We felt the truck pull to a stop and for a moment, we thought maybe the truck had stopped by a traffic light or was held up in traffic like it had a couple of times before. But this time, the engine died down and there was silence. The five of us Toxins looked at each other wondering what was going on.
"Guys," said Mike as he first broke the silence. "I'm scared."
"I feel like I'm in a horror movie," said Zoey.
"I wonder where we are," said Daniel.
"Sam might be right. They just brought us out here to be slaughtered," said Christine.
"It was only a joke, Christine," I said.
"Well, if we think so, Christine, at least I'll have cake to eat before I die." Daniel approached the cake and I quickly held his shoulder and drew him back.
"Sam!" he complained as he looked at me.
"Are we forgetting something?" I asked. "We're supposed to be acting scared. Now that the truck has stopped, the driver will probably be wondering why we are so quiet."
"Oh, right," said Zoey. "Besides, this isn't fun anymore and I really want to get out of here, so..." She turned around and started to bang on the walls of the container, "...HEY, LET US OUT OF HERE!"
We continued to bang on the walls and calling out for help but there was no response from the outside.
"Do you have your phone with you, Mike?" Christine asked. "We really need to call for help."
"Sorry, I left mine with my laptop at the party," said Mike. "Or else I would have called earlier."
"And Lee said there will be no need for us to have phones while we party so she took all of ours," said Daniel.
"I guess Lee was in on this surprise and took our phones away," I said. "Really clever of her."
"Well, this is bad," said Mike. "It feels like there is no one out there."
"The way I see it, they're keeping us in here longer to make us feel more scared."
"They are doing a pretty good job if you ask me," said Christine.
"Well, we have been screaming our lungs out even on the road and now that we are wherever we are, they still don't want to let us out," said Mike.
"This is why I'm telling you, it's best to eat the cake because this might be our last day on earth," said Daniel.
"Well, people love the fact that they might be dying today," I said as I looked at Daniel.
"I'm just hungry."
I smiled. "I know."
"Now what are we going to do?" Zoey asked as she looked at me. "It's starting to get hot in here. We might just run out of air if they keep us in here any longer."
"We wait. Even if we might just end up losing enough oxygen."
"How are you so calm? What if these people really kidnapped us or something?" Christine asked.
"If they did, they would have immediately gotten us out of the truck by now."
"Well, I'm still not counting on it," said Zoey. "I just want to get out of here."
"We will soon," I said as I stared at the ceiling of the container wondering what was going on out there.
"Should we sing our way out of here like they do in the movies?" Daniel suggested.
We all turned to look at him wondering where he got that idea from.
"Huh?" Mike had his eyebrow raised staring at his young brother. "No, that's ridiculous."
"Don't say it, I know, I'm crazy," said Daniel.
"Or just plain hungry because you don't have enough sugar in that brain of yours," said Christine.
Daniel scratched his head. "I guess so."
"We know you want to eat cake, Daniel," I said.
"Dang it!" Daniel muttered to himself as he stomped his foot on the metal floor.
"I feel like we've been in here FOREVER!" Zoey emphasised as she turned around to hit her forehead on the cold metal wall of the container.
"We should be out right about now," I said.
"How do you know?" Mike asked. "Let's face it, Sam, this isn't a surprise at all."
"Ssssh," I warned him telling him to be quiet.
Then we heard a sound of something hitting the wall of the container. For a moment, we all thought it was Zoey hitting her head again.
"Can you stop doing that?" Mike asked as he looked at her. "You're going to crack that head of yours open and nobody wants to see your brains."
"What's your problem?" Zoey asked as she turned to look at Mike. "I didn't do anything."
"You didn't bang your head against the wall again?" Daniel asked.
The noise came again before Zoey could answer, and this time, we all fell silent as we looked at each other.
None of us had hit the wall this time.
The noise came again.
"Is someone outside?" Zoey asked.
"Obviously," said Mike as he rolled his eyes at her. "We're inside this container so there's probably someone out there."
Someone continued to hit the wall of the container and this time, it became constant. The noise was coming from Zoey and Mike's side of the wall.
"Hey, can you help us out!" Zoey called out as she hit the wall.
Expecting a response back from the outside, no sound came. The banging stopped.
"What's going on? Is the person gone?" Daniel asked.
Then the noise came on the other side where Christine, Daniel and I were. The noise soon continued constantly and this time on both sides.
