The Book of Isaiah The Prophet Says :
Isaiah 53:5 KJVS
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
So he did it for us that we may inherit eternal life, we may have peace, we may be healed [Especially of any sickness] or even any other type of Healing. He did it for you. He did it for me. He became the Lamb of Sacrifice for us because he already sacrificed himself for us. He is our Protector, Our Redeemer and our Fortress. So what must be done?
You must repent and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and you must make the choice now. To head toward the Narrow way that leads to life [Jesus Christ] or the broad way that leads to destruction [Satan, where many are going]. Choose now before its too late and remember its a choice I don't force anyone. Because Jesus also said, "I am the way, The Truth and the life. No one comes to the Father accept through me." So choose now. Heaven or Hell. Because I tell you every heartbeat and breathe you take out is a heartbeat and breath to death.
If you choose to repent and accept Jesus Christ today you must do the following :
1. Know that the word Repent means to turn away from [Sin] into [Righteousness] through Jesus Christ or to Crucify that Old Adam in you into a New Adam. The Old Person into a New Person. How? Deny Sin, Say no to sin, say no to pleasures, say no to smoking, say no to all that stuff.
2. Take up your cross daily : No I don't mean that Cross like the Catholics wear and put on their Neck. In fact that is not scriptural. To take up your cross daily means to make the Works of Jesus your lifestyle in everyday life. Remember him only.
3. Follow me : When Jesus said follow me. He didn't mean go out and seek knowledge from men but from him and only him because he can only lead you the right way.
4. Recite this Prayer and thereafter go get a King James Bible with Strong's + Concordance and read New Testament Matthew to Revelation and then Old Testament. Why New First? Because The New Testament meaning New Covenant helps you understand who Jesus is more and his plan for you under his Covenant [New Testament]. The Prayer is :
Heavenly Father, I know I have turned away from you and now I decide to change my way of thinking. I ask your son Jesus Christ may come into my life and I am also ready to fully surrender myself unto you body, soul, spirit and strength. I choose to repent and turn away from my unrighteousness and I ask that your Holy Spirit may now take over my life. Please help me change my ways of thinking and please help me follow you in Spirit and Truth and help me understand your word better through the power of your Holy Spirit and I repent and turn away from all my worldly ways and I totally crucify them and I am now a born again Child of God. I also ask that now as I have repented to help me cry out to you and help me to do your works according to your will and not mine. I am ready to even be persecuted for you LORD. I ask that you please baptize me with Holy Spirit and Fire and help me do your works for your Kingdoms Sake. I thank you for coning into my life, helping me, baptizing me in Holy Spirit and Fire, Helping me walk according to your will and do your works, coming into my life, changing my way of thinking and accepting my surrender to the LORD Jesus Christ and also please teach me on how to love people like you do. Show me the way and help me. I cannot do this on my own and I need your help LORD. I also thank you for the Bible, the Teachings, Loving People, Showing me the way and helping me and I also ask that you please take control over m life and I thank you for that too. In Jesus' Mighty name. Amen.
5. If you have a Cell Phone you could use this app to get a Bible Easily. Contains Audio, KJV, Devotions, Strong's + Concordances. Link :
Have a Happy Life and may the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be upon you. Amen.