"Hey, Sam," said Zoey who was sitting next to me. "Aren't you excited about tomorrow?"
I turned to look at her with a smile on my face and said, "you know I am."
"Okay, so we're going to have to perfect everything today. This means we might use the beautiful set we saw yesterday, right?"
I hit Zoey on her knee warning her to keep quiet. Collins was just sitting in front of us in the front passenger's seat. Lucky enough, he didn't hear anything because he had headphones in his ears. He was listening to the news on his tab.
"What?" Zoey asked. "He hasn't heard what we just said. He's too busy listening to the news."
"FYI," said Lee behind us seated with Christine, "he can still catch you when you least expect it. You haven't been with the man for a long time like I have. Sometimes when you think he isn't listening, he is."
"We know," I said. "I've been on that receiving end a couple of times."
"Gosh, everyone is talking about the big day tomorrow," said Christine who seemed less interested about what Lee, Zoey and I were talking about. She was focused on the phone.
"Ya, well, they will be in for a surprise of a lifetime," said Zoey.
"Because of BTW?" I asked. "Well, it's supposed to be a secret. No one should know about it."
"Courtesy of our managers who wanted it that way. But I bet it's going to be great, considering that it's a surprise."
"Ya, you're right," said Christine. "Just thinking about tomorrow is giving me goosebumps. I can't wait to see the entire music video."
"Same here," said Mike who was with Daniel at the last seats of the car.
"Well, we better make it perfect then," said Lee. "Before you even start with rehearsals, we have to run you through with some few details."
"Why?" I asked. "We've been told everything we need to know and now we just have to do it on set. I don't think it will be that difficult."
"Let's just say, there are a few adjustments that have to be made."
"What adjustments?" Daniel asked this time around. He was so focused with playing a game on his phone that you wouldn't think he was listening.
"I'm afraid I can't say. I'm not the one who's supposed to tell you."
We were all quiet. Then Zoey and I turned to look at Lee. A few seconds later, Christine and Daniel looked up from their phones, their eyes now on her. Mike had been looking out the window and he soon turned to look at her.
Lee looked at each one of us with a surprised look on her face.
"What?" she asked as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Why are you so secretive?" Mike asked. "You always keep us wondering what's going on."
"And yesterday, you even had us kidnapped," said Daniel, "that was still being secretive."
"Daniel, it was a surprise," said Lee.
"Aren't all surprises a secret among people who plan the surprise? They don't tell anyone they are planning the surprise for."
Lee paused. "To be honest, I didn't really think it that way."
"Aren't you going to tell us what's going on?" Zoey asked. "Why add adjustments now on the last day?"
"I'm also wondering," I said.
"Guys, you can attack me all you want," said Lee. "But I can't tell you. Your managers planned this, not me."
"And we can't ask Collins," said Christine. "We only have you to ask."
"Oh, I also have another question," I said as I raised up my hand as though I was a student in a classroom. "It's concerning yesterday."
"I think I know the question you're about to ask, Sam," said Lee.
"How?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I just know. And I'm not going to answer if you ask me."
"Why?" I felt even more confused.
"Because we have finally arrived at our destination."
I moaned in frustration as I looked out the car window. Just great!
"Okay, everyone," said Collins as he turned to look at us after putting his tab away. "You know the drill. This is the final day and everything has to be perfect. So, go do what you do best."
"Aye, aye, Captain!" the five of us Toxins exclaimed with excitement.
We all got out of the car and went straight to the YG building to get changed in the dressing rooms. After changing, we soon started our way to the rehearsal building.
"Do we have to act surprised when we see the construction set?" Daniel asked.
"We have to," I said. "What choice do we have?"
"We are so early today," said Christine. "Do you think the others have arrived too?"
"Well, we were the only ones in the changing rooms apart from a few trainees," said Mike. "I didn't see any of the people we are working with there."
"Mmmm, same here," I said. "Looks like we are pretty early today."