"What are they trying to do?" Mike asked. "Trying to hit the container until it caves in?"
"Well, whatever they are hitting the truck with, isn't leaving a dent on the walls," I said. "They are just trying to scare us."
"They are going to beat us to a pulp," said Christine.
"No, they aren't," I said.
The banging on both sides of the container became louder. I could tell from the other's faces that they were scared. I should also be in their shoes. But I wasn't going to let my guard down.
We soon heard metal clanking against metal and we all turned to look at the door of the container. I came to stand in the middle facing the door and the other four Toxins huddled themselves close to me, looking scared. Someone was now opening the door and the others outside kept on banging on the walls.
"I should have taken karate lessons," said Mike.
"Ya, mum really emphasised on that," I said.
"I should have too," said Christine.
"Guys, no matter what happens, dying with you will be an honour," said Zoey.
"Really?" I looked at Zoey who was close to me with an eyebrow raised. "You sound like those people from the movies."
"She's not the only one who is afraid," said Christine. "I wonder why you're so calm."
"I don't know about you, but I think your instincts went a little haywire this time, Sam," said Mike.
"I don't blame you," I said as I shrugged my shoulders and stared at the door.
"But I trust you, Sam," said Daniel.
"What do you think they are going to do to us?" Zoey asked.
"Surprise us," I answered.
The next thing we knew, the door of the container rolled up and a bright light blinded us. We had been kept in the dark for so long, it feel like we hadn't seen the light in days. The banging on the walls still went on.
We held up our hands to our eyes to shield off the light. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the light, I slowly put down my hand. Someone had climbed into the truck but I couldn't tell who it was because the light only hit the person's back and not the face. It felt like I was looking at a shadow.
"Excuse me," I started to speak as I dropped my hand completely. "Where are we?"
The person just stood there without saying a word. I could tell the person was a man by his posture and physique. I couldn't help but feel that I knew the person who was standing there.
"Do you think he's going to kill us?" Zoey whispered in my ear. I almost jumped in fright. For a moment, I forgot that she was even there.
"No," I whispered back. All this was just to scare us and we knew it. Though it seemed like the other Toxins apart from Daniel and I were thinking otherwise.
The man in front of us just stood there and he raised his hand. The banging on the walls stopped and the five of us wondered what he was going to do next.
The man snapped his fingers and soon, people appeared from outside the truck and entered the container. There were probably five or six of them and they approached us. It was then that we noticed that the people that had come in were wearing black clothes and black masks over their faces.
One of them got to me first and held my hand. I tried to pull away but another man quickly came and put something over my head. I realised that I couldn't see a thing. I had a black cotton sack over my head.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
Things happened so fast when I was blinded. The person holding my hand, quickly put both of my hands behind my back and I felt him tie them with what felt like plastic cuffs. He dragged me forward with his hand holding my arm, obviously leading me out of the truck's container.
I heard noises of struggle behind me. That meant the others were also being blinded and tied up like I was.
The man leading me out of the container, stopped and I heard him drop down from the truck onto the ground. I was soon lifted out of the truck and my feet soon touched the ground. The man soon took me by the arm and we walked a few feet away from the truck until we stopped.
I could hear the other's voices behind me and some seemed to be struggling with their captors. I could hear Zoey's voice and she sounded frustrated and angry.
I was focused on the other's voices behind me when I felt my captor's hands on my shoulders and felt him push me downwards. I was seated on what felt like a chair. Soon, I felt the person tie me to the chair with rope.
By the sound of voices and quick feet, I knew the others were approaching.
"Where are we?" I asked the man who was tying my feet to the chair. "Are you going to hurt us?"
"It's best you keep quiet and talk when you're told to," said the man as he was done tying me up and I heard him walk away.
I couldn't help but feel that the man who had tied me sounded familiar. His voice was rough and gruff but somehow I could tell that he only sounded like that just to hide his voice. I smiled a little when I realised that I might know who the person was.
The Toxins came to join me and sitting on chairs and tied up like I was. Zoey sat on my left and Christine on my right.
"Oh my goodness, it's so dark," said Zoey. "I hate the dark."
"But you manage to sleep in the dark," I said.
Zoey gasped and I felt her move on her chair beside me. "Sam, you're alive!"
"Quiet down!" came a huge voice, probably from one of our captors.
