Simple. The LHC also known as Large Hadron Collider is a 17 Meter key to opening the gates of hell [The Bottomless Pit] and releasing demons from there.
What's the short story about it?
You see these people are Physicist's, Atheists and Islamists. These people are trying to find out what made the big bang to occur and what holds matter together. So they discovered the LHC to try and make the Big Bang to occur again [This time in the Earth]. Do you remember Stephen Hawkings before he died he left us this message, " What you are creating is a Pandora Box and once a Pandora Box is created. It cannot be destroyed and it will destroy the entire universe?" What Stephen Hawkings was talking about here is the LHC [Large Hadron Collider] in CERN that is found in Geneva, Switzerland. So what is this about? I think you've heard of an Atomic Bomb before. You would wonder what makes this bomb explode. Well, there is a substance called Antimatter [Matter that contains Antiproton and Neutrons together]. Now imagine one gramme of Antimatter that can destroy the whole of one state or city in USA. What could happened if many collide together? What we are about to experience is a Catastrophe because not only does it do that since Antimatter needs to be stored and without storage it could easily explode and over there at CERN they have a storage department for this Antimatter. They keep their Antimatter into their Storage area and it ends up bringing Paranormal Activities to that area. Now I want you to imagine more than 1,000 of these Antimatter Structure's moving in a speed of 1,000 Laps per second [Faster than Speed of Light] and reach a certain place than collide together to the formation of the Big Bang. No, these people truly don't know what they are doing because this could result into Catastrophes just as Stephen Hawkings said, "... It will destroy the universe..." Or even worse than that open the gates to the Abyss [Bottomless Pit, Hell, Hades. Whatever you want to call it] and allow demons to enter into the Earth or worse than that Open Black Holes and Wormholes into the Earth and worst thing is that they will launch this Machine of theirs somewhere in this Year and Next. 2018 - 2019. So be prepared for what is coming and remember there is an Escape. Please look into the last issue of this Book to find that Escape.