The rehearsal building was just within our sight when Zoey muttered something to herself. We all heard her. And we knew why.
Standing at the door of the building was Ji Yeon, A.K.A Miss Sharky, with her co-worker, Ji Nun. The two were talking to each other until they saw us coming towards the building.
"Goodness," said Zoey as she tried to put up a smile for Ji Yeon and Ji Nun to see. "Seeing her right now is giving me the creeps."
"You really exaggerate sometimes," I said. "To be honest, she isn't half as bad as you think."
"Really?" Zoey turned to look at me. "I never thought you liked her that much."
"All I'm saying is, yes, she's tough, but she's a good choreographer. Just because she's tough doesn't make her a bad person."
"Sam's right," said Christine. "She just makes us work too much because of the event. Maybe you should try liking her for just a second, Zoey."
Zoey rolled her eyes. "Maybe," she said.
When we got closer to the entrance of the rehearsal building, the two choreographers continued to look at us. Ji Yeon even had her hands on her hips.
"Morning, Toxins," she said as she put up a smile on her face. She barely smiled in the few days we had worked with her.
"Good morning," the five of us replied. We also greeted Ji Nun who gladly smiled at us.
"Glad to see that you're early," said Ji Yeon. "We have a lot to do today."
"The others aren't here yet?" Mike asked.
"No," said Ji Nun. "And you guys are lucky to be early. That means you will get to see the completed construction set first."
Christine and Zoey smiled and jumped with glee. I had to admit, they were pretty good actresses, acting all excited about the the construction set when we had already seen it.
"Sounds awesome," I said with a smile. "I can't wait to see it."
"Me too," said Daniel, also sounding excited.
"Alright, then, shall we?" Ji Yeon insisted as Ji Nun led the way inside.
The huge space in the building was almost occupied with staff members and the camera crew, walking up and down the place, setting up lights next to the construction set for the filming tomorrow. We looked on at the construction set and we couldn't help but feel excited even if we were seeing it for the second time.
"Wow," said Daniel. "The set looks awesome!"
"Beautiful," said Zoey, with stars in her eyes.
"I can't believe we will be dancing on the set tomorrow," said Mike.
"Alright, let's go on stage," said Ji Nun. "I hope Lee informed you that there will be a few changes to the routine you're all going to do tomorrow."
"Yes, she did," I said.
"Then follow us, please."
The five of us Toxins followed our two choreographers up the stage and we went around admiring the set that we had already seen. After a minute and a half of looking around, we heard Ji Yeon clap her hands drawing our attention to her.
"Okay, you've looked around enough," she said. "Now gather around so that we tell you the adjustments we have made."
"Do the adjustments have to do with our dance routine?" Zoey asked as we all approached the two choreographers.
"Not entirely. Let's just say we are introducing something new in the mix."
"What is it?" Christine asked.
Ji Yeon and Ji Nun looked at each other for a bit. There was something off about their look. It was as if they were scared that what they were going to say might not be good for our ears.
"Can you please tell us?" Daniel asked. "The suspense is killing us."
"Okay, we will tell you," said Ji Nun. "Apparently, your managers wanted to introduce another K-Pop group in the event tomorrow."
"Oh," I heard myself saying. That didn't sound half as bad as I thought.
"Oh, really?" Zoey asked. "Which group is it?"
"I bet it's YG's very own," said Mike.
"iKON, maybe?" Daniel suggested.
"We can't be sure," I said. "Let Ji Yeon finish." I went on to look at her. "Do we know who they are?"
"Yes," she answered. "It's BTS."
"Wait, what?" I asked hoping that I didn't hear her right. "Did you just say BTS?"
"Yep," said Ji Nun as he stared upwards.
I looked over at the my group members and they looked just as surprised. Zoey and Daniel had both of their mouths open. Mike and Christine looked like they were just about to pass out.
"Guys?" I called out to them as I waved a hand across Christine who was standing next to me. She didn't notice it until I shook her.
