(Section 5) Relativity [and more ghosts]
I had bought some cordyline plants at the beginning of Summer, after some research I thought they would make good house plants. I started having trouble with the tips of the leaves browning. I found out I was over-watering them, but just letting the clay soil dry was not enough. Since the plants thrive in Hawaii, South Asia and northern Australia, so I remixed the soil with more sand and compost, and put them in separate pots. I hope the little guys will be alright, I also put them outside for the rest of the Summer for some good sunshine and heat. They might become friends with Two- tone the squirrel. What does this have to do with Relativity? Nothing, but I just wanted to share.
I have heard the saying "Show me a story, don't tell me one." What the hell is that supposed to even mean? I am not writing a screenplay for a movie. I am going to tell you a damn story! They do not call people like me a storyteller for nothing. At least I do not use contractions for long form writing except for dialogue. I use them in poetry, though, I think there is a federal law that mandates the use of shortened words with an apostrophe stuck in them, then adding them to several sentence fragments arranged in a column.
Now I can get to the space stuff, which is why this segment is called "Relativity". It has nothing to do with a family reunion, by the way.
I hate to break the news and add a "spoiler alert!" but The Sun is not going to sustain life on this planet forever. It will get so hot that it will burn the Earth to the point it will resemble Mercury. Mars will have a chance then! The Sun will also expand and engulf the Earth, but it may make moons like Europa and Titan livable.
"The sun burned hot, it burned my eyes; Burned so hot I thought I'd died; Thought I'd died and gone to Hell; Lookin' for the water from a deeper well" from the song Deeper Well; by Emmylou Harris; from the album Wrecking Ball; Written by David Olney, Daniel Lanois, and Emmylou Harris; released 1995.
We set out on our space journey only less than twenty years ago, but since we were traveling at eighty percent the speed of light, things had drastically changed in the sense of local time, it had been about five billion years, give or take, when we returned to the Earth's solar system. When I say "we" I mean Elizabeth, The Space Girl; and Ghost Girl, who is so pale she is thought to be an albino. She is not. She is not actually a ghost, at least in this part of the story. She also does not anything to do with Space Ghost, well, at least not anymore, and she does not like to talk about it. Then there is me, Spaceman X. That is our little crew.
The first thing we saw was the most obvious, the Sun was huge and red, burning mostly helium now. Earth does not even exist anymore, consumed by the Sun. It is OK, though, to call it the Earth's solar system . . . coasting along the last ring of Saturn . . . so many new moons . . . new to us at least . . . spherical blobs of water now, ice being a rarity anymore . . . but do not go to Jupiter, those Europian creatures have set up a "no human zone" around their collective confederacy, mostly melted ice moons as well, except for that weapons factory on Io of all places . . . Earth II the human refugees call Titan now . . . The less advanced Titan aboriginals just call it home.
The stars are so different in the sky tonight, Andromeda had collided with the Milky Way whilst we were gone, somehow all that violence missed our home system, but even in the cold reaches of space things are pretty bright, fireball nebulae are fairly common where star clusters collided and destroyed each other in an event that rivals a supernova in power. Where the new center of the galaxy is located, there is a smeary, white sheen that is almost pure heat from the event horizons the two supermassive black holes from the separate galaxies' innermost cores. Orion's Shoulder Nebula had nothing to do with the collision, I, for one, was glad to hear that Betelgeuse finally exploded.
Our Sun will never be a black hole, since it is too small to have a supernova, as it will have to settle with a diminutive "nova". Sucks to be you Sol. Then it will be a white dwarf, and will last virtually until time itself ends, very possibly with new planets forming around it, see you there!
A dream broke into my space musings, since often late at night I ponder General Relativity to bore myself to sleep, unfortunately it does not always work, so then I am just bored. It was a ghost girl dream.
