-Your P.O.V-
I startle awake, what—WAS THAT??? Steel and various other metals clanged and crashed downstairs. I groaned, staggering to my room’s conjoined bathroom to cleanse my soul from the Devil known as Sleep.
After some freshening up, I head down the stairs to see what all that commotion was about. My mom runs towards me, “Ria! A cat just ran into our kitchen as I was cooking breakfast!!!” She frantically waved her arms in a panic, she grabbed me by my shoulders, “Could you please go and get your own food dear? And get something for lunch as well.”
I nodded briefly, both of us turning our backs to each other before beginning to journey off. “Mom?” I called out, “Yes dear?” “Do you need help?” You see, my mom isn’t very fond of felines…she finds them lazy and aggressive–the total opposite of what she is–so she tends not to like touching them at all.
I heard a small gasp at the end of the hall, huh, that cat must be giving her a hard time. “No it’s okay! Go on out, I got this!” I mentally shouted back an ‘Ok!’ and cycled out to the nearest mall.
-Your Friend’s P.O.V-
We arrived at the Mall Majes’; we’re gonna get a gift for Ria’s fantastic 14 today! It’s a surprise party a few more friends and I planned with Ria’s parents. I do hope all is going okay over there…but hey! I’ve gotta keep my head up and my eyes straight. Now—what would she like…?
I know! I’ll get her a Y/F/G; (Your Favourite Gift) I’m sure she’ll love it! I explain my idea to our friends, and soon we’re all bolting to different shops–cake, balloons, and me with the gift–to attend to our needs. I stealthily zip through the crowds, going to the shop to get Ria’s perfect gift.
I got it! Finally! Now to head to the bake—“OOF!” I ran into someone, I stretch my arm out, helping the girl up, before I realised…it’s Ria. Shoot. CODE RED. CODE RED. ABORT MISSION. “F/N? You’re out early!” She teases, I surpass an airy giggle before punching her shoulder playfully, “Y-Yeah! Had to get something for my mom.”
“Really?! Me too!” I gulp, what could she possibly need to get? “What? Really? What does she need?” “Oh a cat raided our house a few moments ago so my mom wanted me to go get food, in fact…I’m heading to the bakery now.” You’ve got to be kidding me. I volunteer to follow her a bit too eagerly, but thank the lords she didn’t bother to notice.
I text our party group about the happenings. I really hope she likes this…