Fishes soured above and bellow him, big and small, ugly and beautiful. But none gave a second glance at him as he was slowly sinking further and further down, he didn't feel air's glorious hands running through his hair, or breathed her sweet aroma into his nostrils. His arms and legs fought like a relentless warrior to rise his body back upto the surface, but it was no use. The water ran between his fingers and every singer hair like it was mocking him, like he just caught his first prey.
Soon His conctiousness began to feel sleepy, his face had morphed purple like a chameleon, and his lungs shrunk down so useless like a grape being brutally scorched by the mighty sun. But out in the distance he saw something, but it was too late to take another glance because his eyelids had snapped shut like a thick and giant medieval door. As he was waiting for death to come at his presence painfully, he felt something grab him swiftly, he felt it's claws slowly dig into his skin, but it was quick. He felt the water being cut in half at his speed, and the being's skin was sharp like the terrible prison gate's barbed wires.
But soon the chimpanzee's head reached the glorious heavens of air, he embraced the high wind's dry life breath. The chimp open his eyes to see his ball of light falling slowly in the horizon, he whipped his head to see his brethren, but instead he saw a blue face. His eyes locked deep into the eyes of his being that saved him, and it's brown eyes locked on the chimps.
The chimp glanced at its thumbs connecting to his hands holding him above the water, but this strange being also had a tail slowly swaying back and forth like a helpless snake being hypnotized by its owner's music . His mom told him stories about the ape of water but he never believed them, he never believed any ape embraced the wetness of water. But it was staring him dead in his eyes, it was his life boat with two hands and one tail, he had the face of a Long lost brother being united with him again.
Before the chimp noticed, he realized that this ape was swimming him to shore, and his feet was already touching ground. The aquatic ape soon let go, and slowly swam back into the deep skies of water. But the chimp was frozen in place, his muscles wouldn't let him move, not even an inch. He gazed at its blue skin disappearing in the blue environment, but still neither his head or legs would not move, like he just saw one of his own leave.
Finally he turned his head around to see his tribe, who gave him the look and screams to run back, run back for your blood. But he gave them the look, the look telling them that he cannot go back, because he just witness one of his own master the art of water. He could see through the barriers of its eyes and enter the pure realm of its soul, and he knew that it was a chimp. It held the same eyes and mouth, and the hands that held him up was the hands of a chimp. The chimpanzee's body would not let him go back to embrace the dryness of land, not anymore.