Zoey winced. "Sorry," she said quietly. "Sam, you're alive, I thought of the worst when they took you first."
"I'm fine as you can hear," I said.
I heard Daniel behind me like he was about to laugh.
"What are you laughing at now?" Christine asked.
"Nothing," he said. "Sam just said something funny."
"At least someone is getting a load off after being captured," said Mike.
"This isn't half bad if you ask me."
"Quiet, all of you!" came the voice again.
"Eish, is it wrong not to talk?" Zoey asked.
"You will talk when the boss gets here," came another voice. I recognised that voice as well.
"Where is this boss of yours, then?" Zoey asked. "Some of us would really want to know what's going on here."
"Zoey's right," I said. "Why are we here?"
"You will know soon enough," the same man spoke again. This was almost too easy. If the other Toxins couldn't figure this out, then I don't know what they were thinking. I wanted to burst out laughing but I held it all in.
We soon heard the sound of footsteps. I turned my head in the direction of the sound. There seemed to be more than two people coming towards us. I wondered who they were
The people walking towards us stopped. From where I was seated, I could tell they were right behind me. For a moment, the whole place was quiet as if everyone had held their breaths in for a moment.
"I'm glad I finally get to meet The Toxins," said a man's voice. Sounded like he was the one in charge. "I've to confess, I'm a fan of your music."
"I don't know if saying thanks will be appropriate at this point," I said, trying to figure out who was speaking.
"No need," said the boss. "Let's get to know each other, shall we?" I heard him snap his fingers. "Remove the sacks."
Immediately the order was made, I heard footsteps and I felt my sack being pulled upwards away from my face. A strong ray of light hit me in the eyes and I had them shut for a moment because the intensity was just too much and my eyes started to water.
"Goodness," I heard Christine beside me mutter to herself. Looked like she was also blinded by the light.
I gave my eyes some time to adjust to the light and once they did, I realised what looked like a stage camera light had been placed in front of us.
"Hello, Toxins," said the boss as he walked around us and came to stand in front of me. Just like his comrades, he also had a black mask on. "It's nice we could finally meet in person."
"Well, it would have been nice if we could see your face," said Zoey.
"Well, you're the ones who are tied up so, you don't get to decide on things," said the boss as he looked at Zoey.
I heard Zoey gulp. "Point taken," she said.
"Good," said the boss, I noticed him smile by the look in his eyes. "That wasn't too hard to understand, was it?"
Zoey quickly shook her head. Mike almost burst out laughing behind me but his laugh came out as a snicker.
"What is it? What are you laughing at?" the boss asked as he looked over at Mike.
"Nothing," said Mike, as he controlled himself. "It's just that, Zoey finds it hard to understand things sometimes."
Zoey growled. And if she wasn't tied up, she would have hit Mike with her hand. "You're so ungrateful," she said to him. "You know pretty well that I'm not dumb."
"Of course, you aren't. For now, at least."
"Oh, if I wasn't tied up, I would have really dealt with you."
"Enough threatening," said the boss. "I'm the one who's supposed to be doing that around here."
"Will you tell us now what's going on?" I said. I looked at the man carefully, wondering who was behind that mask.
"Gladly," said the boss as a chair was offered to him by one of his masked men and he sat down directly facing me. "Someone wants to get rid of you."
"Huh?" Christine and Zoey both asked at the same time. I wondered how my brothers back there were taking the news. I wasn't buying it, as usual.
"Who wants us killed?" Daniel asked.
"Ya, I'm really curious," I said, almost rolling my eyes.
"Are you going to chop our heads off and hang them out for everyone to see?" Zoey asked sounding scared.
"I think if we were dealing with ISIS that would definitely happen."
"We aren't dealing with ISIS, are we?"
I looked at the gang in front of me. They were our friends under those masks and I so much as wanted as to blurt out that I already knew what was going on.
"No, they don't look like ISIS to me," I said as I looked at Zoey.
"But they are going to kill us," said Zoey.
The boss in front of me chuckled. "For people who are facing their deaths, you seem quite chatty."
"That's how we are sometimes," said Daniel. "May I ask? Can we eat the cake before we die?"
For a moment, everyone was silent. Someone coughed. I couldn't tell who it was but it was definitely among the captors dressed in black. He probably wanted to laugh out loud but couldn't.
"Let's get to business, shall we?" the boss insisted as he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.
