"Hey, do ya know if that's food or not?", says a boy. I assume he's talking to me. He's a kid? Strange...I thought me and E.T.* were the only kids here. He asked if the nearby stand had food, he's clearly hungry...but picky! Whatevs...OK...I'm a nice person so I'll give him some food back at my place. I'm pretty hungry myself anyways. "My place is only a few steps away, we'll take a shortcut, come on!" "Are you sure about this? This place seems pretty shady..." "That's because it is, I live here, I'd know." "Okay, I'm gonna try to trust you on this..." Before we knew it, we were already there. "WHOA, THIS is where YOU live?!" "Yeah, what about it?" "It's the nicest thing I've seen since I've been here!" "Not hardly, come on let's go in through the back door, we can avoid the thugs at the front" "Whatever you say-um...I never got your name, did I?" "And I never got yours..." "Okay...I'm Peter" "And I'm Safrette" "Okay! Now that we 'know' each other a little, we better get inside, right!" "Hold it right there, Mister Peter, I still don't know what you're doing here. You could be a spy for all I know..." "Well I don't know what I'm doing here either, but what I DO know is that I'm not a spy" "How can I be so sure?" "Well, I'm too dumb to be a spy, right?" "Hmm...true" "Wait, what?!" "Well, you just said so!" "I wasn't being serious!" "Oh. Sorry." "Well...I'm fine,...let's get inside!" "Okay." As we go inside, I notice that he has a cut on his ankle, why didn't I notice that before?! "Hey, you have a cut on your ankle, let's get you to the lobby, there's a first aid kit in there." "Oh, it's not that bad" "It looks TERRIBLE, and you're limping" "I'm alright" "No you are not, you're coming to the lobby with me!" "It's not like I have a choice, do I?" "Nope."
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