"Huh?" she looked at me like she had woken up from a dream. "Did I hear right, Sam? BTS will be coming to perform on the set?"
"Oh," was all she said before she looked like she was about to pass out again.
"Wow," said Daniel. "I don't know whether to be happy or surprised or.... I don't know."
"Well, you should have seen the look on our faces when we were told the news," said Ji Nun. "It's great, but we had so much to do preparing for this event at such a short period of time and bringing in BTS...., to be honest, I don't know what to say."
I knew exactly what he meant. The news of BTS joining the programme sounds exciting, maybe for outsiders. For us involved, it sounded great but again, rather overwhelming. The event was meant for the release of the single and most importantly, introducing BTW to the world. BTS weren't related to either of the two and for me, it seemed a little weird for them to be involved.
It was then that I knew why BTS were here yesterday. They were also going to perform tomorrow.
"Okay, well, this is interesting," said Zoey.
"May I ask why the managers did this?" Mike asked.
Ji Yeon shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows," she said. "But let's look at the bright side. As much as BTS isn't related to why this event is taking place, its going to attract a large audience."
"I agree," I said. "The two managers must have thought really hard about this. Bringing in a group like BTS would make a huge impact."
"Makes sense now," said Zoey. "For a moment, I thought they might just end up joining BTW."
"That can't happen and you know it," said Christine.
"Was just saying. Now that it's sinking in, it will be fun to have them on stage. I never imagined dancing alongside BTS."
"Ya, you're right, Zoey," said Mike. "It will be awesome."
"Let's stick to the positive side of this and it will be fun for all of us," I said.
"Ya, well, Sam, you better break the news to everyone else when they get here," said Daniel. "When you explain the reason, they will listen to you."
"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "Let's get to work, shall we? And remember, let's be positive about this."
"That's what I like to hear," said Ji Yeon with an encouraging smile on her face. "You heard Sam, let's go!"
We soon got ready for practice and we danced on set. Ji Yeon and Ji Nun were below the stage, looking on as we performed. So far, they were impressed that they told us to do it all over again. Just as we were performing for the second time, BigBang, BlackPink and WINNER soon appeared by the construction set.
Ji Nun gave out a signal to us on stage with his hand to continue and not get distracted by the sight of those who just came in. We went on without stopping.
As soon as we were done, there came a round of applause from those who were watching us. The five of us Toxins gathered together, holding hands and taking a bow.
"Thank you," said Zoey as she curtised. "You're all so wonderful, thank you."
"You guys were incredible," said Daesung. "With your performance, tomorrow would be fantastic."
"Thanks," I said. "But everyone else's performance put together will be amazing."
"Okay, people," said Ji Yeon turning to the three K-Pop groups standing with her down stage. "Let's get ready. I want each group to do their routine before the final part, okay?"
"Umm, may I ask?" Jennie asked. "I heard that there have been some adjustments made on the routine."
"Yes, Sam will tell you about it," said Ji Nun with a genuine smile on his face.
I rolled my eyes. Great. Looks like I had to be the bearer of such news.
"So, Sam, aren't you going to tell us?" Mino asked.
I looked down at the others on stage and I must have hesitated for a bit.
"Please, come on stage," I said. "All of you."
"Okay," said Seunghoon and Seungri at the same time.
Soon enough, all the other three K-Pop groups were on stage, some pretending to admire the place. The other four Toxins were standing alongside me as we looked on at the others.
"Okay, Sam, we are here," said G-Dragon. "Tell us what they told you."
"And speed it up, Sam," said Ji Yeon who remained down stage with Ji Nun. "We don't have all day."
Goodness, this was tougher than I thought. And with Ji Yeon pressuring me to hurry, I almost panicked.
"The adjustment made was about introducing another K-Pop group into the program," I said, nervously. I felt my voice get a little shaky. I seriously didn't want to continue with all this.
"And so...?" Taeyang asked, wanting me to continue.
"And so, the group that will be introduced isn't YG's own, am afraid."