Two of his comrades came to stand beside him, one to the left and the other on the right. And this time, they held out machine guns, pointing at us.
Zoey almost screamed but she ended up squeaking instead. I could feel Christine beside me grow stiff. I bet Mike who was seated next to her also felt her stiffen because he asked:
"Hey, what's up, Christine?"
"Guns," Christine replied.
"Ya, you guys talk way too much," said the boss. "Maybe if I show you that I mean business, you can take me seriously."
"Okay, we take you seriously," said Zoey. "Daniel isn't going to ask for cake again."
"What? He clearly isn't just talking about me asking for cake," said Daniel.
"Guys, enough," I said. I turned back to the boss. "We are all ears. Who wants to get rid of us?"
"It's nice to have someone to get us back on track," said the boss as he looked at me. "So, I received a call from someone a few days ago asking me to get rid of you. Says you're a menace to him and to society."
"That doesn't give a valid reason as to why the person would get rid of us," I said. "The person needs to hate us a whole lot to do so."
The boss raised his finger, pointed it at me and smiled. "Good point," he said. "I was a little surprised at first because a lot of people prove to be a menace and some of them aren't superstars like you."
"A reason why our manager calls us monkeys," Zoey muttered as she looked up at the dark ceiling above us.
"But there was one thing the person mentioned though," said the boss as he leaned back in his chair. "That you're the reason he's rotting away in a cell."
There was silence amongst us Toxins. We put someone away in jail? Who?
"This is ridiculous," said Christine. "Who could we have possibly put away and now wants payback?"
"As far as I've known, we're really sweet people," said Mike.
"Totally sweet people," said Daniel.
"Jehan," Zoey answered suddenly.
My heart skipped a beat. Of course. Jehan was the only person we ever put away in jail.
The boss clapped his hands. "Very good, Zoey," he said. "Looks like you're smart after all."
"Jehan wants us dead?" Daniel asked.
This almost seemed too real. These guys were using Jehan as a way to scare us. I have to admit, that's one pretty good move.
"Yes, he does," said the boss as his eyes slowly turned to Zoey. "Especially Zoey."
"Let them go, they had nothing to do with him," said Zoey.
I rolled my eyes. These guys got us right where they wanted us. Scared. And now, all this felt like a real kidnapping. I wanted to end this right now but it wasn't going to work. I just had to follow through with their surprise.
"That's not going to happen," said the boss as he leaned forward in his chair, taking a good look at Zoey. "You all took part in taking him to jail so all of you have to pay the price."
"Wait a minute," I said, drawing his attention. "We weren't the only ones who took Jehan down, you know?"
The boss turned to look at me. "What do you mean?"
"Ya, Sam, what do you mean?" Zoey asked as she looked at me.
"Oh, I know what she means," said Daniel. "Another group was involved in taking down Jehan and they also deserve to be tied up here like we are."
"Exactly," I said with a smile. If I wasn't wrong, Daniel was probably trying to play these guys along like I was.
"That's so true," said Mike. "It wasn't just us. BigBang was there too."
"Why didn't I think of that," said Zoey shaking her head. I bet if she wasn't tied up, she would have hit her head.
The boss looked at us without saying a word for a moment or two. Then he leaned back in his seat.
"Well, Jehan never told me anything about the others," said the boss. "If he only asked me to get rid of The Toxins, then it must be for a good reason. I get paid really well for following instructions by the book. And I'm going to do just that."
The boss turned to look at two of his men who were standing at either side of him with guns held in their hands. This was it, he was going to give the order to shoot us.
"I would have loved to sit and chat, you're all really fun people, but I have a busy schedule and getting rid of you should be a piece of cake."
"No, this is so unfair," said Daniel. "You get to kill us before we can even eat our cake."
"Really? You're still worried about the cake? Don't worry about it. The thing you should be worried about now are yourselves before I blow your brains out. Oh, and I'll make sure to send Jehan the cake in prison with your heads on it."
"Ill, yuck," said Zoey she stuck out her tongue in disgust. "I think the news of our deaths will be so much better, don't you think?"
The boss quickly stood up from his seat. "Like I said, I follow every instruction by the book. He did say he wanted you guys for dessert, so, I'm going to have to use the cake."
"He's so cynical," said Christine.
"And pretty smart too," said Daniel. "He's going to eat us, that's if he wants to."
