Alyssa and her family were having a picnic up high on a mountain. All of a sudden the sky turned gray. “Looks like it might rain.” her dad said. “We may want to finish up here.” her mother commented, concerned.
After they finished their picnic and were halfway down the mountain, it started to storm. The thunder roared, the wind howled, and the rain poured so hard no one could see. “Follow my voice!” Alyssa’s dad ordered. “I don’t want anyone getting lost.” “Hold my hand Bailey!” her mother said to Alyssa’s 4 year old sister.
It was all going well until Alyssa tripped and fell over a fallen tree branch. “Guys wait up!” she called. She didn’t hear any reply. “Guys?” she called again, concerned. No reply. Alyssa was lost and alone in the mountain, in a storm.
Alyssa had to find shelter. She found her way to a small, shallow cave. “This should do.” Alyssa said to herself. She sat down on the dirt floor, put her knees to her chest, and watched as the rain poured outside.
It was morning. The storm had stopped, but Alyssa was still alone in the mountains. Her stomach growled. She was hungry. How was she going to find food? Then she remembered that she had her backpack with her. She opened it up and found one bag of trail mix and half a bottle of water. It would have to do.
She sat munching on her trail mix and took a few sips of her water. Then she realized, she didn’t have a way to get back home. Should she go back to where her family had been hiking? Yes that’s what she would do. It was her best bet after all.
Alyssa grabbed her backpack and left the cave. She found places that looked familiar and eventually found the place where her family had a picnic. She wondered where her family was.
No sooner than she had the thought, she heard voices. Familiar voices. Calling her. “Alyssa!” her mom's voice called. “Alyssa!” her dad’s voice called. “Awyssa!” Bailey called. “Awyssa where are you?” her sister called again, sounding like she was about to cry. “I’m over here!” Alyssa said, waving her arms.
Bailey began to run over to her. Her mom and dad followed. They all wrapped their arms around Alyssa, everyone happy to be reunited.