The bus has arrived 40mn ago and it did take more than 7 or 8 hours, like I said thanks to my luck...we had some problems on the road and T.Y.R.E was one of them so I am late, it's 8 in the morning and my phone couldn't shut it so I give it a hand or a finger whatever; Anddd!! Now I am trying to find transportation to that village... I should have waited for the plane WHAT I WAS THINKING!
Miss Grace!
When I heard my name I felt anger coz I know to whom that voice belongs.
"Philip" without turning I answered, when I was little I always thought of Philip as a superhero, he could do anything all you had to do is to ask...No really, he is reallyyy good in his work, everything he does is just perfect! There is nothing he can't do, just like magic.
"I didn't think you would find me this fast" now that I'm facing him I can see that he got some company behind him.
"Miss Grace it's dangerous to leave just like that especially at a time like this"
"You said I can't attend the funeral I asked why and you didn't answer so..."
"Miss Grace Plz!" he cut me
even if I didn't want to I couldn't disagree on going because I know Joe had a reason for not wanting me to be there and I trust him, I'm sure is not something idle or else why wouldn't he want me to be there? I mean he knew I am strong and I can handle it, he knew me! Or maybe just maybe he's not died.
"I need answers and if you are not going to give it to me then I will with my own ways" I said with all what I got left of calmness, showing him that I got control on my actions because I know he's studying me he always does... just like his friend.
"Fairly well! Then please come with me" he said
"I need to go to that place first" I replied
"And that is our destination my lady"
"Okay! But only me and you and the driver, of course, the other two cars will have to go back" Philip has come in his own car along with 8 bodyguards, 4 in each black range rover; for his it comes with a driver and it was also in black but definitely not range rover he was moreeee classic and old even, to tell you the truth I'm really no good when it comes to cars, I can't remember their names but damn I can drive any shit.
"Not possible my lady"
"I thought you said we are in a sensitive time which means less showy actions" he looked at me for a moment then said
"True... but you still need protection so we will take one car with us"
"Fine!" I answered
The drive was quiet and I didn't mind, actually, I usually don't talk much in the car but today I wasn't me
"This place..." I said in a cranky voice stealing an eye on the man seating next to me...Philip.
"Grandpa...what did it meant to him?" I finally let it out with that wavy voice of mine
"A lot and you will find out that with yourself my lady" he answered softly
A lot?!! How is that and he had never mentioned it, Not once... maybe it's...
"His childhood place or something?"
"How long he hasn't been there?" I added quickly
"You can say that and for your 2nd question he used to come for 2 or 3 days every 2 weeks" Philip use the word 'come' instead of "go"... so that's means...
"What?! NO is not possible HOW IS THAT?"Now I'm facing him HELL I start losing control over my actions again I mean who won't with all this happening! So sudden...
"Please calm down Miss" he said looking straight into my eyes
"CALM DOWN?...I don't think it's possible I mean HOW...How I never heard of this place and why is too hard to find, I have asked many people and all of them said 'never heard about it' it's not the address specifically but the whole 'village', GOOGLE couldn't find it how's that possible! How he never told me about it I'm ...I'm losing it Philip" to not let him see my watering eyes I put my heavy head on his shoulder, I thought I knew everything about him WE were inseparable.
That means... I never know him well.
How could he leave me without a goodbye.
"I can't tell you anything now but trust me you will know everything there...with time, now try to rest we still have a long way to get there"
I won't stop! I need to know what is going on and why grandpa wanted me to go to this place I will know it all but now...
"Did the funeral begin?"
"Yes" he answered
I never thought that this word of 3 letters will cause me this much of pain, I should have been there for him I should have.
"Why we stopped?" I asked Philip confused didn't he said we are going to that 'SECRET place' note the sarcasm.
"Well! You have to eat something and I thought we could buy some stuff you may need"
"First I don't feel hungry" I lied "Second I don't need anything and if I do we can buy it from there" I added turning to look at him like he's crazy, it's not the time to go he serious?!
He smiled at me, taking my hands and cover them up with his own while looking at me straight to the eyes.
I never heard him saying my name bare without Miss or my lady, I'm surprised!
Softening my widened eyes to let him continue
" can never face the world while you can't walk or even stand without shaking, we have a long road ahead and you will need your entire straight for it" then he added "it's okay to have a rest for a moment that will help you to keep going ...Now let's get you some food, you haven't had any in your mouth since yesterday's dejeuner, am I wrong?"
I lowered my head as a response... he is right!
"I will take that as a yes then" said smiling lightly
I nodded then turned to the car door to open it when he gripes my arms nothing rough just to stop me.
Turning back to him "anything else you forgot" he shakes his head "Not really, I'm sure you already know...the moment that Joeseph died I became in your servant your shadow and your protector I will BE for you only YOU... ALWAYS no matter what, all I need is a word from you and it will be done, you need to remember that" he said died-serious and I'm sure he could see the confusion on my face because I rose a brow.
"Agreed?!" he asked looking at me directly in the eye and even if it's possible I felt like he was looking to my soul, I have never seen him like this before except for that time...
"Yes" I answered quickly He smiled at me then let out of my arm "it will be a pleasure my lady" then he got off the car, turnaround it to open my door "please! Go ahead my lady, your meal is waiting”
{In the restaurant}
"I can't believe this! Is this all that they can get...Miss Grace, please let's go to another one"
"Philip, there is no need to and the food is just FINE I like it"
he kept saying that the place is not clean, not well served and that the women who take orders taking him insane hhhh I don't know why but I find it funny, the restaurant was small to begin with and ordinary for him, for me it was fine as long as the food was good also it's clean I don't know what he's talking about.
"Philip, eat! it's good"
"miss please stop eating that, you can get sick or worst...I will look for somewhere else or something, and cook for you by myself" he rose himself and start looking around, that's him always care about the small details plus always the person who cooks is hard to satisfy.
"Philip" I called
"Yes miss"
"Sit 'n' start eating also tell the other men to do the same they started getting me daze, okay?!" looking at him and raising a brow I am so going to get used of this.
"As you say, Miss Grace"
I smiled at him and nodded "good"
After finishing our meal we griped some stuff on our way or should I say a lot, I felt sorry for those guys honestly.
The day passed really fast it's getting dark.
"Do you know any near hotels here or have you prepared a place?" I asked him as he opens the car door
"No, we are going back to the road" well I got to say I didn't expect that
"Isn't 'DANGEROUS'?" returning his word back to him.
He chuckled "a contrary it's safer" he closes the door as I got inside the car then turned around it and came in himself.
I let out a chuckled "you did it on purpose didn't you?" he smiled
"Let's get going" he told the driver without answering or looking at me, it's always like this, I can never know what is on his mind, he's always two steps ahead if not more but he also always knows what is happening behind his back just like grandpa...I can't believe he is gone now ah!...and I can't believe I didn't attend his funeral and got shopping...I'm the worst granddaughter...EVER.