"Revenge is best served sweet," said the boss. He looked around and took a few steps towards us. "See you in the after life, Toxins." He turned around, facing his two men with guns, "make sure you aim for their heads."
"Wait, what?" Zoey asked. "You can't do this to us!"
"Oh, I believe I'm about to," said the boss as he turned his head to look at Zoey. "The rest will take care of you now."
The boss turned around to leave while I felt Zoey and Christine beside me try to get out of their seats. They tied us up really well. I also tried to find any loose end with the rope and no luck there.
I heard footsteps behind us and I heard Mike mutter something to himself. Looks like guns were being pointed at my brothers too because I could already hear a corking sound. These people were ready to fire.
"Guys, I'm so sorry for all the things I have ever done to you," said Christine.
"Ya, me too," said Zoey with a scared look on her face. "And I love you guys."
"I do too," said Mike.
"Me three," said Daniel.
I didn't know whether to say something or not. As much as all this was just a surprise, for a moment, everything seemed too real.
"Any last words, Sam?" one of the masked men pointing the gun at me asked.
I shook my head. "No, my friends have said all that was necessary," I said.
"Very well," said the man as he pointed his gun at my head. "Goodbye, then."
I recognised that voice very well and for a minute there, all I wanted was to say his name and get this whole sherade done with. But before I could open my mouth, shots were fired.
Expecting to feel something hard and painful on my head, I felt something light and soft hit my face. Almost like paper. I had my eyes closed for a second immediately after the shots were fired. When I opened them, I realised that I was right this entire time.
Confetti filled the air and they landed all over my head, my lap and my shoulders. I smiled. I knew this was just a surprise to scare us.
"What the-?" Daniel wanted to ask, but stopped himself. "Confetti?"
"Confetti?" Christine beside me opened her eyes and gasped upon seeing confetti all around her. "I thought dying was like lying on a soft cloud or something."
Zoey started to say, "what? Or this was a...?
G-Dragon, who had been the masked man with his rifle in front of me and the rest who were wearing masks, revealed themselves. Surprisingly, the person who had been standing alongside G-Dragon also with a rifle was none other than RM.
"What the....?" Now I was the one who was surprised. I expected those who were at the party to be part of all this and not RM. That's if the whole of BTS were here.
"Namjoon?" Christine and Zoey both said at the same time. They were just as surprised to see him like I was.
RM smiled, his dimples clearly showing on his cheeks. "Yep, it's me," he said.
"Now I see what Jungkook's call was all about," I said. "He was trying to warn us about you guys playing your part in the surprise."
The time Jungkook called us before the party, he was about to tell us something important when all of the sudden, something happened to his phone and the line went dead. I tried calling him back a few times, but his phone was off. I could tell that something was up at that very moment though the others thought it was bad phone network.
"Ya, we had to do something about that," said RM.
"You didn't do anything to him like you did to us, did you?"
"I'm fine," came Jungkook as he came to stand next to RM.
"You were in on this too!" Zoey asked looking surprised at Jungkook as he was also dressed like our captors.
"Ya," Jungkook shrugged his shoulders nervously. "I was actually the one who dragged you out of the truck."
"Seriously?" Zoey complained. "You tied me really hard on the wrists. I'm scared you might have left a bruise."
Jungkook winced. "Sorry."
"Looks like Sam was right again," said Mike. "She hadn't given up on the hunch that you, Jungkook, were about to tell us something really important."
"Ya, we got you guys good," said Mino. I could hear him behind me probably facing Mike and Daniel.
"Ya, you guys were so scared," came Jinwoo's voice, also behind me.
"Now, that we are here," I said. "I can tell who dragged me out of the truck and tied me."
"That's so not possible," said Seungri as he also came to stand in front of the girls and I.
"You wanna bet?" I smiled at him.
"Can she guess while you guys untie us?" Daniel asked. "For k-pop stars you tied us up really well."
"Oh, no they won't," came a familiar voice from a distance. "Not yet, at least."
"Lee?" the five of us Toxins called out as she appeared behind RM and G-Dragon coming from the direction in the darkness beyond where the so-called boss had taken after giving the order to have us all killed.
"You planned this, didn't you?" Mike asked.
"Apparently, yes," said Lee. "But for Sam to realise who had her tied up, looks like she probably figured it out that all this was a fake kidnapping."
"Really?" Taeyang asked.