"Which group is it then?" Lisa asked. "It would have made more sense if it was YG's own, right?"
I saw Ji Yeon giving me a signal to speed things up. I turned back to the others in front of me.
"Yes, well, it would," I said. "But it's best to let you know that BTS will be the ones joining us in our program tomorrow."
There was a sudden look on the other's faces that worried me. Some looked shocked, most of them were utterly confused. Anyway, I knew how they were feeling and I couldn't blame them.
"Well, that was fast," Zoey whispered as looked at me.
"And you think our choreographers were merciful to us too?"
Zoey quickly shook her head. I turned to look at those who were still shocked and confused.
"I know you have a lot of mixed feelings right now," I said to them as I took a step towards them. "We were also just as surprised as you. But let's look at the bright side. The managers only did this just to attract more attention. And BTS attracts a lot of attention everywhere. And also, it will be so much fun especially for us, Toxins to not only perform with you guys but alongside BTS as well. I hope you understand."
For a moment, the others were quiet. I hope they weren't going to burst into fury. Some of them must probably be upset right now.
"Okay, I think I understand," said Jisoo.
"Really?" Mike, Daniel, Christine and Zoey asked at the same time.
"Me too," said Rosé with a smile on her face. "I don't think it's much of a big deal. BTS joining us tomorrow will be great."
"I also find it surprising that they will be with us tomorrow," said Seunghoon, "but it's going to be fun, that I know."
The other WINNER and BlackPink members also agreed. I looked on at the BigBang members. Why were they so quiet?
"Ummmm, Taeyang, Seungri?" I called to them first. "What do you think about this?"
"Well, I don't mind," Seungri answered. "Now that you explained it all, Sam, it makes sense."
"Yes, I also agree," said Taeyang.
"TOP, Daesung, GD," I now addressed them. "What do you think?"
TOP shook his head and said, "I've no problem with that. It will take time to sink in, but it's alright with me."
"Same here," said Daesung, giving me a smile.
I turned to look at G-Dragon and he was looking back at me. I couldn't tell whether he was with the idea or not. He was so difficult to read sometimes that I could shake him just for him to tell me his opinion.
"Okay, looks like almost everyone is settled with this," said Ji Yeon as she and Ji Nun quickly came up on stage. "Let's get to work, we have a lot to do."
As much as I wanted to talk to G-Dragon just to be sure he was okay with all this, Ji Yeon told us to go backstage to position ourselves for practice to begin. We went straight to doing so.
I was with Zoey going backstage when she said, "that went well. Daniel was right when he said that you are the only one who can talk to them and they will listen."
"I don't know," I said as I looked behind, trying to see if I could see G-Dragon, but it looked like he had already gone backstage on the other side. "G-Dragon didn't say anything like the others did."
"Don't be worried about him," said Zoey. "He's fine. I don't think he is upset with anything."
"He's unpredictable sometimes. I'm worried that he may look okay with it, but he isn't."
"What are you worrying about now?" Mike asked when Zoey and I joined him and the others backstage. We were together with BlackPink.
"She's worried that just because G-Dragon didn't say anything regarding BTS, he might not be with the idea of them joining us tomorrow."
"Don't worry, Sam," said Jennie. "I don't think he's upset or anything. You're just imagining things."
"Thank you," said Zoey as she looked at Jennie. "I always tell her that but she always wants to listen to her instincts instead."
"Which are always right," said Daniel.
"Okay, guys, let's stop this," I said. "We have to focus."
"Ya, Sam's right," said Christine. "We don't want Ji Yeon here with us, do we?"
Minutes later, we were on with rehearsal. BigBang was going to go on stage first, then the others will follow suite. We realised that our dance routine wasn't the only thing we had to do but others things like our timing on stage and when and how to appear after the next group. I had to admit, it was pretty tiring when we tried it out in the first session. I wondered where BTS would fit themselves in the routine and what song they were going to perform.
Just when Ji Yeon had stopped us just to give a few instructions to us currently on stage, BTS soon came in the rehearsal building accompanied by Lee.