The Ghost Girl is not just one of my characters that I favor, she has been a very real presence in both dreams and my waking life, I first met her in a dream where I was sitting in an older (68 or 69) Chevy pick up truck (if it had been a Ford I would say I had a nightmare) that somehow had a back seat. It was a model made long before the inclusion of an extended cab was an actual thing, so thus the "somehow". But a young-looking woman, sporting platinum blond hair, turned to me from the driver's seat, she was white as alabaster, she spoke to me. Since it was a dream she spoke in the language of "dreamspeak" so despite understanding it at the time it makes no sense now. She has been a minor player in countless dreams. I have seen her in waking moments, to reiterate, usually in an altered state of mind, not exclusive to, but including DXM trips. GG was not around when I used LSD so that is excluded. Usually I see her in a crowd, when tired or bored, so sometime it may be an actual white woman with light blonde or grey hair. Oddly she seems more real when she flashes into the corner of my eye and vanishes. When I was taking the medication Geodon (an anti-psychotic that was given to me for manic episodes) I would see her regularly. If I took that drug early in the day I would become dangerously tired, if I took it at night I would not be able to sleep, and when I did sleep it increased my REM to the point I was not rested which caused an extended hypnotic state that was similar to a hallucinogenic trip. When I said the Ghost Girl was real, I meant real to me.
The dream I awoke from at ten AM this morning, she had taken an altogether different, if not welcome, role. I had a hot, sexual dream about her. I did not recognize her as the Ghost Girl until later in the day. I was in some room with two beds in it, very much like a standard hotel room, so no description necessary, but there was a light blonde, attractive and young- looking woman who just kind of appeared by the bed on the other side of the room from where I lay. Usually the window side of a hotel room, but in this case, a deep welled window was in front of me. I really appreciated the view.
The curtain was shut, so the view was of this nicely shaped woman devoid of clothing and not a parking lot. I liked the fact that her tits were a small c-cup in size, so she was comfortably not flat chested. She spread her legs and showed me her goods. She showed me it all in pink glory, not white. She made some thrusting moves then was in my bed without a warning or any transition. Now clothed in a "wife- beater" white tank top and undies, I was not disappointed because I could actually feel the softness, size and heft of her decently shaped breasts, maybe I was holding a pillow in reality. That was the sexual part, put it this way, I am fifty- three so looking at a naked woman and copping a feel is sex to me. She stayed in the background for the latter part of the dream. In that sequence I was drinking booze with a vampire who also had about a kilo of weed. How I knew he was a vampire I cannot say, he did not tell me, drink blood, have fangs or a "Dracula" cape.
"Dreams deep heat teasing my mind, Sleep peels sweet stealing my sighs, She breathes deep when he's inside, Dreams deep heat poisons my mind . . . Inside me there's a separate girl, She's winning and I'm losing control, She coming but my eyes are closed, She's coming but I wake up and it leaves me cold." from the song Leaves Me Cold, by Lush, written by Miki Berenyi. From the album Gala, released in 1990.
I realized she was the Ghost Girl by the way she suddenly shifted locale without any type of movement. No visible means of support, indeed.
"[The Armor of Zeldron] It will protect you from any evil, even ghosts." From Adventure Time; season 2, episode 4; Blood Under the Skin; aired 11/1/2010.
Albert Einstein won his Nobel prize for the discovery of the photo electric effect, a law that states that light is composed of small packets, quanta, containing energy, and that light has a charge. The TV and all of the wireless technology we so enjoy today are based on that discovery. Often people think Einstein won awards for all that space stuff, but he won in an area we use on a daily basis nowadays. Some aspects of Special and General Relativity have only recently been proven, and some aspects, not so much. That gravity is an effect of mass and velocity on the space/ time continuum is pretty much a given, any more. It is fairly unlikely that there is a gravity particle, not as unlikely as Bigfoot but so as is the possibility of contact with space aliens.
Special Relativity is something people generally do not understand, due to the uses of hyperspace, or warp drives in science fiction. As things stand, faster than light speed is not a thing.