Now that I realised it, not all of BigBang, WINNER and BTS members were here. I wondered where the whole of BlackPink were.
"It's true," said Daniel. "From the time we got locked up in the truck, she knew all this was a surprise."
"Huh, no wonder she didn't seem so scared when we pointed the gun at her," said G-Dragon.
"You weren't kidding when you said she was smart," said RM as she looked at G-Dragon.
"Now can I guess who tied me up?" I asked.
Lee rolled her eyes at me. "Okay, fine," she said. "Guess away, smarty pants."
"Seunghoon, where are you?" I called out.
"Goodness," said Seunghoon as he came to stand in front of me. "You knew it was me?"
"Trust me, I could tell who some of you were just by your voices."
"We will try to be more cautious next time," said Taeyang.
"Quick question, though. Who was acting as the boss?"
"I'm glad you didn't figure that out," said Lee with a smirk.
"Well, not everyone who were at the party including BlackPink and some BTS members are here, so, I don't think it will be that hard to figure it out."
"Can I try?" Daniel asked.
"Hold on for a minute, Daniel. Can you please untie us?" Christine asked. "You guys already did enough damage. Sam and maybe even Daniel here might not have been scared but some of us were."
"Should we untie them?" G-Dragon asked Lee.
"Ya, sure, the others are waiting," Lee answered.
RM came to untie me, G-Dragon did the same with Zoey while Jungkook untied Christine. I was the first to stand up after being untied and I saw Taeyang untie Mike and Seunghoon untie Daniel.
"Now can I guess who the boss was?" Daniel asked immediately he stood up from the chair he was tied to.
"Go ahead, tiger," said Seungri. "Give it your best shot."
"It was TOP."
I turned to look at Daniel and apparently, I wasn't the only one looking at him.
"What?" he asked as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Now that you've said it, I should have figured it out sooner." I said. "Not only could TOP hide his face but also could hide his voice really well."
"Aww," came TOP's voice from a distance and he suddenly appeared behind Lee from the darkness. "You two look so adorable when you're thinking smart."
"Thanks," Daniel and I answered at the same time.
"Hold on a minute," said Zoey after vigorously shaking her head. "TOP was the boss?"
"Yep," said Jinwoo and Mino at the same time.
"Now that all this is behind us, where are the others?" I asked.
"Ya, especially the BlackPink members," said Mike.
After Mike's last statement, the lights went on across the room. It was then that I realised where we were.
"Wait a minute, what are we doing here?" I asked.
We were at YG Entertainment and better yet, we were at a place where we never expected to be. In the large scale rehearsal building within YG premises.
"Can someone please answer Sam's question?" Zoey asked.
"Guys, you have to see this," said Mike.
I turned to what Mike was looking at. This was the same rehearsal building in which the set construction was being worked on for the event on Friday. And it was done.
"Wow," said Daniel.
"I've to admit the set looks awesome," said Christine.
"To answer your question, Sam, this was the last piece of the surprise we wanted to show you," said Lee as she came to stand next to me.
"Hey guys!" Jennie called out as she appeared on the stage set with the other three BlackPink members, Daesung, Seungyoon, J-hope, Suga, Jin and V. I noticed J-Hope wearing a cap. The same cap the driver of the truck wore.
"Looks like I just recognised our driver," I said.
"Is it legal to go up there?" Mike asked Lee, his eyes still fixed on the stage. "Won't our managers be mad?"
Lee smiled. "It's actually illegal," she said.
"Then why show it to us?" Zoey asked. "Do you really want us to get into trouble again?"
"Ya," said Christine. "I remember when we first snuck in on our first set last time before our big debut. Just to check it out even when it wasn't ready. And we got punished for it when we got caught."
"Eh, our debut was pretty pathetic anyway," I concluded. "So was the set. But what I am looking at right now, is a masterpiece."
"I'm going to ask this for a second time," said Mike as he turned to look at Lee. "Can we go up there?"
"Do you want to ask a third so as to know I'm not lying?" Lee asked.
"I think it's pretty clear," said G-Dragon. "We can all go up there."
"This is going to be fun," said Zoey. "Weren't they going to show this to us tomorrow?"
"Rumour has it, that yes, they were," said Seunghoon.
"Well, this is one cool way of continuing the party," said Christine as she started her way towards the construction set with Zoey.