"Guess who's finally here?" Lee announced as she came up on the stage with BTS behind her.
Zoey, Christine, the four BlackPink members and I who were on stage doing our performance before Ji Yeon stopped us, squeaked in excitement upon seeing them. I had to admit, now that they were here, I was pretty excited.
"Girls, calm yourselves, please," said Ji Nun. "BTS, it's good to see you here."
The seven BTS members bowed in appreciation towards Ji Nun and Ji Yeon.
"Okay, I'll leave you guys to do your thing," said Lee as she smiled at BTS. "Have fun."
I looked on at Lee as she went down the stage, heading out of the building. Ji Yeon and Ji Nun first approached BTS obviously making them feel at home and probably giving them a few instructions. Those of us on stage just watched on, hoping that the choreographers would at least give us a chance to talk to them.
"Now I see why you girls were squealing," said Seunghoon as he came from backstage with Seungyoon. "BTS are in the building."
"Well, daaa," said Zoey as she flipped her hair to the side. "Who wouldn't squeal upon seeing them? I even wanted to scream but I had to control myself."
"Because of Miss Sharkey?" Daniel asked.
"No," Zoey gave Daniel a face. "You can't admit that you're also excited to see them too."
"We are," said Mike. "But just to be clear, at least Daniel and I didn't squeal like you did."
"Hey, Seungyoon," I said turning to face him. "Is G-Dragon still back there with you?"
"Yes, he is," Seungyoon answered. "He was watching you guys perform with us but he had a phone call and had to take it."
"Oh," I said as I looked backstage from where the two WINNER members came from. I saw the other two members of WINNER with four other BigBang members. Mino and Seungri waved at me upon seeing my eyes on them. I waved back. G-Dragon wasn't there.
"Okay, guys," came Ji Yeon as she approached us now. "I'll give you a ten minute break before we can do this all over again. This time, with BTS."
"Does it mean we can also talk to them?" Zoey asked, pointing at BTS.
Ji Yeon rolled her eyes. "You can do whatever you want within ten minutes."
"Okay," said Zoey as she quickly went round Ji Yeon and went over to BTS.
"Well, that was quick," said Christine.
I just shook my head. And with Christine, Mike, Daniel, BlackPink, Seunghoon and Seungyoon, we approached BTS.
"Hi, guys," I greeted them.
They all greeted us back. Zoey was clinging onto V like a leech with her arm around his elbow. Didn't want to bother her about it.
"Now I see why Lee brought you here yesterday," I said, "looks like you're also going to be part of the show."
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Jimin asked.
"It's actually a good thing," said Jisoo. "Trust me, we are all excited about this, right, guys?"
The rest of us agreed wholeheartedly. I noticed the seven BTS members smile and they looked quite relaxed. I guess they thought we wouldn't agree to the idea of having them tomorrow. I was pretty glad that they now felt at ease with all this. We all did, I guess.
The other WINNER and BigBang members also came over to welcome BTS. But there was still no sight of G-Dragon anywhere. Could he still be on a call?
"Hey," said TOP as he noticed me looking back stage. "What are you looking for?"
"Someone," I answered as I looked at him. "Where's GD?"
"He just went out to take a call. Why? Is he in trouble?"
"Umm, no. I just haven't seen him, that's all."
"He's a big boy, he can take care of himself. I'm the one who needs special attention."
"Haha, very funny, Choi."
I looked over at the people in front of me, engrossed with each other over some conversation. It was nice to see everyone getting along just fine.
"Maybe you can tell me something," I said as I went back to looking at TOP.
"Okay, ask away," he said with a smile.
"I'm a little worried about GD. I fear that he might not like the idea of BTS performing with us tomorrow."
"Really? If he really didn't like the idea, he would have said it out loud before."
"But silence sends a strong message and rather a confusing one. I don't know whether he is with the idea or not."
"And does that really matter?" TOP asked as he shrugged his shoulders.
