The sound of bone breaking made her wince slightly, but was quick enough to mask her emotions when her father turn to look at her. He drop the unconscious body of her brother. Half brother.
She reminded herself and nod at the servants to take him away from the training arena. Sabrina walked towards her father. "You should not be that hard on him father"
He's not a full blooded vampire like her. He was born from a human mother. There is a limit to how far he can take. "And who are you to tell me that Sabrina?"
She lowered her bright blue eyes to the floor. Her father is a nasty man and will do anything in his power to bring anyone to submission. "No one"
She nod and walked out of the arena, only to be stopped by her father. "Are you preparing well?"
She knew what he meant. She has been preparing for this her whole life. The downfall of the Cohans is not only his aim, but her's too. They killed her mother. And her innocent little sister. They had no right to to attack any females or children but they did and now they will have to face the wrath.
"Yes father"
And she walked out of the arena and out of the building she once called home. It was not a home anymore. It is merely a place where her father is planning his revenge.
The thick forest came into her view as she step out of the grounds. Her destination is not that far away. A little path will lead her to there.
The lake is situated between the borders of her fathers' territory and that of the Cohans'.
It still surprised her that the Cohan's are actually waiting for them to strike first. Sabrina know that the ruling family of werewolves are exceptionally powerful and witty but nothing that she could not handle.
She is the last known pure blooded vampire that gives her advantage of the elements. Her skills are doubled now that her father trains her even harder.
The lake came into her view and all the emotions begin to choke her. It is so unnatural for a creature like her to feel the emotions. Not all vampires are emotionless yet they hide it to not let others to take advantage of that.
Her little Selena found this place. She loved to play hide and seek with Sabrina. Even though that girl was Sabrina's half sister just like Luca, but from a witch mother. She is still not sure who all are out there pregnant with her father's child. But her father will not just leave them. He will bring them to the palace and train them.
Sabrina stripped down and jump into the cold water. The coldness never bothered her. In fact ice makes up most of her power. She hates to use fire but in some cases, fire can come handy.
She emerged from under the water and was met with a pair of dark eyes.
Sabrina was quick enough to hide her shock and glared at the dog. His scent was masculine and thick, almost making her light headed. But something in his scent was familiar and she could not put her hand to it.
The aura of raw power was around him meaning that either he is an alpha or someone close to becoming an alpha.
"Who are you?"
She hissed like a true vampire and she could feel her fangs coming out. His eyes focused on her fangs and smirked. "I knew you were a vampire"
That made her raise her eyebrows. "It is my first time encountering one this close"
His eyes went down on her and she thanked the lord that the water is deep enough to hide her chest. "Good for you"
She mutter back and cross her arms over her chest. He made himself more comfortable on the grass and continued to stare down at her. "What do you want?"
His smirk widened. "Do you happened to know a Sabrina Salvadore?"
Sabrina snorted. So the doggy didn't know who she is? Well most of the werewolves don't know what the king's daughter looks like. Sabrina decided to play along. She needs to know who this wolf is.
"She's the last pure blood"
He roll his eyes. "I know that sweetheart. I asked if you know about her", he pressed on. Sabrina narrowed her eyes on the wolf. Why does he want to know about her?
"Why do you want to know about her?"
He sighed. "Well that little leech and her father is hell bent on killing my family"
Sabrina's eyes twitched. His family? No wonder the dog's scent had some familiarity.
"Who are you to the Cohan's?"
He grinned. "The new king and alpha of all werewolves, Nicolas Cohan", he say with proud.
Her insides churned. Nicolas Cohan is the second son of Andrei Cohan. Ian should be first in line to become the alpha.
"You are lying. What about your brother?"
He regarded her for a moment. "You happened to know a lot about us. Who are you?"
Sabrina nibbled on her lower lips. She will have to hide her identity if he is really a Cohan. She can some useful information from him.
"Valeria. I work at the palace"
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Then you must be close with The royals. No wonder you know about us"
Sabrina snickered at how easily she fooled him. "Ian is not that powerful enough to take down that Leech"
"Can you stop calling her a leech?"
Sabrina snapped and Nicolas laughed. "Why should I? She is a leech, they suck blood"
"By calling her leech you are indirectly calling me that too"
Nicolas' eyes twinkled. "Sorry sweetheart. I forgot for a minute that you are a vampire too"
And was that a little disappointment that flashed in his eyes. "I am trained and taught to hate your race and to destroy that Sabrina. But you are actually not that bad for a vampire"
"Why is that?"
Sabrina raised her eyebrows. Nicolas shrugged. "You could have attacked me but you didn't"
"You expect me to attack you in this situation?"
She referred to her naked situation and he smirked. "Wouldn't hurt"
She pressed her lips and felt something stirring inside her as he stare at her. She is a vampire for god's sake and it has been years since she actually enjoyed a males' company. Unless you are beating the shit out of Darren or Derrick.
She mentally chuckled. Darren and Derrick are the twin brothers who are among the guards and two of her best opponents.
"Mind if I join?"
That snapped her out of her thoughts. "What?", but he has already stripped down and jumped into the water. He appeared out of water too close to her body. The dark hair become matted on his head and he grinned down at her. Suddenly she wished they were normal human beings and was enjoying each others company.
She wished to ignore the ripples of spark that went down on her spine when he deliberately brushed his legs on hers.
"So Valeria.."
He pull away her arms from her chest. He came too close she could feel his manhood pressing against her abdomen. She smirked. There's nothing wrong in letting go of yourself a bit.
"Someone's excited"
He chuckled at her comment and his hand went under water and grab her hips, pulling her flush against his hard chest. She almost moaned at the contact. It felt so new and refreshing, she could feel herself becoming wet for him.
That is a big weakness for pure bloods. They are pretty easy to arouse. "How long have you been with a man?"
He mutter against her neck, pushing away her wet hair. "I don't know", and she genuinely don't remember any man making her feel like this. The fact that he is a werewolf and especially one of the man that she is destined to destroy completely went out of her mind.
But as soon as his hand neared between her legs, Sabrina's eyes snapped open. 'Sabrina where the hell are you?'
It is her father. She push Nicolas away suddenly. "I have to go. I am needed at the palace"
His pupils were wide, almost covering the white, but after a minute it went back to normal. "I didn't know you guys had mind linking power too"
He chuckled and watch her as she climb out of the water. The hunger in his eyes was clearly for her as she was completely naked in front of him and dressed quickly not caring whether she needs to dry herself first.
"I will see you later?"
She press her lips and turn back to him. "I guess"