I remember when I was a child my friends, or other kids at school liked to convince ourselves that a certain house was haunted. The imagination of a child is so agile that making myself, especially with the help of other kids, believe the illogical in a very strong way. After a bit of discussion, I could see a ghost through the window, in that yellow brick house, across the alley from the school. At home, it was easier to imagine a haunted house on an opposing hill across town. The town was small so the distance was not so great that we could not make out details, so that haunt in the window was still pretty visible. Maybe it was easier to fall into the fantasy at home because the older neighbor- kid was probably pulling one over on the gullibility of the smaller kiddos
"She looked in his eyes to lose herself, And when it falls apart, she cries, Doesn't think to look inside She just covers up her eyes, Doesn't see her own disguise." From the song For Love; performed by Lush; from the album Spooky; written by Miki Berenyi; released 1992.
Anyway, think of the light-speed limit like this. We have an endless stretch of interstate, a straightaway. We also have a driver in a car with limitless speed capability, so what else will happen? The Dude is going to floor it, but something happens. His headlights are on, and he just cannot go faster than the light that comes out of the lamps. It is not that the light starts going faster, the car just cannot keep up. I do not know exactly why this is, but Einstein proved it using math, so that is good enough for me. Alas, this is but a thought experiment, because velocity combined with mass creates gravity, and gravity increases when either mass or velocity (or both) are increased. So it would be like driving a black hole, destroying everything in its path. The road, the ground it was built on, the driver, space around the road. Everything.
That is a good segue into General Relativity. While light-speed is a constant, space/time is not. First of all, we are geared to perceive space and time separately, like gems in some kind of "Infinity Gauntlet", but that is not the case, the two are intrinsically wound up together into some kind of space and time lump. A space/time continuum, if you will. So as space is warped by large or fast moving object, which does not have to be both, a singularity, in a black hole, is a densely packed thingy, and is infinitely dense and infinitely tiny (math, Chh Chh!). So, anyhoo, where space is significantly warped, time is slowed (light still moves at about 186,000 miles per second, in vacuo) so it could be possible to cheat the speed limit if high mass could be used in a practical way.
That is why some of the newer science fiction shows I have seen use a stabilized "worm hole" to travel great distances through space. A worm hole is a theoretical model that is basically a conduit between two singularities. The two problems with this is that everything in space is moving, and if it is not in orbit, an object is zooming around independently. So a wormhole would probably last for a very brief time (Earth local time, that is) and traveling that way would suck. It would super-suck because things people have constructed would most likely be crushed and drawn into the singularity or be turned into gamma radiation.
There is an exception to this, there are some new additions to our celestial zoo. Some other stuff out there, stuff we can not see. Dark matter and dark energy. No one really understands either, even though, combined, the two substances equal about 75% of the universe's mass. Dark matter causes gravity even though it has no discernible mass, matter of fact, it is probably passing through everyone on Earth, and even Earth itself. Even ghosts! Dark energy propels the expansion of the universe, so it is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that it is even a thing. So would a vehicle made out of dark matter with a "dark energy drive" go faster than light. There was a time shortly after the Big Bang that expansion had to take place at faster than light speeds. The World may never know.
I do not actually believe in ghosts, but since there is good proof that there are things we cannot see, I accept the possibility of spooky events that are not seeable. It could be the undying soul of a person, souls are as possible as dark energy. Maybe there is an intangible release of energy at a violent death, or the abuse and/or murder of many people in a confined area. An old insane asylum for instance. As far as what I have seen as proof of ghosts, from personal experience and TV, is that when put in a place or situation that causes high levels of anxiety, probably fear as well, causes people to imagine or see things that are not there. Also take into consideration hallucinations caused by drugs or mental illnesses. Then there are non-crazy people who experience visions, but those are usually religious. Jesus is not considered a ghost. Then again, some of those"ghost hunter" TV personalities are damn liars.
"A creature stepped out of the wall and then, In the blackness it amassed above my hand, Felt it creeping from my head down to my feet, The creature let me know that it would be, Walking with me" From the song The Creature; performed by La Luz; from the album Floating Features; written by Shana Cleveland, Marian Li Pino, Lena Simon, Alice Sandahl; released 2018.
I am not an actual scientist but I play one on TV. So any inaccuracies should be deemed [sic]