"It does to me. I don't want any problems, you know?"
"With tomorrow? There will be no problem at all. Besides, if there's something wrong with GD, I would know."
"You're right. You're his friend anyway and you probably know him better than I do."
"Ya, but it seems like you already do. He's so unpredictable sometimes."
"That, I totally agree."
"While we're on a break, I better make use of the restroom real quick. I'll be back shortly."
TOP went out backstage and I went on to look at the others in front of me. I noticed Jungkook turning his head almost immediately my eyes flew to him. Looks like he was trying to avoid my eyes or something. I went over to join the others.
"So, what song are you guys going to perform to?" I asked the BTS members as I stood next to Mino.
"Blood, sweat and tears," Jin answered.
"Aaah! My favourite," I said with so much glee.
"Don't forget, I like that song too," said Zoey.
"We all love that song," said Rosé.
"I'll be dancing to that song backstage," said Christine as she did a little two-step to the left and to the right.
"Jungkook was the one who suggested we perform the song," said RM.
"No, I didn't," Jungkook quickly denied. He was blushing so much that he quickly looked away when all eyes were on him.
"Don't worry, Jungkook," said Daniel. "I think it's a great song choice, I love the song too."
"He once viewed Sam's BTS playlist and he thought it would be nice to perform the song," said J-Hope.
"Hyung!" this time Jungkook was more embarrassed than ever.
Well, looks like someone has been viewing my posts on social media. I was one person who loved to share my playlist with the fans. Most of the time, I would do it for specific artists. And from the time I came to Korea, I had been listening to so much K-pop that I posted some of my favourite playlists. I first posted my BigBang playlist and others, including BTS. Blood, sweat and tears was the first on my BTS playlist. It looks like someone had viewed it and decided to go with the song.
"J-Hope, come on, you're making him blush," said Jennie.
"Don't mind him, Jungkook," I said. "Personally, I'm glad you picked that song. Thank you."
Jungkook looked up at me, his cheeks still fluffy pink. He looked so cute when he blushed. He gave out a shy smile that made him look adorable.
"Okay, enough, guys," said Mike. "Now that BTS are here, I want to learn the choreography done in that song."
"Me too, me too!" Zoey added on excitedly. "You guys just have to teach us."
"But will Ji Yeon allow us, though?" Seungyoon asked. "We only got a few minutes left till our break is over."
"We can teach you, but that will take a lot of time," said Suga.
"If we weren't preparing for the event, J-Hope would have gladly run you through with it," said RM.
"Yes, RM is right," I said. "We really have a lot to do today."
A sound of hands clapping echoed around the hall and most of us knew that hand clap very well. We saw Ji Yeon and Ji Nun come up on stage.
"Okay, guys, let's get started," said Ji Yeon as she stood in front of us. "We're going to run you through the whole thing. And this time, I need you all to cooperate."
"Does that mean, no making mistakes?" Zoey asked. "Because we do make mistakes, a lot."
Ji Yeon had a rather annoyed look on her face. For those who didn't know her very well, they would think she was genuinely just looking at you. Zoey's questions could be so weird and annoying sometimes. If I were her, I would have brought out a sarcastic answer, but thinking that this was the last day of practice and she didn't want to demoralise anyone, she answered:
"Let's not try to make a lot of them, okay?"
Before she could continue talking, TOP and G-Dragon came to join us. I looked at G-Dragon, hoping that I could read his face upon him seeing BTS, but still nothing. Maybe I was just imagining things and I shouldn't worry too much.
We were soon underway with practice and this time, alongside BTS. We went on with practice for such a long time. We had lunch alongside a twenty minute break. During that time, I had my eye on GD. But he didn't seem to do anything weird because he was also interacting with some of the BTS members. That gave me some relief. At least I didn't have to worry about him.... for now.
After lunch we went on with practice till the evening. After practice, we all left YG. After such a long day, Lee advised us to go to bed early after supper. We had a big day tomorrow and the five of us went to bed with so much excitement.