Jinwoo, Seunghoon and Mino followed with Mike and Daniel as they talked about the fake kidnapping. Jimin and Jungkook also joined them and their conversation.
"May I ask something?" I asked as I looked at Lee. "Why did you bring Jehan into the picture?"
"Me?" Lee asked with her hand on her chest surprised by my question.
"Of course you. The kidnapping seemed more real when TOP mentioned him."
"To be honest, that's the only time I saw Sam scared," said TOP. "The whole time she was just stoic until I mentioned his name."
"That's true," said Taeyang.
"Fine," said Lee as she rolled her eyes. "I told TOP to being Jehan into the picture because we only dealt with him a few weeks ago and memories of him were still fresh in your minds."
"Especially, Zoey," said G-Dragon.
"This Jehan must really have spooked her out before to get all nervous," said RM. "Luckily, she didn't get a heart attack."
"Do you know the whole story?" I asked looking at RM.
"Not really. Lee did mention him as a criminal you guys knew. To be honest, I didn't know you guys dealt with bad guys."
I gave out a mocking laugh. "You have no idea."
The news of Jehan's arrest didn't make much of a public fiasco because the authorities were careful enough to leave out Zoey and the rest of The Toxins and BigBang out of police statements they presented to the press. Or some might say treated they us as anonymous. Only a few knew the whole story. It was best not to mention Zoey or any of us involved to the press for who knew what would have become of us right now.
"Okay, enough chit chat," said Taeyang. "Let's go look at the set."
Those of us who remained behind started to make our way to the set construction. Those who had gone ahead of us were already on stage, dancing and goofing around. Others just looked around.
Just as I got to the construction set, something crossed my mind and I turned around. RM was right behind me. He was talking with G-Dragon and he stopped when he saw me looking at him.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked.
"I'll leave you two," said G-Dragon as he went on with the others on stage, using a small flight of stairs.
"Sure, anything," said RM with a warm smile on his face.
"Why did Lee....?"
Before I could even finish my question, Lee called on the stage.
"Come on, Sam, what are you waiting for?" she called. "Get up here, we all take a selfie."
"Coming," I said. It seems my question was going to be asked another time. RM and I went up on stage and I made sure to take a good look around.
"Do you really want to take a photo of us on set?" Lisa asked. "If we post those photos online, our managers will behead us."
"And this time, they will put our heads on a cake for sure," said Daniel.
"That's why, I'm taking the photos with my phone and so, I'll send them after the event," said Lee as she placed her phone on a selfie stick.
"This set looks awesome," said Zoey. "I can't wait for the actual day."
"Okay, people, gather around," said Lee as she went to stand ahead of us on the stage. "We need to take selfies. Lots of them."
After a few minutes of taking selfies, Lee announced that it was time to leave. I couldn't agree with her more. We had spent so much time here and anyone, maybe even the staff workers might find us.
"Does that mean we're going to have cake back at the hotel?" Daniel asked.
"Yep, and we better hurry," said Lee. "There are cars waiting outside and they will take us back. Don't worry, Daniel, the cake is already there."
Just as people were walking off stage, I noticed RM with Suga. Just before they could turn and leave like everyone else, I caught up with them.
"Hey, you two," I said as I stood in front of them.
"Wow, that was pretty fast," said Suga, with his eyebrow raised and with a slight smile on his face. I had to admit, that look was pretty cute that I almost blushed.
"If you're talking about my speed, I don't know how I do it," I said. "I want to know something."
"Ah, your question," said RM as he remembered. "Ask away."
"I know Lee bringing us here was all but a surprise for The Toxins and these other guys, but why did she let you, BTS, be in on this?"
"Sam, Suga, RM!" Lee called out. "Come on, I have to lock up the place!"
Dang it! If only Lee could hold on for just a few minutes.
Suga saw my frustration and he quickly came close to me and whispered in my ear, "that's another surprise for another day."
My eyes couldn't help but bulge after his answer. What did he mean? He slowly drew away from me, still with a corky smile on his face and made his way down the stage with RM right behind him.
I was left still wondering when I realised I was all alone and almost everyone had left. RM and Suga were almost out of the building. I walked down the stage and turned to look back at it for a last time.
"Sam, are you coming or what?" RM asked as he stood by the huge doors of the set construction building with Lee and Suga.
"Coming," I said as I ran towards them, still not feeling satisfied that I didn't get the answer I was looking for.
Or did I?