stop rhyming and make a deal - whichever department finds Kid#256 and Kid#332 will also be treated as the better one in those Efficiency Tests, or whatever this is..."
"WHAT!?" Jens yelled "Why? You already gave them a point for a challenge they did not complete. My team completed both tasks. Now you want to say that they can win the Test simply by finding their friends?"
"And our te-"
"Well, where am I supposed to sleep in, then!?" Someone yelled back.
"Look, Jens." Aruta said calmly "If you care about the results of the tests, we can complete them when we return."
"What for ? It is pretty clear they want you to win! We might as well forfeit."
"You know what?" The Japanese woman was visibly starting to lose her patience "Okay. Let's have joint teams from now on. Some kids from your department, and some from mine. That way, noone will feel hurt if they lose."
"YOU ARE LOSING!" he pointed his finger at her.
"We can discuss the results later. Just can we go now?"
The man clearly was not happy with such deal, but noticing the cold glare of both Aruta and his superior he finally sighed.
"Fine, let's have it your way for now...Nikola, You're with them." The man directed the brown-haired girl towards Aleks and Dagmar. "The rest of you, search for partner. Move it!"634Please respect copyright.PENANA45ZN0bIT7B
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"Julia!? Julia!? Where did she go again?" ter Maan wondered.634Please respect copyright.PENANAdANnkB4GRV
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"She'll catch up." Aruta replied "Let's go!."
Soon, the teenagers from the 5th department reluctantly joined with their counterparts from the 7th one (and vice versa). After an order from ter Maan, one person from each of the three groups took an lightstick and a flare
"One group will stay here." Aruta explained "Keep watch for anything out of the ordinary. This goes also to the rest of you. When something strange happens, and you need any help, warn us with a flare so we know where to find you. We will now have to split.... Good luck everyone!.634Please respect copyright.PENANA90wLhTgWGn
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And the teenagers did just as Aruta told. Soon, only Aleks, Dagmar, Nikola, Xi and a boy from the 7th department were left still on the camp site.634Please respect copyright.PENANA9NmXmgzcHo
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"You guys go too." Xi said " We will stay here and watch the rest of the camp.
Aleks nodded his head and, together with Dagmar and Nikola entered the jungle. After a few minutes of silence, the girl from the 7th department decided to speak.634Please respect copyright.PENANA1CwSRNegpu
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"Any ideas? Or are we just going to aimlessly wander around the forest?"
Aleksander looked ad Dagmar.
"Jamon said you could communicate with animals. Does this work also on unicorns?"634Please respect copyright.PENANAg4aSOV0xQ5
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"It should." The girl thought for a few moments "Though I never tried this before."634Please respect copyright.PENANAQsh2j5poo7
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"Well,there is also a slim problem." Nikola added "I don't see any unicorns nearby."
"I have an idea." Aleksander said "The place where we've seen the oil leak is not far from here. We could start there."
Both Dagmar nor Nicola did not really have any alternative, so, although mostly unwillingly, they decided to go ahead with Aleks' idea. Using the portable navigation system, they were able to reach the place (which the boy earlier marked on the system's map) in a bit more than ten minutes.634Please respect copyright.PENANAKBvalnXymq
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"Now what?" Nikola said, looking at the blonde boy expectingly.
"Now we wait." The boy replied simply.634Please respect copyright.PENANA2qneWKE0aG
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The oil pool was still there, although there appeared to be less of the substance then a few hours earlier - the rest probably has already sinked, and contributed to some tree's and animals' sicknesses in the coming years.634Please respect copyright.PENANACJ6rs000Mx
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"Am I the only one" Dagmar begun, attempting to once again break the silence "That doesn't understand how someone like ter Maan could become the PISF president? And rule the entire organization?"634Please respect copyright.PENANAcNHcVrxNeC
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"No,you are not." Aleksander muttered.634Please respect copyright.PENANAVXnkrDp4x3
634Please respect copyright.PENANAx1BKDB0cqe
"That is because he is not in charge. He was elected president many years ago, and is the longest serving president ever. He was in charge some 25-30 years ago... but now it is not really like that. Now it's Julia Cruz who really rules the PISF, and the president has more of a honorary role. I think,meeting the president,you now know why." Nikola added
"He seems kind of... insane." Admitted Dagmar.634Please respect copyright.PENANAHpBwCt8ZmA
634Please respect copyright.PENANABbuI2Pk5ZC
"Well,he is not insane,more like has become childish with his old age, but, out of respect, they don't want to make him retire. That is why they put Cruz, one of his most loyal officers, to pose as a secretary and control him."634Please respect copyright.PENANAl1fTP2beFS
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"How do you know that?" Aleksander asked.634Please respect copyright.PENANAP88bNs50CF
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"My grandmother also worked in the Central PISF Headquarters."
"Fair enough. Hey, what are your parents doing?" The boy asked the Swedish girl.
"My parents are both clerks in a local store. Or rather were, I don't know what they are doing now, because for obvious reasons I prefer not to stay in touch with them too often."634Please respect copyright.PENANAqobPQi0Js9
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"Do they know what are you doing?"634Please respect copyright.PENANA1GokSLN6tj
634Please respect copyright.PENANAZpQa0mdXQO
"Of course not!"The girl smiled and shook her head "It would be too dangerous for both me and them. Usually, after the PISF recruits someone to be their junior officer, they use fabricated documents and make the person's parents and family believe their child got invited to a prestigious, foreign school or something like that. Most parents agree."634Please respect copyright.PENANAlrMD9E8qmw
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"And if they don't?"634Please respect copyright.PENANAHnDn8FTy9R
634Please respect copyright.PENANAYeKzZUIXNm
"I... don't know. I do not know of such cases,honestly."634Please respect copyright.PENANAIhBdwCHlIL
634Please respect copyright.PENANAobVhvwmQFm
"Either the PISF resigns from such a child, or in extreme circumstances, mostly if such child is deemed to be irreplacable , they wipe both the child's and the parents' mind so they forget they ever had each other..." Nikola explained without blinking.634Please respect copyright.PENANAoakbsLUGOh
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"It is just cruel!" Dagmar looked at her, shocked.634Please respect copyright.PENANAkuIwCivC8d
634Please respect copyright.PENANALJkI0P6RHG
"Still, it is completely legal and has full UN approval." The other girl laughed sarcastically
The teenagers deeply engaged in a conversation, completely forgetting they are from two departments that... don't really like each other. They also did not notice an very tall, metalic figure coming at them from behind - until it spoke with an electronic voice.634Please respect copyright.PENANA7ZRNXqGXCd
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The teenagers turned around instantly, noticing an impressive looking robot standing behind them.634Please respect copyright.PENANAN83copAjjm
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"Where did it come from?" Dagmar asked, petrified.634Please respect copyright.PENANAFFSZLTVCw0
634Please respect copyright.PENANA5AM6wqxyJW
That question hasn't been answered, however, as soon the Junior Officers were trapped in a giant net and transported on the robot's back.